Path of Exile 2 Content Update 0.2.0 New Teasers

mavikuzu#8368 написал:
chan2881185#3508 написал:
Subashi1989#6771 написал:
neft combo blink + frost wall pls
they are delete arbiter in 1 sec

Why do you want nerf ? Cause you dumb and you cant delete arbiter in 1 sec? CoS Spark with x2 shock status, with magnitude stat or stack att can do it too?

they are deleting that too. This is not other RPGs where they'll let you 1 shot ubers below 30 mirror investment. I'm just letting you know in advance so you don't complain when it happens

If this game becomes even a shadow of the difficulty of POE 1, 90% of these people you're addressing will not be able to complete the campaign. They will be pushed out, just like bad players in POE 1.
Rakie1337#5746 написал:

If this game becomes even a shadow of the difficulty of POE 1, 90% of these people you're addressing will not be able to complete the campaign. They will be pushed out, just like bad players in POE 1.

Settle down. It is not that hard.
Any plans on fixing Hand of Chayula?
It says that it cannot be evaded but it seems that, as of right now, it has roughly a 22% chance to hit.
There was a bit of research done and it might have something to do with attack speed. Because it seems the slower the attack speed you have the higher the chance of a hit to take place. So most builds from what I gather, mine included, use Hands of Wisdom, and a Pillar of the Caged God. Just those alone take the skill to a 22% hit chance.

I have joined the ranks of the 3% of players that play an Acolyte of Chayula monk. I have theorycrafted and for the most part made a build that should be incredible. PoB tells me some wonderful numbers. Such as Tempest Flurry at 1.7 million damage, and more importantly, a best Poison damage per second at 5.6 Million damage per second...

I would very much like to see this working and the only missing piece right now is a fix for the Hand of Chayula skill. That and reaching level 100. For the most part though I'd really like to see some love towards an Ascendancy that is vastly under performing.

Flames of Chayula btw should absolutely reset the countdown upon picking up another purple flame. Each flame having their own timer makes the node worthless.

Consuming Questions really should convert to the damage type you use. Because there are only what... two, possibly 3 skills for the quarterstaff that are physical. So Mana Leech on physical damage dealt is worthless. Especially with the current skills available since they are not useable in their current state.

As for darkness... It's neat and I'd like it to remain in the game but it needs a bit of work. It was clearly changed from a pervious version that much is obvious. There is also some evidence of that floating around on a few websites as well. But it needs either double to triple more damage as extra chaos damage or it needs to be reworked for some actual value. Because losing all spirit for the nothing burger that you get right now just simply isn't worth it at all.
Any plans on expanding your horrible support team? 2 months now since I put in my ticket, still not resolved, and no real contact from your support department. The support forums are flooded with people who have been waiting as long or longer.
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
meh , poe2 shop sucks, why u cant sell items when you offline why u need that stupid teleporting to others and messaging to others when u need to buy or sell why there is no timer on items when you put them in shop, if you place item to sell its finel for hour atleast so scammers not put items there and change prices on the fly nonstop,i want to quit game because this so bad shop , in more then 20 years old similar games shop is better why u are so unprofesional and made it like from medieval times, also for sorceress class YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT DAMAGE IS ON STAFFS AND WANDS, there is no dps showing anywhere i had bought staffs and wands wich on stats looks good but in real are worse then bad stats ones FIX SHOP AND SHOW DPS ON STAFFS AND WANDS PLEASE !
Skill gems, please. Support gems, please.
Can't wait for these uniques to give you 50 armor and take away 10% move speed or something.
Rakie1337#5746 написал:
Pathetic atlas tree. Absolutely pathetic.

See when Johnathan was talking about how much struggle it was making an atlas tree that was because they were working on creating something great..

His "good idea" of ripping them all apart and making it feel useless and unlike the POE 1 system (we want the same systems or better ones, not worse systems).

The atlas tree is so beautiful in POE 1, it's a truly mind boggling that they intentionally made the 2nd one look like this...

Considering in POE 2 they have made every single system of POE 1 much worse -- I'm no longer interested in GGG trying new things. I'd rather them just port over ALL of POE 1 like originally planned.

Their new systems are hostile to the player, the way they are forcing us to play is essentially bullying us..

Nobody wants to play the way you want us to play Johnathan. You need to align with our views, we don't need to align to yours, GGG.

The atlas tree in poe2 serve absolutely no purpose. They should just delete it. I think they should instead try something new instead. Everything in poe2 endgame so far is just porting poe1 stuff but reducing its mechanics to the bare minimum.

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