A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

If were not going to get leagues, can we at least get some events or races. Its been stated before they're not difficult to enable. We don't even need rewards. Just give us economy resets or something. Maybe even bring back old leagues as they were and void it or something. Go wild. This is a huge kick in the teeth. I'm generally for giving ggg the benefit of the doubt in how they word things but come on guys, you told us to expect info and even said we will get another league and its in the works only to drop this. Not even a date. . . . This is coming from someone who loves PoE 2 but you guys really did the PoE 1 diehards dirty.
As someone who loves Path of Exile 1, I obviously played Path of Exile 2 from the very first day of early access. I believed I could enjoy both games league after league. But in this video, you’re telling us that POE-1 will forever be at the very bottom of GGG’s priority list. You’ve fixed all the major bugs in POE-2, and while the lack of endgame content is an issue, it’s understandable since it’s still in early access—no one expects a ton of content at this stage. However, you’re saying that POE-1 won’t get any attention until you’ve added more content to POE-2. Realistically, this situation is going to drag on forever, and POE-1 is effectively dead, despite your claims to the contrary.

I know you don’t care, but from this point on, I won’t spend a single hour playing POE-2—not even trying out version 0.2.0 or 1.0. It feels like you’ve spit in the face of me and countless other devoted POE-1 fans who supported POE-2 from the front lines.
Everyone had a great time, but every road has an end, and so does path of exile. It's time to say goodbye.
Последняя редакция: meobong2909#7779. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:01:33
well, for me was looking forward for poe 2 to be intergrated with poe 1 in first place which ggg said they were gonna do but did not,i tried poe 2 and it took about 5 minutes to delete game and seriously consider if i should play poe at all, sadly, poe is not gonna be as enjoyable and as fun as it was back then, now its about Divine per hour or chaos per hour and grinding for scraps, anyways, GG
you'll recieve no more support from me, uninstalling and won't be playing that p.o.s called poe 2
They bet everything on poe2.
And I fully think Poe2 is mismanaged from dev and QA perspective.
So they had to pull in all resources before release only to find that the state of the game is even worse than they feared.
Jonathan's interviews since release show how out of his depth he is as a game director. Faced with backlash from the community, he chose to double down on design decisions, instead of listening. But the problems did not disappear magically with 0.1.1 Bugfixes. Furthermore, they need 0.2 to be massive in order to get decent marketing and momentum. Otherwise, the perception of poe2 as an unfixable mess might be permanently engraved into public perception.
Poe2 feature and scope creep from its original idea (c.f. Ben's video) may well have begun to threaten GGG's as a whole.
And now PoE1 is paying the price: they need devs who understand FUN to fix unfun Poe2 endgame.
Having two games with vastly different design philosophies is unsustainable. They painted themselves into a corner.
They are in damage control mode between a rock and a hard place.

Lots and lots of people predicted this. But they were laughed at. How could a company like GGG make such seemingly obvious mistakes?

And here we are. Community trust is at an all time minimum. Personally, I do not believe a word from them anymore. It is typical company jargon, like from every other company out there. With good reason: GGG are now just another game company, subject to the same rules as everyone else.
Последняя редакция: Alatikus#7759. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:00:19
If I posted what I wanted to post, I'd get banned from the forums.

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