The Legacy of Phrecia Teasers

Don't bother. Shut down PoE 1. You're just taking resources and time away from the better game.
This Mini league sounds great but wow is this really gonna take 1+ month to launch? and is this really taking away resources from developing 3.26? I mean its been a week since announcement of this league and we have gotten 4 ascendancies? I love you guys and ggg but what are we actually doing ???
Discord: tezosz
Dias2026#1074 написал:
maxtraxv3#6008 написал:
Servant of Arakaali looking really good, wish is was witch, still cool.

how do you get minion nodes when servant of arakaalis start in shadow side of tree? It has no synergy

I've made a fun Elementalist build that went all the way over to the Bow and projectile bonuses. You just need to be plan well.

Was it the best build ever? No. Was it fun? Yes.
Hey, can we get Chris pls ? Ta
"sorry everyone, we didn't put anyone on POE1 so we can't have 3.26. We are not going to be updating POE1. But what we can do move people over and take a month and a half to make a pretend league"

Why not just make an actual league then?
ZenJelly#0503 написал:
Don't bother. Shut down PoE 1. You're just taking resources and time away from the better game.

This is your opinion. POE2 is certainly a DIFFERENT game from POE1. While the direction was clear in the way POE1 was changing (more complex new bosses mechanics, ssf, hardcore), it still caters to a crowd that will only partially be taken over by POE2. Therefore, while I fully expect GGG to make sure all these shared POE1/POE2 potential fan base be taken over by POE2 and that POE2 will continue to be engaging most of GGG reources (nothing really new, probably just a bit more apparent in the future), some players will either stay in POE1 or leave GGG altogether, and that includes some of early access POE2 players. I am one of them.
GGG will have to evaluate the business case and decide how much and how long to continue POE1 journey - but it definitely is not a simple 'POE2 is simply better, only some dinosaurs stick to old habits, they just need a gentle prod, they will make noise because this is what they do and then will play POE2'
Последняя редакция: xriegg#1341. Время: 9 февр. 2025 г., 13:01:24
Are we there yet.
If GGG will stall this event more, people will be furious. They were already upset on GGG for all the POE 1 stalling and delays

why make 19 new ascendancies? Just make 7 for each class and ship it. Event is short anyway. All energy and resources should go towards the 3.26 league and POE 2.
Hardcore420#7726 написал:
This Mini league sounds great but wow is this really gonna take 1+ month to launch? and is this really taking away resources from developing 3.26? I mean its been a week since announcement of this league and we have gotten 4 ascendancies? I love you guys and ggg but what are we actually doing ???

This is my thought too, it's just more waiting but for a different thing.

Sure I'll play the event when it finally comes out but I can't get excited from these announcements anymore - it's just a waste of energy.
Polantaris#1920 написал:
Dias2026#1074 написал:
maxtraxv3#6008 написал:
Servant of Arakaali looking really good, wish is was witch, still cool.

how do you get minion nodes when servant of arakaalis start in shadow side of tree? It has no synergy

I've made a fun Elementalist build that went all the way over to the Bow and projectile bonuses. You just need to be plan well.

Was it the best build ever? No. Was it fun? Yes.

you right its all about fun, don't chase meta builds, just play whatever make you happy

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