State of Early Access Update

OceanOnece#6272 написал:
That is it? Oh come on, instead of repeating what has already been done, we need more concrete info about future changes.

this exactly!!!
Also, Map Tab When?

Tencent doesn't know how to do Map tabs.
After 10 weeks of feedback you rly come to the conclusion of balancing issues being the biggest problems of the game?

That is mindblowing and terrifying at the same time and im rly shocked that you obviously ignore our constant feedback.

- no word about map layouts (not fun, to big, checkpoints dont change that)
- no word about atlas tree (terrible boring)
- no word about towers (NOT FUN, now we have more variants of NOT FUN)
- no word about crafting (worse than poe1 beta crafting over a decade ago)
- no word about area reset on death (makes us lose content, map and loot on death)

that are the fundamental problems, not any balancing issues.

stop ignoring feedback or you will fail this game.
Последняя редакция: Pl4t1numX#4325. Время: 7 февр. 2025 г., 11:05:30
Have you ever wondered why users are only using "auto-attack builds" and "one-hit kill builds" in the current version of POE2?
It's true that they're strong, but fundamentally,
- They don't want to do the "work" of evasion.
The key point in a multi-loop game
- is to be able to play the game without thinking.
Evade games are just an element that hinders this.
Being forced to evade is "just noise."
Don't force evasion. That simple fix will save many users.
Evading is a failure specification (if you want to play the evasion game, you can play the evasion game, but if you can "only" play the evasion game, that's a failure specification)
We made a ton of changes to monsters and bosses to fix one shots, improved telegraphing...

lol, are we playing the same game?

Max resists, armor and evasion both in my 60%'s, lvl 87, still getting one shot by random shit on maps.

I play extremely defensively and still get nuked by random untelegraphed / invisible effects.

Either tone down damage or buff armor so the only viable way to play isn't abusing MoM, Energy Shield.
Thank you for your work!

One of my biggest issues with PoE 2 is the number of unfortunate layouts I have to run before I can start making progress on my builds. It reminds me too much of the old sextant system that blocked maps.

I personally play PoE 1 until I have a mageblood, an HH, and finish building out some characters. The grind is my favorite part of that game. So, that's one of the reasons I was disappointed when I noticed myself not playing PoE 2 as much because I didn't feel like suffering through more bad maps just to set up my tablets. The system was not fun in the old sextant setup, and it's still not fun now, For me at least.

I think a good solution is to add Horizon Orbs. You could still keep the same biome variety in the game. It would just be a matter of changing the map on the tablet to a different map from the same biome pool. I feel like the Horizon Orbs would be a good middle ground that lets us still pick less unfortunate layouts for our builds and makes it a bit more fun to play.
✨ If the screen isn’t exploding, am I even playing? ✨
Quite disappointing. Some minor changes then some stuff that would not be necessary when the mapdesign wouldnt be so crap. What about auctionhouse or a rework of trading. What about a map stash. What about a rework of crafting (at its current state its not crafting). Whats about a well thought tier system? I mean when an item rolls a tier 3 mod it should shown the rolled tier and the max roll that could roll on that item with this level. And still no fix for showing tier number on german client still TP> or T>>.

Making a post and tell us what changes you made, that we already know and call it a day is not what we expect.
Waystone stash tab when

my 15+ map tab is literally named "map tab when?"

please GGG.

Also please make crafting a little more... interesting.
If that is the pace for the whole EA, this game will come out only in 2+ years. Something is going terrible wrong management wise
Performance issues and fps drops from 120 to 30 fps is not a major problem? That is a little disappointing. LOVE the game. Playing with 30 fps in Breach and deli breach is not fun. Respectfully request some attention in this area.

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