A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

You guys never fail to disappoint its kind of wild.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
tragic_nate#2420 написал:

This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

Man, I feel the same way... this probably the longest I've not had PoE be my main game since, like, 2012. I'm trying really hard to like PoE 2 enough to keep me busy but I just don't get the feeling of power progression through the levels like I do in PoE 1. So the 'not really liking PoE 2' along with 'nothing new in PoE 1' sets me up for falling out of love with it.

Now, the whole announcement of "Basically, we kinda forgot about PoE 1 and have nothing" rather than saying the current state of the game and following it up with "Here's some cool events or mini-leagues we have planned" adds to the feeling I've already been having.

They need to really work on their bad news sandwiches.
sjeshin#3367 написал:
Ameladol#0651 написал:
Wow people are really just trash huh... so many of these comments from trash people who claim to be supporters.

They messed up, they are still a relatively small company down here in New Zealand. And they've come out and said hey, we messed up we are sorry but we will get back to POE1 in the future.

Thats a better message than most dev companies out there would do.

Come play bloody football manager, now thats a how to not run a game company right there...

No. You don't get to call people trash. He was dishonest. That deserves admonishment. They deserve all of the flak they are getting. They are not a small company dude. 52 million USD a year in revenue, 83 Million NZD. That is not a small company by any standard.

The size of a company is more about its employed workers, not their revenue. If Amazon had 20 employees and still earned billions in revenue, they'd be a small, very very profitable company. If GGG has a small team overall, and maybe they have standards they want to uphold, or maybe it's not so simple to hire more people; like maybe there's not that many developers to pick from that are from NZ or willing to move there, then it's understandable that they may have had some unforeseen delays here. These are both big games, and out of the two the newer one sorely needs attention.

Let's say they simply hired more developers, and updates came with consistent massive issues due to a lack of experience. Would you rather that was the experience you had with the upcoming and future PoE updates, or that there is a delay currently in an otherwise very playable and fleshed out game? It's not like PoE is a bad game right now.

There's also a difference between being dishonest and failing to manage to do something on time that you had every intention of doing. That so many grown adults are having such a massive hissyfit over a delay when they are at least open about what has happened is embarrassing. There's no FOMO dailies that keeps you playing every day. It's okay to put the game down until the next update if you aren't having fun right now. They'll work on PoE1 still. The focus is just on the new child right now, since it's having more issues than its older sibling.
Последняя редакция: Absconditus#0168. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 22:38:22
How about you ditch the console support and do things properly?

You can still do it, or you can continue and kill the game by not improving the game itself and just providing mediocre phase of content for everyone.

Just pick a platform and work on THE GAME.

You are just providing less to people who are lazy by running to them and people don't want fundamentally to be lazy.
Hey guys and gals and everyone else.

If I take the PoE1 team off that game and send them to work on PoE2 for like 6 months, will that negatively impact PoE1 development?

I'm asking for a Game Director.
This is a proper dev. Brotha POE 2 is great. and So it POE1. 2 could not be great without the birth of poe1 in the first place. honestly thank you for telling us and owning up to it. you da man. ima buy some more tabs
Man, you guys in the comments are doomers... The people who comment in these forums after spending $10000 on the game are worse than Reddit.
GGG you are in a tough situation of your own making. It is unfortunate but, I'll wait. POE2 is rough and does need lots of work. POE1 needs ER care with a some legacy league (Affliction please!) or lots of cool race events with prizes. How about even a POE1 Standard event! Make it hard and let us put all our storage items back into play.

Keep at it!
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
NO ONE CARES ABOUT POE 1 just all hands on deck POE 2! :)
All the doom and gloom in the comments, they're being really honest and transparent so I have to show respect to that.

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