Celebrate the Legacy of Phrecia Start with New Cosmetic Bundles

Can't wait to see a new type of content where people bet absurd amounts of currency on horse Roa races
Will any of the Phrecia bundles carry over to poe2 eventually?
aznnerdz21#3995 написал:
Will any of the Phrecia bundles carry over to poe2 eventually?

Everything is supposed to port over. At some point. When that point is, is well unknown.

Here is what is in game in poe2 now.


So things like the Arachnamagus bundle are already in there. Some are in parts, like the new mystery box clay mage hat but not the clay mage cloak.
This is so scummy. Delay the next league to a 10 month gap between leagues then drop more MTX? fuck off.
Kajukenbo#7997 написал:
This is so scummy. Delay the next league to a 10 month gap between leagues then drop more MTX? fuck off.

These are discounted bundles of old MTX, not new MTX.

It's a chance for you to save points. Why would you complain about that?
VoidDragon437#1777 написал:
Legacy of Phrecia is cool. But I'm not keen on supporting GGG financially at this current time for several reasons.

Reasons include:
- Non-transparency and dishonesty
- "Your reach exceeds your grasp" in PoE 1 & 2 simultaneous development
- Uneven enforcement of the rules & TOS - Rules and TOS only exist for some users. Some celebrities and other select people are exempt from such things.
- Releasing MTX for legacy of phrecia feels like a crappy way to capitalize on a situation that was never supposed to happen to begin with

If things improve over time, we'll see if I decide to spend money on more MTX's for POE. For the time being, it won't be for a long while.

Not sure it matters for now. From my perspective the PoE2 Kickstarter project went well.

I recall years ago I mentioned a company has no reason to compete with itself regarding the two games but everyone was certain they would rotate in leagues. Hits different now I bet.

I'm not even sure I can play PoE1 anymore.
Feel like leagues peaked with Heist and gameplay peaked back with Shaper/Elder.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Naravinger#6984 написал:
When a polaric hideout will be available in poe 2? It says that we already have it

Bump. I am curious about this as well.

poe2db.tw website shows that some hideouts like Polaric and Crucible are already implemented in PoE2. But I saw people on forums saying they bought them and they did not work. I am confused about this.

I would like to know if they are already in PoE2 or not. And if not, how long will we wait for a new big batch of MTX transfered from PoE1 to PoE2?

I will be really happy if someone can answer this. I want to know if I should go on shopping spree during the sales now. But I dont wanna wait for months before I can use my MTX obviously.
oh wow can someone get me a skin :)
Great job pumping this out GGG. I think the forums days are numbered though.
When the Settlers of Kalguur Supporter Packs cosmetic support in POE2

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