The Legacy of Phrecia FAQ

please consider slamming mayhem on top of all this. people dont get to experience it a lot because its around christmas rarely
All you whiners need to learn to BELIEVE

Ok here me out
Relics all 1x1
10 slots
Powerful effects
Atlas passives tree still exist

Please please please
Glad to hear that the atlas passive tree is sticking around after!
Isn't one month too short? There’s quite a lot to work on. There are many things to try out.

>Is this content being used as a testing grounds for future expansions or Path of Exile 2?
>Not at all, as mentioned this was a throw-away development idea from the past, we have no current plans to use it for anything outside of being a future private league modifier.

does anyone really believe this?
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Will console get the event?
codkill_11#9170 написал:
Will console get the event?

Problem is not on if you will have it. But in POE1, console do not share the same economy as in POE2 so you will have to trade the idols with the reduced amount of players in your realm and not with PC players.
missing one question ; void or not ? :)
Great FAQ. I sincerely admire how a series of collective explosions have been defly converted into well-phrased and thoroughly and thoughtfully answered questions. Just a couple of things...

[Atlas] nodes close to the tree origin bias hard toward map sustain... [so we have] added implicit modifiers to the Idols that grant x% increased chance to drop Maps... As you get further into the endgame and start applying more juice to your maps you will find more [idols].

This seems backwards, as greatest map sustain is needed when characters are at their weakest and can juice the least. With implicits, either everyone will be drowning in maps by late endgame, or early sustain will be hard. (With the atlas, we spec into map sustain early and spec out later when we don't need it.)

[Atlas Blocker nodes] are available in the form of Unique Idols

This seemingly ties blocker nodes to rarity, meaning magic find makes it easiest to source them. Yet these are needed early in progression, when weaker builds cannot sacrifice for magic find, and the palette of idols will be least built up, meaning league mechanic power is at its weakest. Blockers are a high source of chance to encounter necessary league mechanics for crafting etc. to be able to improve far enough to run magic find gear to (now) find the blockers.

Not to mention, getting rid of <insert disliked mechanic> is often an early step to enjoy the endgame for those who aren't smart enough (raises hand) just to grit their teeth and/or walk past those mechanics. That's now gated behind a unique drop.

One for the FAQ: are idols actually different sizes in terms of occupied slots, or did we make that up?

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