Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

POE2 waystones?

Will give it a try for one event league but it seems trash, especially for SSF.
I have no interest in beta testing your PoE2 RNG mechanics when you already have PoE2 to do all your vision stuff in. Boycotting this event on principle. You clearly have no idea what makes PoE a good game.
I expect this to be much worse than atlas tree for everyone except 1% in trade league stacking all the best relics.
More casuals will use much worse versions probably and if they want to switch strats they will have to use probably even worse relics,
This is a buff to 1% mirror farmers and gid gud to all others, especially ssf.
I apparently knew right from the start that PoE 1 would be the testing laboratory for PoE 2. It probably won't be in a fun way, but let's give it a shot
░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░ We Miss U Le Toucan!
Komscha#1982 написал:
You know what really stings ggg? you believe the intellectual dishonesty at work here, that this is scrapped poe 1 stuff when in actuality gambler got datamined as ascendancy for mercerany, this mechanic also clearly is an endgame system for poe 2, How dare you remove the best feature of poe 1's endgame where people were excited to test new characters, and then think people are too stupid to realise this. Are you really that far gone? You literally insult our intelligence like this.

This. At first it all looked like they're really sorry and want to reward us. Instead it turned out as another sugarcoated corporate bullshit. This is Blizzard 2.0 situation. Why can't you be honest with us GGG? Delaying the announcement even though it was prefect clear for you that 3.26 isn't going to be released anywhere soon. Now this.
Bruh, we just started enjoying the QoL of having three Atlas sets since 3.24, and now you're removing it for Idols??

Can't you keep both systems? Do you know why Idols will be a bother?

1. We have to buy or farm them – This adds unnecessary grind just to get basic functionality that we already had with the Atlas tree.

2. Unmodifiable modifiers – Only certain Idols will be useful, meaning most will just be useless clutter. This limits player agency compared to customizing an Atlas tree.

Please reconsider keeping both systems. The multiple Atlas setups were one of the best QoL improvements in years, and removing them feels like a huge step backward.

PoE 2? "It’s not just PoE 1 with better graphics."
Последняя редакция: Mr2888#3516. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 4:01:15
yay now we can beta test poe2 in poe1 again..

What in the actual fuck GGG. this sounds horrible. i was so hyped to try out all the new ascendancies but this just wanna make not play the event league at all. can you stop messing with the atlas system thanks! and maybe test the poe2 stuff in poe2 ??????

can you atleast make them modifiable ??
Joined: Dec 14, 2011
Последняя редакция: cui89#6951. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 3:46:19
The Atlas Passive Skill Tree is by far the best addition the game has ever received.

[Removed by Support]
Последняя редакция: Scott_GGG#0000. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 3:48:01
Removing Atlas skill tree? one of the best core features of POE1? ok , hard pass for this event. who ever designed the atlas skill tree was a genius, and struck gold. instead farming the gold you are starting to mine again from 0...
Stop forcing PoE2 down our gullits...
Wtf is that...

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