ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
Ceryneian написал:
B_L_3_E_D написал:
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dunno why, the switch between loath and honour was different for me.. i got a 23k increase in dps with etcher than loath.
Loath bane
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Honour Etcher
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That said, I theory crafted a BM build for us, i ran the numbers but damn man it's a headache.
we would lose max block but gain unwavering stance, with a perfect rumi's, tempest shield and a titanium shield you would be able to get max block for tough situations and can achieve spell block as well, just wear stone of laz.
We would end up with ROUGHLY 5.3k es compared to 4.2k health, this is with non optimal gear, midroll leg shavs, rainbow, 300es helm with acc, 500es shield, barely any es on jewlery and belt.
The auras we would use are Discipline, Haste, Hatred, HoF, Temp Shield, Vitality, this puts us at about 76% life reserved, again I'm not sure if this calculation is correct, .6*.71*.66 * sum percentage of auras (?) have room for more auras for sure, fydell uses same tree with only a -4% node more than my tree and he has anger and wrath as well on top of everything else mentioned above.
81% AS
337.8% +phys
80%acc + 424 acc flat
410 crit chance
146 crit multi
In the new tree i linked above, we get
184.14% AS ( I added the increase of AS from BR, BM, lvl 3 enhance and haste )
174.8% phys
314acc flat + whatever you can get on your helm (really helpful for us in terms of true crit)
625% crit chance ( I added 50% from the additional power charge )
121% crit multi
I mean of course this is straying away from the premise of the build, but I was just bored so i theorycrafted :P I like churning my brain haha. We do get a 1.65 multi on all our auras, including hatred and HoF, but I'm pretty concerned about the hit on percentage physical damage increase and the % accuracy, however we would be VERY MUCH near 95% crit without the need of curses or what not so that should be extremely nice.
So guys, any thoughts and feed back?
Wow - I am not sure how Honour Etcher gave you 23K more DPS than Loath Bane. It is a little higher than Loath Bane, but should not be that huge a difference. You didn't change anything else on your gear?
The low-life BM version is pretty interesting, but that physical damage drop is just too much. I tried to make low-life/ES version of this build and the DPS comes out to about the same or lower than this build. Because of that physical damage % increases, which is so important for this build because it scales phys, light, cold, fire, then those will scale chaos from Atziri flask. So everything we do on this build depends on the phys.
Looking at the stats I think the DPS would be lower than this build. Those BM trees are really good for elemental aura builds because they do not rely on physical damage % that much. But with this build you really need the Shadow and Ranger phys damage.
That's my thought. I would love to make a CI/low-life version of this build but I doubt I would match or exceed the DPS of this build. I may have more hitpoints with higher ES, but losing blocking, blind, dodge, and Ondar's Guile would not be worth it unless I could get about 8K+ ES.
yea i didnt change anything, was really surprised as well when i tested it.
Well said tho, my thoughts exactly :) Glad I confronted you with this before i went ahead.
I need some advice how to deal with the corrupted blood during the Trio fight (cycloner guy)
he always kill me, even if I use LL instead of WED
Thanks in advanced!
Use flask with Staunching to remove corrupted blood. You should not be getting hit by him much - use Enfeeble. For easier time try Bino's - you can get a lot of regen to easily counteract the degen. Make sure you are killing cyclone guy 2nd.
thanks for this beautiful guide and build. I was levelling this build to lvl77 as i realized that a good dagger is very expensive, so i switched my build. After 1 week i found a binos kitchen knife and switched to this build again. The defense with binos is just insane, liferegeneration goes up to 2600 per second, but the lower attackspeed is really bad, but to get some more level, currently lvl 78, its nice.
I have two/three rings i use and all 3 have 1 slot to craft open. So i could craft maybe "adds phys/lightning, mabye chaos damage to your attacks".
So will this increase my damage??, because lightning strike is in the base physicall? If not, i would craft life on both rings.
thanks for this beautiful guide and build. I was levelling this build to lvl77 as i realized that a good dagger is very expensive, so i switched my build. After 1 week i found a binos kitchen knife and switched to this build again. The defense with binos is just insane, liferegeneration goes up to 2600 per second, but the lower attackspeed is really bad, but to get some more level, currently lvl 78, its nice.
I have two/three rings i use and all 3 have 1 slot to craft open. So i could craft maybe "adds phys/lightning, mabye chaos damage to your attacks".
So will this increase my damage??, because lightning strike is in the base physicall? If not, i would craft life on both rings.
ty for answering, i would be pleased if someone could give me some advices for my gear. I only have 5 exalted. have a nice day and good luck.
get a rare rustic sash with life and res and also get a pair of rings with life too... thats it
after u fix ur belt and rings the only thing that is left to you is get a higher dps weapon like 350 dps++
about your rings well there's not much room for crafting in your rings since you need heavy elemental res from them so that leaves u with little room for life and phy dmg ( which is the best dps mod u can get for the build ) so if i had a choice for crafting i would pick phy dmg only.
Последняя редакция: BIGLITRO#5705. Время: 15 окт. 2014 г., 6:18:08
I'm 71 on Beyond atm. playing a variation of this build.
My LS is around 20k so that's fine and all but I'm really having mana problems.
I got 3% mana leech from build and gear.