A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I was still praying for POE1 release in Feb... Losing my love for POE :(
If you released 3.26 then you would have a few months to devote to 0.2.0 without player backlash most likely. Seems backwards to devote everything to poe2 right now.
Please release some new mid league thing at least :c
Let me get this right, you're going to table the actual functioning game that is POE1 in favor of doing a second beta pass of POE2 (which is a very questionable choice in the first place) and you're doing this after you said you wouldn't. How did you go from my favorite gaming company to this in less than 6 months? POE2 needs so much work that it's likely at a point where you'd want to scrape it to bare bones and rebuild from there rather than tweak what you have.

Please reconsider this decision and put POE1 back on the front burner.
If you guys are going to kill POE1 for this can you at least make this next patch have an end game be not a massive downgrade in every possible way and give us item progression that isn't slot machine or trade?
My guy, really? You could not see how more devs for the thing you prefer to work on wouldn't change basically everything in your planning?
This is a long, PR corporate talk to say PoE2 is the entire focus, and PoE1 gets whatever is left.

If the words "won't affect Poe1" really meant anything, you would never even consider bringing devs over to 2. But you did, so now what you say means less to us.
Honestly, I like both games.

Whatever leads to having both in great states I am willing to wait for.
I want long term enjoyment and years and years of fun!
Sad news, but it's for the best. Maybe we can get a rerun of an old league?
What in damnation have you done?
Just release anything for PoE1. Please. Even if it’s just another thing like necro settlers. At least do something if there’s a whole leagues worth of time until the next league.
I get it. You guys are doing the best you can.POE2 is incredible so far and it will certainly hold me over until you all have the time to release a polished and ready 3.26. Sorry for all the hate you guys are getting. You don't deserve it.

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