Path of Exile 2 - 0.2.0 Teaser Thread

Poison builds remain useless, as does Gaz Arrow, of course.
If you want to clear the game, currently you need to play a specific build mandatory, otherwise it is not possible to progress.

PS: Maybe I have not seen any change, so i can be suprised ^^
metalrammstein#0643 написал:
Poison builds remain useless, as does Gaz Arrow, of course.
If you want to clear the game, currently you need to play a specific build mandatory, otherwise it is not possible to progress.

PS: Maybe I have not seen any change, so i can be suprised ^^

Gas Arrow is runnable with Deadeye or Death's Harp, or well any +projectile amount, to increase the amount of explosions happening at once. There's also the unique helmet which automatically ignites any enemy in your presence, allowing you to instantly detonate every single gas arrow projectile's cloud that's in contact with enemies or other clouds.

Poison is doable, so much so that it makes things like Shield Charge-only builds possible (slap poison on shield charge, get the shield charge skill as high as possible, and get as much armor on your shield). Poisonous Concoction is still one of the better builds in the game even after getting nerfed/fixed. There are also the Corpsewade boots, which are build-defining, or make any build able to AoE clear maps off of just killing one enemy.
So many bad unigues in the game now why add more .all items that take away stats are not unigue ... and all the issues in the game that are not getting fixed ..hmmm talk about this first maybe? like when attacking you get stuck all the time on monk and rangeer you cant hit mobs many times because of where they are. armor is still broke .when you get items to get ascendancies in the later acts of 123 and three they are mostly for the first acts ? maybe that is because you dont have 4 5and 6 yetnot sure . i finnally got to a boss tower and walked in in 2 seconds 3 elites ate me. didnt even have a chance at all resists capped.. sickening NOT FUN .. i am still playing but so many things that need fixing .still lag all the time . could be 100% more fun just without the lag
Checking every few days for indications that PoE2 might become enjoyable. This more-of-the-same teaser is not it, race events and artwork neither.
PoE2 is nothing compared to PoE1. You should not have pre-launched a black hole that killed PoE1 without hooking up players to a decent successor. There is a major lack of grinding motivation and unnecessary frustration potential in PoE2. That needs to change if you want players to come back to the game. A new league start will only be a short respite with more disappointed players if fundamental things are not changing.
GiantOctopodes#2562 написал:

And yet, PoE 2 has twice as many players, right now, in its half complete state during EA with zero meaningful updates in 3 months, as PoE 1 has during a totally unique, as far as we know one time only event which launched less than a month ago and offers 19 new ascendancies to play with or something like that…

So much for being light years better XD. The amount of cope and delusion on these forums is absolutely unreal.

Nice final sentence, which you were nice enough to perfectly illustrate with your own post. But understanding that retention for a new game just exiting its primary hype-cycle and pulling people back in for a decade old game that has not had any content in almost 6 months are two completely different things would be too much to ask from apologists like yourself.
Последняя редакция: dreamstate42#3955. Время: 5 марта 2025 г., 11:27:49
dreamstate42#3955 написал:
Fhrek#4437 написал:


Was thinking about that... how a reused PoE 1 event is lightyears better than any fundation PoE2 EA is trying to sell.

Baffles how GGG is willing to throw 12 years of experience down th drain, just to stubborn sell an outdated Vision dressed as soulslike, roguelike and gachalike.

I'm in a really cynical mood today, so I cannot shake the feeling Jonathan just really dislikes PoE1, how it evolved, and he wants to prove to everyone that his vision for a PoE game is far superior, while maybe slowly realizing that PoE1's endgame was lightning in a bottle that he is unable to re-create, so he's slapping band-aid after band-aid on PoE2 in a desperate attempt to prove he is right.

That would also explain all the weird decisions on how PoE1 is currently handled, and the lingering feeling that he just waits for the right moment to cut the lifeline of PoE1 to force more people to migrate to "his baby."

I've that impression as well. He just don't like actual PoE1 and it is because is a game built over the years on constant compromise between developers and players.

Developers had an idea, put forward, players contested, developers adjust and the game evolved. Each league, each cycle the same dance. That what created one the best ARPG around. Without PoE1 12 years of success and failure, GGG and PoE2 both were a nothing burguer.

Since, GGG tried Ruthless mode in PoE1 and that idea was rejected big time by the playerbase, looks like Jonathan is sour trying put it forward despite players pushback.

But, well, now he is Tencent rich and don't need more compromise to sell supporter packs.
I guess I'm the odd man out because I fricken love this game!!!

Yes, I have some complaints, but it's an open beta, and we still have a long way to go. My biggest immediate complaint is the warrior class—it needs major improvements as many others have pointed out.

Another issue is the crafting system. It's nearly impossible to get the weapon or gear you want without relying on the trading system. I eventually stopped trying. I can spend countless hours and exalts trying to craft one piece of gear I like, or I can save myself the frustration and buy it from the trading platform for a fraction of the cost and effort. At some point, people are going to completely give up trying to craft gear.
I guess I'm the odd man out because I fricken love this game!!!

I agree and I do also.
I am having far more fun in PoE2 than I ever did in PoE1 which I played for a long time.

Yes things need to improve and be added. But overall I am having a blast.
Konflict#2601 написал:
I guess I'm the odd man out because I fricken love this game!!!

I agree and I do also.
I am having far more fun in PoE2 than I ever did in PoE1 which I played for a long time.

Yes things need to improve and be added. But overall I am having a blast.

I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)
Soo when the changes to crafting, monster pushing, movement skills? for this im waiting till jun/july for 3.26?

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