More Information About the Legacy of Phrecia Event

Which Ascendancy should we showcase next?

Disciple of the Trialmaster
Daughter of Oshabi
Servant of Arakaali
Carcharoth68#5131 написал:
So, for Gambler, what happens if I take both Heads and Tails? Or are they mutually exclusive?

lucky + unlucky cancels eachother out. It makes it normal again.

also you cant take both at the same time, it won't let you.
feral_nature#7076 написал:

edit: is risky exploit -25% max res?

It isn't worded that way so I wouldn't have thought so, just -25% res :)
o0AlanW0o#0489 написал:
Why dont u guys make a league consisting of this content, just like in affliction give extra ascendancies for labirynth points for example. There's already enough content for league. I just dont understand.

They want us to test this for a month because it's far from balanced.
A league would be a release and this an alpha test.
But the idea seduce me and can improve a lot Future iterations of the both games.

(and it a good answer to what many POE1 players asked for : something new to play quickly in poe1 )
expected much more from the ascendancies

harbinger could be something like:

"immune to enemies and traps damage while you have at least 1 minion
you take 3% of the damage taken by your minions
your minions take double damage"

"zombies, skeletons and raging spirits become channelling skills with base duration = 5 seconds, creating 1 minion per 5 max minions each time, 0,5 cast time. zombies do not require corpses."

"when you stop channelling a minion skill, all current minons explode dealing 5% of their maximum life as lightning damage and 100% chance to shock"

and so on... much cooler idea and waaaaaaaaaaay more game changing
Back legacy explode to the game lol
rafaelgxs#3673 написал:
expected much more from the ascendancies

harbinger could be something like:

"immune to enemies and traps damage while you have at least 1 minion
you take 3% of the damage taken by your minions
your minions take double damage"

"zombies, skeletons and raging spirits become channelling skills with base duration = 5 seconds, creating 1 minion per 5 max minions each time, 0,5 cast time. zombies do not require corpses."

"when you stop channelling a minion skill, all current minons explode dealing 5% of their maximum life as lightning damage and 100% chance to shock"

and so on... much cooler idea and waaaaaaaaaaay more game changing

This all sounds awful and way worse of a design than harbinger.

Harbinger is actually pretty insane, 40% cdr on a 2 pointer is nuts
"As a bonus you also get to fly and be blue."

Am I immune to ground effect then?
rafaelgxs#3673 написал:
expected much more from the ascendancies

harbinger could be something like:

"immune to enemies and traps damage while you have at least 1 minion
you take 3% of the damage taken by your minions
your minions take double damage"

"zombies, skeletons and raging spirits become channelling skills with base duration = 5 seconds, creating 1 minion per 5 max minions each time, 0,5 cast time. zombies do not require corpses."

"when you stop channelling a minion skill, all current minons explode dealing 5% of their maximum life as lightning damage and 100% chance to shock"

and so on... much cooler idea and waaaaaaaaaaay more game changing

More game changing? Yes, perhaps.
Much cooler? No, not really. I'd gladly take GGG's take on Harbinger ascendancy over this.

On a side note, I'm curious what's going to happen with Forbidden Flesh/Flame...

P.S. Not sure why you are suggesting summoner-only nodes on a ascendancy that is meant for casters/trigger builds. Perhaps you should wait for new "summoner" ascendancy reveal, maybe it will have some unique ideas?
Последняя редакция: Ultimait#4182. Время: 6 февр. 2025 г., 14:45:32
HYPE !!! PoE 1 MAIN.
Just do all ascendancies at once why are you trickling them few per week.

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