A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Duffmannz#3115 написал:
i played Poe 1 for 4000+ houres ez and i know thats light for some users BUT this type of negativity im reading will not help
when someone make's a "F$%K up at your work are you the type people who sit there yelling/teasing them? OR! do you jump in and help?

OK he come out saying they made F%^K up so move on and let's get helping... makeing them feel bad is not going to make them BUILD two massive game's faster!!! they might just say build your own f$%king game and walk out :) that happend's at work and this is there job!! so let them cook and if you can do it better DO IT!!! go help them build 2 massive game's at same time~!!!!

This post doesn't make any sense. He lied. He flat out lied. He had already pulled the core dev team of POE1, which has launched every league late this year, when he said POE1 wouldn't be impacted. If he came out and said "We had this crazy ambitious league, but it just fell apart at the seams" We'd all be like man that stinks but POE1 polite waiting room it is.

He just told you on video he lied to your face knowingly dude. Being late is one thing. I'm the kind of POE1 lover that got POE2 free man. I love this game they made, well the first one, but lying is unacceptable. Not everyone is ok with choking down things from companies and just taking it.
I want to migrate my settler characters to standard.
if you thought any differently then you were dreamin! knew this would happen and not even mad about it. Played Poe1 for 7 years. We needed a fresh platform!
I appreciate the honesty. I also get why some people are upset. In my mind, all the work that was/is being put into porting POE1 transactions into POE2 is the thing that really makes this all okay. Any other company would have taken the opportunity to draw this transition out as long as possible, and milk it until both games were completely dead. GGG being honest about their capacity and intentions is commendable.
you guys acting like there aint OTHER games to play. give them time. stressing them in forums is helping who?
Im glad PoE 1 is potnetially going to get an update.
Youtube - PartTimeExile


"Remember, youre the best."
Последняя редакция: moerutora#4751. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:12:52
the end of poe1 sure came in a weird fashion, i hope you lose everything in terms of financial gain ggg, i hope every support completely leaves you behind, years of lies about poe 2 being a poe1 expansion, which then escalated into its own golden goose game, which isn't even a decent game, funded by us, the decade long fanbase who supported you, disappointed is too light of a word for a pathetic excuse of news like this.
God this really fucked up my day ggg.
I'm sorry guys there has been a problem, me buying any supporter pack or whatsoever has been delayed. Probably untill februari, euh i mean 2025...
rofl, ok so just lie a whole bunch, be terrible managers, delay telling us, lie some more.

but y'all got paid, so whatever, i guess.

honestly, and disrespectfully, kinda like, fuck you, man. you coulda told us this earlier. this is an utter shitshow of predictable consequences following the launch of a deeply incomplete early access game.

PoE1 can rot, with leagues running forever and delays delays delays

but PoE2 has to get out the door even if you're secretly pulling tons of resources off of PoE to work on PoE2

it's very, very, very, very obvious that all the prior talk about respecting the game that built this company has been forgotten. but hey, y'all got your big payday and the poe2 players are more important, right? the passion for PoE seems gone, y'all only seem to care about PoE2

no date for 3.26, no info

no date for 0.2, no info

couldn't even be bothered to have a few devs spin up some crazy void leagues to keep us busy, that's just disrespectful, bro
Последняя редакция: edgecrusherO0#4497. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:14:43

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