Update on Path of Exile 1


"we don't have time nor people to make league"
so let's cook another useless event

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DutchMilk#4689 написал:
duiliofrancisos#6218 написал:
DutchMilk#4689 написал:
Don't know why people are cheering. They are doing this because it is a last move to appeal their fanbase. Which they chose to stepover to begin with.

Always remember this.

The root problem remain - Jonathan is still making critical decision.

Always remember, no company is your friend nor what they do is intrinsic good for you. They are doing for themselves. Do not be fooled. You are disposable as soon as you are no longer needed

And who cares, bro? We just need a frash breathe of POE 1. Go back to your Dably4

I don't even play Diablo 4. And I am not your bro. Mind your manner and learn how to reply like a proper person. Your kind of trolling need to be moderated.

PoE1 players have been asking for GGG to throw us a bone, now they have and you still want to make some sort of stand? lol, stay mad BRO.
Последняя редакция: swerv0#4579. Время: 2 февр. 2025 г., 22:46:04
Cant wait
Had lost faith you cared. Thank you
A drowning man grasps at straws...
Or how to shut up the people who believed in us and supported us. But that won't solve the problem. There is still a league that has been going on for seven months. And a new league, at best, won't start until the turn of May and June. That's a whole year of lies and ignorance because of unfinished trash "POE2"...
Still log out...
GangstaRooster#1409 написал:

"we don't have time nor people to make league"
so let's cook another useless event

My setiment also. And 1 month? The kind of time frame I can't give a fuck about.

PoE1 is dead and I don't like PoE2.. Last Epoch in April and I just bought a new graphic card so.. GGG.. thanks for all and goodbye.
ZaibachLPL#0505 написал:
GangstaRooster#1409 написал:

"we don't have time nor people to make league"
so let's cook another useless event

My setiment also. And 1 month? The kind of time frame I can't give a fuck about.

PoE1 is dead and I don't like PoE2.. Last Epoch in April and I just bought a new graphic card so.. GGG.. thanks for all and goodbye.

PoE 1 and 2 gonna be just fine with or without you lil bro, dont overestimate yourself too much touch some grass so you can be in check with reality

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