Path of Exile 2 - 0.2.0 Teaser Thread

Skelevra29#7287 написал:
MeanBob_Games#6853 написал:
Skelevra29#7287 написал:
The basic problem with this game is that there is no form of crafting, and they already spoke against a return of the crafting bench.

Well I think you could distill this down more to wanting crafting because the drops are not satisfying. Causing people to seek other means to gearing there characters outside of just playing the game actively, such as crafting, trading, or chancing, which are all pretty underwhelming in the players experience.

Drop is rng, rng is casino, i dont like casino games

Right but my point is if you were just playing the game and periodically getting useful drops it wouldn't feel as much like a slot machine it would feel like your being rewarded for progressing through the game. At this point it's not really worth it to farm drops that aren't currency because, your right, it's pure RNG and most of the possible drops are bad. Not just bad for endgame, but have almost no real use for anyone ever.
I regret giving GGG money.
something of an urgent nature is a way to not brick the good maps when pathing to towers.

there has been many instances where i've spent over an hour reaching an area of towers. Mainly looking for corrupted, irradiated nodes with bosses possibly. (for me personally its less important, even without a boss this area will drop ilvl81 and ilvl82 base items and rares i can collect to try and craft upgrades for my ssf character) What happens quite often, you get to a cluster of towers with some good stuff around and sometimes the pathing between towers is not as straight forward with efficiently connected maps. Often times you might be a very short distance and need to path through 4 maps to get to the next tower, and 3 to the one after that.

You get to your towers and end up having to path through the best maps of that area before you can get your tablets in all the towers ultimately just leaving such a sour taste it's a very logoff moment for me and many others.

item drops or quest rewards or a research table to unlock travelling within tower range or placing a placeholder stone in towers to either attract future tower mechanics and allow travel past a map would alleviate the issue. Ive seen it suggested to allow travel between tower range. Im not sure if this is the way to go but it would make the whole process super easy and quick to set up towers. It might be abused by citadel hunters, not sure if you can call it abuse but yeah there is a big issue at the moment basically bricking entire area's before they're juiced just because of how the map is connected and ultimately having to complete the good maps just to get to where you need to go.

Speaking from a perspective of 2 94+ characters and 980hrs im starting to agree with many of the complaints about endgame. In a constructive way i do hope to see some positive changes that alleviate these issues without ruining the challenging aspects of the game. A difficult problem to solve, any solution has drawbacks or unseen consequences and must have a well thought out creative solution.
joheblacke#1057 написал:


these are small teasers, not patch notes, they normally give us these small teaser then come out with a 1 hour stream explaining everything that is coming in the new patch

so you are saying they probably have new acendancies and skill gems ready to go but decided we would all be far more hyped by being able to juice a tower map?

they usually do a better job with the teasers, some are meh others are kind of cool QOL things but they don't spoil massive things, i am kind of worried now that we won't get more teasers since this looks like a toxic wastland
The specializes in giving orders.
Took me a moment to realise what the lowlife hat is for, then I remembered that the execute gem exists, and I started drooling.

Also, life stack for spirit shield gives me many titan minion vibes...though I wonder how much spirit you could cheese out of the life bar on an infernalist with it.
Skelevra29#7287 написал:
The basic problem with this game is that there is no form of crafting, and they already spoke against a return of the crafting bench.

It's an early access, chill out. Also they did show a crafting bench on the live stream
Very exciting!
Sentinel portal port and I'll stary playing poe2 again. Pls

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