Legacy of Phrecia Additional Information

"I hereby appreciate your efforts put on this patch but i think you should focus on the mainly known underperforming ascendancies already mentioned by the community"

Since this event is just testing the 3rd ascendancy for PoE 2 i will give you some feedback, remove "you cant use spells" from the behemoth, it really turns a good ascendancy into a worthless one.
1 month is to short!
guys, you buffed Scion which was already an S-tier ascendancy (changing cloak of flames from "from hits" to blanket 40% from everything) but leave Behemoth without any change? This ascendancy is unplayable in solo play. No auras, no movement skills such as flame dash, not even Berserk. What's the point of having more Rage if you can't Berserk...

at least remove spell tag from Berserk.
Damn, I wanted to start Herald of Agony, but they killed the only defensive node it had. Another LS league start i guess.
Please consider unnerfing the Damnation node, HoAG has been atrocious for a lot of leagues now and it would be fun to try it out =/
ETA on POE2 swords and axes?
Great Stuff. Can´t wait!!!

But PLEASE extend it.
Rue is a cat
rue is a cat

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