Update on Path of Exile 1

After soo long anything is good. I would love to see option for bring back MF alive once again, with sobe crazy numbers. Eg. Ascendancy dedicated to MF...
Focus on POE2 pls
PreaHs#0572 написал:
Don't overdo it keep it simple , you won't be able to do it anyway.

overdo what? It's just beta test for poe2 obviously
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
Horojkee#0953 написал:
So now we are getting another Alpha test of some ideas for PoE2 under the disguise of good will? No, thanks, GGG. You should've dedicated SOME of your devs to PoE2, and let everyone work on PoE1 as it used to be.

Hey man we can complain about absence of content, but what content to release always was ggg's decision. They are devs, not we are, u know? :)
thank you ggg, by the way i love poe1 more than 2
cringewilson#2761 написал:

Hey man we can complain about absence of content, but what content to release always was ggg's decision. They are devs, not we are, u know? :)

We, as community and supporters who pay, deserve to be respected. Abandoning the game to pursue some "vision" and breaking their own promises is far from respect. And what now? Instead of a meaningful event, we are getting another test for their PoE2 vision.
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.", right, GGG?
throw the sink in it to and dont balance it , lets go nuts
Not enough. Not even close to be enough!
These actions need to have consequences. I am sick of GGG abusing POE1 as a testing ground for POE2 and treating their loyal customer like shit.
How a company of GGGs size has such a small staff, is beyond me. Guess we need to buy more MTX to pay for that, hu?
Jonathan planing and blatant lies crossed a line and he needs to get replaced with someone, who is able to plan and communicate accordingly.
Thank you!

Would appreciate it more if it all happened before all the community private leagues started, since that is going to split the player base, but this is still awesome.


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