Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

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Kevin Glugluglu
thank you GGG!
Reading about this mechanic replacing the atlas tree, I am just worried about overall map drops. Currently, you NEED the atlas tree to get into progressing your atlas. Even in very endgame juiced maps, you still want to have some +% to map drops or at least a secondary tree to farm maps once in a while...

Please GGG, at least buff map drops during the event!
S123ROCKS#6616 написал:
I just want to be loved.
(Good update tho)

I send u a virtual hug my poe brotha from another mother (Platform)
thank you...

for skip league.
Please reconsider the idol system as listed above. Removing the deterministic atlas progression for a system that just adds more layers of uncraftable RNG with pick-up fatigue is a real disappointment when a lot of us are craving a POE 1 league specifically to get away from that in POE 2. This kind of thing would be totally fine if we had a regular league recently, but as it stands, our only new POE 1 content in months is slated to have endgame progression bogged down with the same complaints a lot of us have about POE2 crafting. Inventory bloat, pickup fatigue, the NEED to rely on trade a certain points of progression for these, the inability to craft, the RNG. I'm all for keeping this kind of stuff, but it's really gonna sour the event for a lot of people when we want a POE 1 league to get away from that stuff.

If it has to stay in I think it'd be better if it was either:
1. in addition to the current atlas tree (can reduce idol power if needed)
2. jewel sockets in the atlas passive tree (can reduce idol power if needed)
3. craftable (if the argument is that crafting them make the drops not exciting, I can gaurentee they won't be exciting based on POE 2 endgame. Eventually you stop picking them up anyway and then progression through trade just feels bad)
4. Don't put them in. Let the event be only fun new additions, not sleeper nerfs

That's just my two cents. Was really excited for this but this is going to sour it quite a lot. Hopefully this and others feedback gets somewhere.
Valencius81#3952 написал:
Has anyone here actually read the FAQs in this forum?

As written:
Is this permanently replacing the tree -> No.
Is this a test for POE2 -> No, we are not planning on using this outside of events / private leagues.

One can surely argue that maybe in a secret way this is in fact a POE2 Beta test, but then again who cares.

This info literally did not exist at the time this was posted and there were 82 pages in this thread before GGG posted the FAQ you took those quotes from.
So you basicly take out passives from atlas passive and itemize it so you can change them all you want IF you have the pieces. I didnt have problem with the 3 atlas tree variations either but i like this new feature, creative and promising. Might be bad for SSF but idc, i play trade league only:)
Looks like another inventory clutter. Is there gonna be some separate inventory/bag for these to hold? And surely they will drop unidentified, to make it even more tedious...

Now regarding the atlas passive tree, you had to make paths to the nodes you needed but at least you knew where you are going and what you will get. It was fixed.

Totems with better affixes I suppose will cost divines? So if you don't have currency, you will have to stick with crap ones, maybe not even getting what you need/want, right? Another layer of crazy RNG. Hoard shit to somehow scrap something decent together. Nuke something fixed that works and replace it with RNG nonsense.

This is something new sure, but definitely not better than the atlas tree. And also, I'd say we would need some database of all of the possible affixes divided in prefixes/suffixes to know what is possible to have on an idol. Without it, you won't even be sure what mods are out there.

All in all my few cents is that you could have had a much more simple event with cranked up rewards/xp and new ascendancies even if voided. This is the main point/goal of the event, to allow players to test as many as possible of these "crazy" ascendancies based on the given limited event time.

You decided give another slow whatever event, based on Kalguur (build the whole port again?), with so so or even bad totem mechanic which doesn't make me hyped at all (well, maybe that's me), and remove atlas tree o_0 WTF...

Somehow it seems that it would have been better if this event would have been built on the bones of necropolis and having a lantern instead with an ability to enable/disable it. It feels like you've missed the main mark. No vision on what could be interesting and fun combinations.

5-6/10 at best.
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Последняя редакция: y3lw0rC#4020. Время: 14 февр. 2025 г., 19:39:06
Please give Scion another quick glance :(

- Only +5 Skill
- No Alternative start
- Can only choose one thing from the wheel
- Can´t choose top and botton wheel together
- No + Attributes

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