Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Doomed Poe 2 with this vision on game. We have elden ring and other games for hardcore, here we just want fun and target mechanics. Let’s kill more good endgame mechanics
I'm still gonna give the league/event a spin but this is kinda a baffling decision.

The atlas passive tree is one of the most unique things about PoE and it's one of the things that makes the endgame so bloody great.

I get we may be able to have some broken combinations, but I worry either these will drop often enough that they'll be tedious to manage or we'll be struggling to build decent trees without extensive trading.

This "feels" like a "we're testing some ideas from PoE2 in PoE, first" which like, I don't mind and all just like...as long as it doesn't feel like it, ya dig?
What kinda idiot would even want this as a replacement for the atlas tree. Terrible idea this is obviously a shitty poe2 leftover idea that's making its way into poe1 for test.
ssf? ??
am i the only one that wants this to be a league with challenge reward cosmetics to earn and have it last until 3.26 or instead 3.27
Nacsxd#0386 написал:
The_Ferret#7784 написал:
Seeing all of the miserable, angry, bitter people say they're not going to play the event has me excited for it! Hopefully they decide to make their absences permanent. They will improve the community by removing themselves from it.

You're gonna be playing alone son.

Better than playing with low-value, low-quality people who won't be missed when they're gone.
Well this just killed all the hype I had for this event, this looks terrible
The_Ferret#7784 написал:
Nacsxd#0386 написал:
The_Ferret#7784 написал:
Seeing all of the miserable, angry, bitter people say they're not going to play the event has me excited for it! Hopefully they decide to make their absences permanent. They will improve the community by removing themselves from it.

You're gonna be playing alone son.

Better than playing with low-value, low-quality people who won't be missed when they're gone.

Look at my edgelordy boy, how cute
this needs to be on top of atlas otherwise get rid of it feel free to test this in poe 2 and just give us the atlas tree back
love it

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