Path of Exile 2 Content Update 0.2.0 New Teasers

Really need to get rid of towers and start revamping that endgame.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
For some reason this news item isnt on top of the main site page.

the kill all rares made me stop playing at lvl 81, that thing needs to be removed.

so, march 21st?
I hate the lab

Последняя редакция: Xanin#1069. Время: 4 марта 2025 г., 9:50:05
merc pic horrendous, is it done by 6y old? that's child's abuse to force them work at that age.... uniques - mehhhhhhh tier at best. uuu atlas nodes for shrines LEL, gacha hammer + gacha atlas nodes... that's rip ggg vision n all Andies n white knights hail Tencent GACHA vision !!!

P.S all that bragging in interviews how much u learned makin n runin poe 1, looks like after xmas holidays you forgot ALL OF IT stop doin drugs its really bad for your memory....
dog water
So no druid then? Mhmmm
New classes when?
You need to buff all crossbow damage at least to double. And add a special skill bounded as the staff weapon. Also you need to buff jewelery related to crossbow. Warrior class also need a big buff otherwise all people gonna choose Ranger and Archmage couse the kill a boss in 1,5sec max. Thanks to all great work you done it.
You need to buff all crossbow damage at least to double. And add a special skill bounded as the staff weapon. Also you need to buff jewelery related to crossbow. Warrior class also need a big buff otherwise all people gonna choose Ranger and Archmage couse the kill a boss in 1,5sec max. Thanks to all great work you done it.

How about fixing the current ascendancies? Warrior, Acolyte, warbringer, witchhunter, chronomancer, pathfinder, titan are unplayable. Or you just gonna ignore it jonathan vision like in POE1
Let's just keep adding crap no one wants or that makes no sense and not fix what's broken. No good crafting, bad RNG, shit map layouts so narrow you can't comfortably party play in. the stupid AF bumping into ALL allies crap, shit towers system, broken unplayable ascendancies....etc. But hey, as long as you got your millions already you can join MicroActiBlizz at their new campfire episode and compare bank accounts! RIP Chris we really miss your leadership and vision. TenCent and their new top lackies can go....(insert favorite insult here).

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