ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

Hi, thanks for sharing this great build.

But just been killed by Colonnade Map boss.Make me feel a little frustrated...

here it is:
Monsters deal 90% extra Damage as cold
+75% Monster Cold Resistance
no regen life&mana
-23% Max resis

I drink jade flask...there only 4 mobs around the boss.
And he FIRST ground smash killed me. My life drop from 3889 to 0. (I'm sure no desync)

So....is that bad luck for me:(?
Maybe change to range mod is a good solution.

rxDrugz написал:
Finally took the plunge and decided to play this after having a Bino's drop (BoR drop, RG drop, Bino's drop, it was destiny). Absolutely loving it. OP survivability and great damage. Thanks OP!

JoshTheCat написал:
holy shit this build is strong. Even without all the great of gears..
haven't had any troubles with 225 dps dagger on lvl 82 in lvl 77-78 maps.

Sarasin написал:
I mean the question was not whether LS was bad when mobs have light res it was if there are situations in which molten strike is better. They are easily interchangable so it is at least worth looking into

Hi! I don't like Molten Strike because it is basically a melee skill with ZERO way to play range. This is fine, but LS can do everything Molten Strike can do PLUS MORE because it is so much more flexible in how you can use it in different fights.

If you are having trouble with light res mobs - best way is to use curse: Elemental Weakness or Conductivity!

Let me know if this helps...
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 22 сент. 2014 г., 9:25:54
asbo96 написал:
Hey i am really interested in your build but i was thinking. why dont you use pierce or chain with lightning strike. Cause how do you kill packs of mobs with only 3 projectiles that dont pierce

They pierce. LS has base % chance to pierce for quality. 1% of quality = 3% chance to pierce. So 20 quality will give you 60% chance to pierce, you can also get pierce nodes on the tree that are very close to easily get 100% pierce. Can also use Projectile Weakness curse instead.

Damage is really high on this build that getting 100% pierce isn't really necessary.
hardmuncle написал:
Hi, I was running your build in Standard and managed to get a Bino's and Legacy Bringer of Rain,

now though i'm rolling with a friend in the new Rampage league and wanted your opinion on a couple of things,

is the non-legacy bringer of rain worth getting?

I noticed you no longer use the slink boots also, i really like the build i LOVE playing it, i can handle most things atm but Dominus in the residence map i have real trouble with and seem occasionally to just get popped by a exile or high DPS boss then i'll go back and trash it.

Tonight i've made it to Atritzi final boss which is the furthest i've been and i'm hoping to get her down soon, i just wanted to get your opinion on items that are not available in the Rampage league like legacy stuff and which route you would take non-legacy rain. Also your thoughts now your not using the slink boots.

My character is nothing compared to yours mate, and i mean nothing, but thanks for putting this build up and keeping this thread updated because its given me MUCH enjoyment and i love it!!!


Hi! Yes non-legacy Bringer of Rain is fine to use, combine with the block and blind you will get more effective HP than using a 6L chest and helm.

Yes I no longer use Atziri's Steps because the build uses too many uniques it becomes a problem trying to balance:

- Int requirement for Rathpith and Enfeeble
- Strength requirement for LS
- Resistances

If I use Atziri's Steps I have to use Purity of Elements, but if I take off Atziri Step and use boots with some life, evasion and tri-res I can drop Purity and run Herald of Ash instead.

I must say that going from 46% spell dodge to 30% spell dodge is NOT a big difference and you will hardly notice it. You will only notice some slight difference against Academy boss whirlwinds, Maegara firestorm, Merveil water tornado, and A'alai rain of spines. HOWEVER it is only a very slight difference.

For Atziri you do not really need Atziri Step since all her spells can be avoided manually if you play well.

So unless you are doing a lot of hard 76 maps (Academy and Crematorium), or just like having the extra spell dodge for survivability, feel free to drop the Atziri Steps.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 22 сент. 2014 г., 10:36:06
frank161616 написал:
Hi, thanks for sharing this great build.

But just been killed by Colonnade Map boss.Make me feel a little frustrated...

here it is:
Monsters deal 90% extra Damage as cold
+75% Monster Cold Resistance
no regen life&mana
-23% Max resis

I drink jade flask...there only 4 mobs around the boss.
And he FIRST ground smash killed me. My life drop from 3889 to 0. (I'm sure no desync)

So....is that bad luck for me:(?
Maybe change to range mod is a good solution.

You rolled the worst mods you can roll for such an attack -90% EXTRA COLD DAMAGE, and -MAX Res so you should have been extra careful. Those mods give about a 3x INCREASE to damage so you took his smash increased by 3 times damage threshold.

How much dodge and block you have? The smash has a long wind-up so why you not manually dodge?

That's why I mention at the start of the guide that this is NOT a TANK build.

The reason his first smash hit you is because you got unlucky but also you had not applied blind yet at the start of the fight. You got unlucky my friend but you need to prepare for such things, you are ALWAYS vulnerable at the start if you have not applied blind yet.

You should have taken your time and cursed him with Enfeeble first and been extra careful with such mods.

Don't try and tank Brutus, Vaal, Dominus smashes etc - yes you have a very high chance to evade / dodge / block, but it is extremely easy to just manually move out the way for this stuff.

Sometimes I try and tank this stuff myself xD. But only because it is exciting and I like the thrill of rolling my loaded dice xD. If I am trying to level or whenever I don't feel like taking the risk, I just manually move out the way.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 22 сент. 2014 г., 11:12:16
Thanks for reply!

I found I misunderstanding "Monsters deal x% extra Damage as Cold" due to translate issue :P
My dodge is 24% and 70/75 of block,
Anyway...I will be more careful about those combination xD

I also have some question :P

1.How do you deal with double reflect? Now I use bino and got 1 death in a 72 map run.
Feel that is easy to against 1~5 mobs.But attack on a bunch of mobs is very dangerous for me.
Is use jade flask workable?

2.Does mirror dager the core item to do uber Atziri?
frank161616 написал:
Thanks for reply!

I found I misunderstanding "Monsters deal x% extra Damage as Cold" due to translate issue :P
My dodge is 24% and 70/75 of block,
Anyway...I will be more careful about those combination xD

I also have some question :P

1.How do you deal with double reflect? Now I use bino and got 1 death in a 72 map run.
Feel that is easy to against 1~5 mobs.But attack on a bunch of mobs is very dangerous for me.
Is use jade flask workable?

2.Does mirror dager the core item to do uber Atziri?

Ok with that much dodge and that much block you got super unlucky that his first hit passed your evasion, passed your dodge, and also passed your block. That is very rare, but can happen. I recommend being careful with those mods, be careful if you do not have blind on enemy, use Enfeeble if you need, and manually avoid heavy attacks. This is not a tank.

1. Double reflect I use jade flask and I fight 100% at range so that I can use Ondar's Guile against my own reflected projectiles. If you are having a lot of trouble with reflect just take out WED adn Inc. Crit Damage, or just switch to a white dagger to lower your DPS for the map. You can even pick one up in the map as you go along and just use that.

2. You will need high DPS for Uber Atziri so that you can clear the healing minions well with your projectiles. If you cannot clear the minions it will take much much longer because she will heal some health.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 22 сент. 2014 г., 12:30:48
Just had a thought why would we use pierce over chain on the curse on hit quill rain?

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