The Legacy of Phrecia Teasers

can we have for this even auto pickup of lesser shrine plx ??? theres so much things that produce lesser shrines but picking them up makes you go so goddamn slow .....
Would be nice if we could use Essences on fishing rods, dont know if its possible now or not.
hack and slash , all the day :)

Proud beta member since patch 0.9.5!
Can anyone explain what the time skill is? That is time Skill which it include skills that have cooldowns time (Flicker Strike, Void Sphere ) and skills that have Base duration (Flame wall, tornado) or all skill have tag Duration. Thank for explain.
Not good enough to log in for.

Events with no rewards aren't events. And we're not here for events, were here for the main game.

Start working GGG, you have 2 games to maintain, and BOTH of them are almost a league (3 month cycle) old.

I'm expecting a big CONTENT update for BOTH poe 1 and 2.
Последняя редакция: Rakie1337#5746. Время: 11 февр. 2025 г., 4:41:50
Waystone stash tabs when?
This event will launch on Consoles as well?
Still no crossplay on poe 1?
Rakutsi#1887 написал:
Would be nice if we could use Essences on fishing rods, dont know if its possible now or not.

how the heck would you do that
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Rakie1337#5746 написал:
Not good enough to log in for.

Events with no rewards aren't events. And we're not here for events, were here for the main game.

Start working GGG, you have 2 games to maintain, and BOTH of them are almost a league (3 month cycle) old.

I'm expecting a big CONTENT update for BOTH poe 1 and 2.

then don't - I think they are outperforming every major game studio still and all you do is rant. Almost three month old game content - how dare they. They really should be ashamed not to constantly fill you life with enjoyment but only every 3-4 months.
Leito333#7293 написал:
Maybe some information about poe2, your new game? Who want dead old game poe2?

Maybe give both games the room they deserve and stop trashposting in both forums? I bet you post it the other way around in PoE2 forums.
Make marauder/warrior great again
I can finally play marauder and not being the most useless squishy pathetic low dps slow af character in the game....

Lioneye's shield + Svallin, GG afk anywhere you want, have lunch in a maven fight(if svallin goes to core)
Последняя редакция: zsirfoka#3193. Время: 11 февр. 2025 г., 7:00:07

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