A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

it is what it is
leto2626#2588 написал:

Yeah I watch a lot of PoE1 content creators that I've followed for years, some over a decade, and I don't see them actually having that much fun as before. Heck look at Pohx and CaptainLance now playing PoE1 again in that private league, it a total different vibe.
I guess we have this feeling because we only watch veterans play PoE2 and not new players, but that actually says a lot on itself. PoE 2 killed the fire for many players, for me tp the point I don't even want to play PoE1, the game I've played for 1000h per year since release. Give WASD to PoE1, literally the only thing I want right now to respark my enthousiasm. I know GGG won't do that because they don't want people flocking to PoE1, and to me that's the only reason why they refuse to make a placeholder reset for PoE1 right now. I wonder when they will realize pushing people never works, in no game.

PoE2 is just "tedious" to me. It has cool concepts and systems in it, and its fun for a while.
I played 4 or 5 characters to act 4 (act 1 cruel?) and stopped, because it just felt like such a drag to play. I could not even be bothered to get to maps.

And from what ive seen, mapping is even more tedious.
I dont enjoy "Dark Souls" games and i certainly dont want to play tedious games.
To each their own. As long as i get my PoE1 content, i will be happy.
You guys even do not sent me a key for PoE 2 as promised. Now this...
It's a deal breaker for me.
Funny how most of the haters here haven't played an early-access game before. Its main purpose is to show the players the basic idea of the game. It's way far from finished. You don't have any base for complete conclusions. Please reconsider.
Give it 1-2 years after the official release and come back here for some laughs.
It was a good 1-2 months of PoE 2 testing, but now seriously - we need an exact date for the new league in PoE 1, please.
PoE 1 > PoE 2
Marthuk#0788 написал:
leto2626#2588 написал:

Yeah I watch a lot of PoE1 content creators that I've followed for years, some over a decade, and I don't see them actually having that much fun as before. Heck look at Pohx and CaptainLance now playing PoE1 again in that private league, it a total different vibe.
I guess we have this feeling because we only watch veterans play PoE2 and not new players, but that actually says a lot on itself. PoE 2 killed the fire for many players, for me tp the point I don't even want to play PoE1, the game I've played for 1000h per year since release. Give WASD to PoE1, literally the only thing I want right now to respark my enthousiasm. I know GGG won't do that because they don't want people flocking to PoE1, and to me that's the only reason why they refuse to make a placeholder reset for PoE1 right now. I wonder when they will realize pushing people never works, in no game.

PoE2 is just "tedious" to me. It has cool concepts and systems in it, and its fun for a while.
I played 4 or 5 characters to act 4 (act 1 cruel?) and stopped, because it just felt like such a drag to play. I could not even be bothered to get to maps.

And from what ive seen, mapping is even more tedious.
I dont enjoy "Dark Souls" games and i certainly dont want to play tedious games.
To each their own. As long as i get my PoE1 content, i will be happy.

This is one of the strangest takes ive heard so far, 4 characters and not even finish the campaign? The one aspect of Poe 2 that people unanimously agree on that is far better than poe1. Some parts did feel like a drag because of the massive map layouts which will hopefully get fixed a bit.

End game is tedious but bro it’s EA, stuff will get fixed and changed quite a bit. Do you know how bad Poe closed beta was? Lmao stop comparing a game that’s had 13 years of getting dialed in to something that’s been out for 2 months
Последняя редакция: Rnew1990#5171. Время: 3 февр. 2025 г., 18:01:18
You guys aren't to confident, you've been utterly delusional for a very long time. Enough people told you so. To much noise, to little signal and not the right sources.

You reap what you sow, all you guys delivered was hubris and meaningless npc-phrases for ages when people still were hyped about one of your products.

Congratulations, you've fumbled the biggest lead in industry-history and now the roof is leaking and the basement is flooded.

Mission accomplished.
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
sounding alot like its time to just move on to a different game, if this is going to happen every single league for poe 1 and poe 2 than your just going to have 2 shit games with a huge player base thats just unhappy over all, i feel like releasing poe 2 was a colossal waste of time for the stage its currently in. this should have been smoother over all and alot better than its counter part poe 1.
I want to play the POE1 new season
I want to play the POE1 new season
I want to play the POE1 new season
If you don't have time to update the season, please release the previous season
Instead of unlimited extension

If the first generation stops updating, I will call on my friends to resist POE2

POE2 have too many bug and the gameplay is terrible

Poe2 can't bring me happiness. I tried playing it but it was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very uncomfortable
The current POE2 player base is people who see a magic weapon and say things like “in proportion, I've never seen such a powerful weapon in a game” (this was said by looking at a two-handed mace that even an NPC would be offended if you sold it to him).

Players mostly new to the genre of which 99.9% will not return, and casual players who will play a league every 5 years, you trade your loyal POE1 player base with this betrayal, for that other player base?

Best move in the industry... you need to go back to the garage you came out of to remember why you are where you are, regain some humility and thank your users better, no stabs along the way -_-

PS: It surely doesn't sound good, it's not pretty, but I offer you my sincerest wish to see POE2 fail, from my heart I say it, here's a lesson you haven't learned yet, sometimes these lessons are learned the hard way, I hope you can learn it soon, before you f..k it all up...
Последняя редакция: Davoker#7948. Время: 4 февр. 2025 г., 3:28:56

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