A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Eveeeerone on here saying im so glad i didnt buy the supporter packs.... why? when you all know so damn well that your going to buy it when it drops.... get the supporter packs, even if there is going to be a delay. you know why? cause for the past 13 years GGG has shown that even when the going gets tough. they will pull thru. It might take a minute,, but damn. give them the time it takes... theyve done more with poe2 since launch then d4 has done in a entire year.. its sad to say and unfortunte for people who main poe1 and casual poe2.... but mark my words, by june youll be grinding both games religiously and having a great time.
this is incredibly disappointing and i feel like my trust has been violated.

i miss the good old times when we used to get a league every three months.
no excuses, delays or extensions.
exteneded leagues and delays were already painful but this is almost breaking my heart.
An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises
meh, it's fine
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Just leave it in the past fr
bad bad news
I don't even know why they released POE2. It's just a worse POE1. They should have just put all their effort into making new content for the original game. I'm just disappointed about the whole situation. GGG really fu<ked up a good thing they had going.
'PoE 1 died for this.'

Honor it with a plaque in the PoE 2 Auction House.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
No soup for you!
im not gonna lie ... i am actually enjoying that the league keeps going ... but ya at some point we need new content.

honestly if they just dumped the settlers content to standard it would appease a lot of people.

im not a fan of poe 2 other than the graphics bump
IGN- Shaeyaena

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