The Legacy of Phrecia Teasers

Zuuule#6329 написал:
Magenta_Blue#3341 написал:
Excuse my ignorance, but are these ascendancies permanent or just part of a single event?

These are for an event they will be running prior to 3.26

I hope the ascendancies remain or slightly changed if need be because they look very fun. Poison shadow SRS login? You can start that in ssf now, which is such a nice quality of life.
Can't wait to try out the spider ascendancy
All of the ascendancies look like fun <3
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
rarinden#0783 написал:
FTKesho90#5799 написал:
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
Yet another "league" that force players to do one of the most awkward mechanic in the game (lab) in order to enjoy new content. Players already spent so many hours in lab farming for new gems and now you are forcing us again to do the most unlikable thing in whole PoE 1 game. It won't be fun just because there is something new rather than relief when you finish it. I think I'll pass on this one and stay in PoE 2 where there are at least some new things. Peace

It takes you about 30 minutes for all 4 labs in total + - 10 maybe. Especially if you spend sooo many hours in it already. PoE 2 also forces you to do it, and takes what you want but dont make stuff up man.

You are talking about Lab just for Ascendancy they were talking about getting the correct gem from Lab which can be build enabling and they are not wrong. It can take a very long time to get the gem you want(SSF). Atleast address the correct facts

Unless i just had a stroke i am pretty sure i was addressing the correct facts. " forces , in order to enjoy new content" The new content are the new ascendancies. His WORDS clearly complain about them locking the ascendacies behind the lab. The gems are only mentioned afterwards to explain WHY people have spend already countless hours in the lab. This is obviously irrelevant, i did 1000 uber mavens before that doesnt mean i start the league with awakened empower..."It wont be fun jsut because there is something new" another callback to the problem he is having. The new content (ascendancies) being locked behind the lab. Please, pretty please dont be so overconfident.
WhySoDark#0513 написал:
Trickster may not exist in this league but I already feel like there's gonna be a lot of people playing Shadow (Servant of Arakaali) lol.

Free lvl15 Envy means it doesn't restrict our gear to United in Dream and other sources of Envy and a lvl30 Aspect of the Spider meaning it saves us a Suffix on gear is insane QoL for chaos/minion builds.

Also 3.26 when?

and no support gem scaling for new talent spiders from ascendancy. and no scaling for envy with support gems. but we can still use other minions and this talent spiders+envy. interesting combo
Последняя редакция: Aterochka#1787. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 17:35:22
Cool, when will we get more crumbs of ascendancies that are just unique items converted into points, with no prediction of when they'll happen?
xStyrosx#2024 написал:
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
PoE 1 players: make this a league
PoE 1 players after 1 week in this event: we want new league and more content QQ

buddy, its not a new league, its literally small patch . There nothing will be "league like" here and I can predict this even will be on void league so its makes everything even worse. This like you said "league" is literally " hold our online for poe1 , we didn't actually abandoned it " , like it or not its truth. so OBVIOUSLY people will want more because poe1 have huge player base and devs actually abandoned the game

What a low IQ take. The most fun content in PoE1 is build diversity, making new builds with new skills and combinations etc etc. We are getting completely new Ascendancies which will lead to an absurd amount of wanting to test and try different things which is 10000x better than a new league mechanic of "spawn these mobs from this thematic flavored object and kill them for new currency".

It's like you don't even play PoE1 my guy.
I am as exited as getting my nuts crushed by an elephant.

This looks like a lazy way to bring out a bare minimum "league" to fullfill the promise of a new league which has been postponed for at least another quarter of a year.

I really hope you guys can do better than this.
Последняя редакция: P_R#7593. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 18:21:33

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