A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Not trying to be overly pessimistic, but if 3.26 failed to materialize with dealing with the release of 0.1, how in the world is 0.2 going to be any different. As much as you test there's gonna be a lot of crashes and extreme balancing issues. With how things are being run now I find it hard to believe poe 1 will ever get any worth wile dev time again
i would re-release old leagues that have not went core alongside their mtx challenges for people to earn for the next few months people would be actually happy about that and you can keep resources on poe2

but ggg wont read this they dont give a fuck lmfao i doubt they ever read forums
GGG should have delayed poe2 for another year and a 2 before fully ready releasing it into beta. They rushed to much and now they can't handle it because there is to much work to do simultaneously on poe1 and poe2.

Also why not just run old leagues in poe1 every month or 2 until 3.26. like Archnemesis or Scourge for example. I think that would make poe1 players really, really happy and its not much work needed for ggg because you have that content done already.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Последняя редакция: TizeNO#2673. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 22:23:25
After 9+ months of 3.25, POE 3.26 better be the best league we've ever seen in the history of POE. None of this mediocre "oh you run here, kills this, collect this, go to vendors, buy this, build your town" crap.

There better be ubers. There better be massive endgame additions. The league better have the most cracked mechanic we've ever seen. 3.26 needs to be better than anything POE2 could offer us or, quite frankly, POE1 will be dead in the water and your community will lose all faith in your ability to manage the task of creating meaningful content for both games consistently. You're already halfway there.
The POE1 team should have never been moved to POE2.
Money matters over goodwill I guess.
Последняя редакция: dan3223#1134. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 22:26:23
Carno836#7276 написал:
hardmuncle#6661 написал:
As a 2012 POE player Jonathon don't beat yourselfs up over this. POE1 has shone brightly for a decade its POE2's time to rise, yes the EA isn't perfect but, putting all your resources to getting it right is the best decision its already a much more engaging game combat wise when the balance is right!

POE2 is stunning game and as someone who saw POE1 develop over time I am sure that it will shape up to being better than POE1 eventually.

POE2 is the future and I'm 100% sure that GGG can make this game incredible.

Don't bow to the pressure of the vocal few who want to wind back the clock ten years when there are literally millions of people loving what is already there in POE2 and a community that knows deep down POE2 is the future of GGG and ARPG's in general. I feel really badly how nasty the community is being over another POE1 league right now when its obvious POE2 should be the focus so it fully releases in a much more pleasant and playable state.

100% support your decisions GGG everyone makes mistakes its learning from them that paves the way for true progress.

What a brainless glazing. A game you spent the last 13 years playing gets butchered by a bastard offspring of it that's worse in every single way, and you clap? Vocal few? Have you read the response to this announcement? Is there any way of getting into the padded hugbox you put your mind in at all? PoE 2 is fundamentally broken, years of experience the devs have gotten from PoE 1 squandered. The Vision is dead, and you keep clapping for shiny new product to consume, despite it being a nicely packaged turd.

Yeah that's totally why PoE2, in a paid only state, maintained a higher player count on steam alone for well over a month than PoE1 ever had in its life.
Im excited for the future to come. No worries about the delays, everyone will have time for their 40 challenges.
Soo disappointing. Honestly I hope POE2 can one day grab my attention like POE1 does, but right now there is not enough in it too.

This is the perfect time to run race events in POE1. Please do not leave us stuck with a year of vanilla SoK / Necro Settlers. Reopen new leagues every month, and get some race events going so I can enjoy this game and everything about it.

I want to believe 3.26 is going to come, but I dont want you to resign the game to the graveyard. If that does happen you've made a big mistake.

Flashback league with Synthesis or Harvest Enabled to tide us over.

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