A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

take my suggestion: stop making anything new for poe1, and focus on poe2.

I am so done with you guys and [Removed by Support], liar.

Just keep that poe2 [Removed by Support].
Последняя редакция: Joel_GGG#1496. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:22:25
capprice13#7209 написал:
so many doomers in here. What he said is reasonable. Wtf is wrong with you?
Have they not done it this way, you would be here crying about the state of Poe2.

PoE2 is early access. i couldnt care less if its another 5 years till release.
Cashed the checks for PoE 2 and abandoned PoE 1 and hid it as long as they could. Game is over. PoE 2 is a massive downgrade. GGG had a good run I guess. Starting their Blizzard Activision arc
This was always the most obvious outcome. If I sell pens, and my pens are the most used pens on the market, but I want to change them, I wouldn't manufacture 2 different pens, I would change the original pen. A game company just isn't going to continue support for 2 games that eat each other's market share, it's a terrible business strategy.
Sadge but I understand
Huge tnx for being honest
GGG should be ashamed. This company is full of lies. No more words are able to be added to this. They ruined their reputation with bad management.
Seems like the smart move imo. POE 2 is much better anyways
My only advice to them is to make sure that when they get to the next POE1 season it had better be a banger.
Tbh I'm cool with this, Poe2 has exponentially more long-term potential, coming from someone that's loved Poe for a decade.

I think people need their fix clearly but poe2 is just a modernized version of the first game and it feels good. Will be around still for the long haul either way, thanks for the honesty :)
Последняя редакция: DireDrop#7028. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 23:29:43

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