The Legacy of Phrecia Teasers

A lot of these look really weak. Imagine spending 2 ascendancy points for 10% action speed some of the time. There's a reason a lot of these items these nodes are based on are dead content.
mariox1011#7382 написал:
A lot of these look really weak. Imagine spending 2 ascendancy points for 10% action speed some of the time. There's a reason a lot of these items these nodes are based on are dead content.

Bro not only that, look at the Witch "Harbinger" most of the stats coming from a unique Harbinger belt and a chest the Stasis Prison...

Weak as hell.

They added something new so the players can have fun for the "season" not really a season but ok, wy not add something really powerful and fun like explode and such cool things? I mean it is temporary thing or am i totally out of touch?
to much cry baby's here seams go play poe 2 and stop this nonsense.
It seems like a strange critique to say these ascendancies are weak.

Weak compared to the normal ones? Why would that matter if they're all being changed?

As long as they're all at roughly the same power level surely it's a non-issue?
Последняя редакция: KillStuff#6724. Время: 8 февр. 2025 г., 6:44:41
GGG can we atleast transfer character from league to standard now?
KillStuff#6724 написал:
It seems like a strange critique to say these ascendancies are weak.

Those are some clowns, I don't really get it too.
On Probation Any%
mariox1011#7382 написал:
A lot of these look really weak. Imagine spending 2 ascendancy points for 10% action speed some of the time. There's a reason a lot of these items these nodes are based on are dead content.

you look weak
Keep the ascendencies don't let it be linited time make these permanent!
Here’s the teaser for another amazing Ascendancy Class: the Disciple of Broken Promises(Duelist).

As an incredible warrior for continuing to play this even after so many broken promises, the Disciple of Broken Promises was carefully created in less than 3 minutes, just like the other Phrecia's Ascendancies. Its power comes from its infinite patience in waiting for news about Path of Exile 1 and its extreme ability to silently accept everything bad that has been done.
mariox1011#7382 написал:
A lot of these look really weak. Imagine spending 2 ascendancy points for 10% action speed some of the time. There's a reason a lot of these items these nodes are based on are dead content.

Depends on the viewpoint tbh, I think Harbinger ascendancy is actually somewhat usable, since you can easily achieve 100% harbinger buff uptime easily with it. Although I agree that those "Grants X Harbinger skill" nodes are somewhat lackluster to spend ascendancy points on, considering they can be obtained through uniques, but I still can see some decent use cases, like not being able to have a shield (Harbinger of Focus) or getting a Mageblood for a belt slot.

I'm pretty sure some smartass will be able to figure out a fun build for this Ascendancy.

for 10% action speed

"Be fast. That is all that matters."
- Rita of the Asylum
Последняя редакция: Ultimait#4182. Время: 8 февр. 2025 г., 12:06:14

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