A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Gakguski#4926 написал:
full support for whatever you need to do GGG! :)

Well you barely play PoE 1 anyway
tragic_nate#2420 написал:

This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

I kinda feel the same. Don't know what i should believe any more from these developers. I only hear excuses after excuses and i dont like it.
dvs_m0rph#4605 написал:
I don't mind poe1 delays at all, but there better be big changes coming for poe2.
Funny how most people complaining about the delay somehow did not complete many challenges in a 6 month league. Some even have 0. What is that about?

Because people have to like a league?
This is just sad. I bought the EA for PoE2, but I'll not be playing it again anytime soon until you guys give PoE1 the love and importance it deserves
Glad I didnt buy PoE2 EA
For the love of Chris(God), give us Crucible back! We can easily notice how Path of Exiles 2 is taking a lot of your resources right now. Well, guess what, I implore you to recycle crucible, literally, same league than last league but you add crucible again. Isn't it the best of both worlds? Your own players asking for recycled content while more than ever you need to put out something quickly with minimal efforts. Wanted recycled content is literally the best form of efficiency there is and you know what to expect. Please do it, if not this league, next one =D
Thanks for the update.

All fine by me. I'm a standard player mainly and settlers was my first league played in years. I'd be happy if settlers just kept ticking along for another few months or so before 3.26 as I love that league.

Makes sense to me to work on POE2 first and get that sorted.

Of course that's just me personally, obviously a lot of unhappy campers out there judging from some of the other posts.
I hate poe2 with a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG passion,
never getting any money from me again, how can they fck up poe1 so hard? i cant believe what im seeing here.
this is the game that made them success and now they put it in the dumpster where poe2 belongs to.
Long time POE1 player, POE2 enjoyer, first time poster.

But this really killed any good will I have left for the state of POE1. And frankly it's left a nasty taste in my mouth for POE2 as well.

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