ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

Hello there ! For starting, what a enjoyable build ! I love it so far ! But i have a question. I played the Raider one 9 charge's for now. with setup P2L+Light Pen, but i have a serious problem, How deal with Elem reflect, cuz if i didnt carefully, i totaly two shoot me (Cap Res ofc and lvl 84 atm) my LS with pots and charge's was 98k dps tooltip.

My setup for now

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Последняя редакция: Kazoul#6145. Время: 7 апр. 2016 г., 19:10:52
Hi buddy, are you having trouble with ele reflect maps or ele reflect mobs? Yeah with P2L + Light Pen setup you cannot do ele reflect maps - just reroll these. Ele reflect mobs should not be a problem because you can evade, dodge and block your own reflect. So grab a Rumi's for more block if you don't have.

You can also carry Topaz flask (or even VoV and get Vaal Pact) so you can boost your max lightning res to reduce the reflect damage since you are dealing A LOT of lightning with LS + P2L + Light Pen.

You can also spec Raider Avatar of the Chase -> for more EV% with Onslaught so you can evade more reflect.

Alternatively you can also spec Arrow Dancing for extra evade against your own reflect on projectiles.

EDIT: nice corruption buddy on Rat's Nest.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 апр. 2016 г., 10:47:05
Ceryneian написал:
Hi buddy, are you having trouble with ele reflect maps or ele reflect mobs? Yeah with P2L + Light Pen setup you cannot do ele reflect maps - just reroll these. Ele reflect mobs should not be a problem because you can evade, dodge and block your own reflect. So grab a Rumi's for more block if you don't have.

You can also carry Topaz flask (or even VoV and get Vaal Pact) so you can boost your max lightning res to reduce the reflect damage since you are dealing A LOT of lightning with LS + P2L + Light Pen.

You can also spec Raider Avatar of the Chase -> for more EV% with Onslaught so you can evade more reflect.

Alternatively you can also spec Arrow Dancing for extra evade against your own reflect on projectiles.

EDIT: nice corruption buddy on Rat's Nest.

Thanks, ele reflect mobs is the problem, if i do a big crit multi, i literaly drop me arround 3k life, its dangerous, since u one shoot everythings at the screen and more (like two screen distance maybe), so i decided to buy a Purity of Lightning and run it, instead of HoA, its a bit better but still dangerous, damnit this build hit so hard !

Yeah this Enchant is strong, but i tried to found an Rat's with 6% increased Frenzy damage per frenzy charge for some try
Последняя редакция: Kazoul#6145. Время: 9 апр. 2016 г., 4:51:34
Ruggsi написал:

Lol, sorry man I'll type it out on front page - I understand it can be a bit confusing lol. ICC is Increased Critical Strike Chance, ICD is Increased Critical Damage, P2L is Physical to Lightning. Light Pen is Lightning Penetration.

Some other abbreviations I use throughout the guide:
LS: Lightning Strike
PPAD: Physical Projectile Attack Damage
WED: Weapon Elemental Damage
CWDT: Cast When Damage Taken
HoA: Herald of Ash
COH: Curse on Hit
PCOC: Power Charge on Critical Strike
IC: Immortal Call
MS: Multistrike

VoV: Vessel of Vinktar
BofR: Bringer of Rain
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 13 апр. 2016 г., 2:17:03
Hi, I recently found a Victario's Acuity. Is it worth using for the added proj speed and damage or should I be better off using a rare ammy?

If you have nothing else to use it's alright. Proj speed is nice, but ideally you want to use a rare amulet with life, res, phys, and then crit mods
First of all, this is a great build. I am going to make 1 also. But i had 1 quetion, is this build also for the melee hit? I was more looking for the initial hit then for the projectiles. And which class and subclass is the best for a build like that? Thanks!
If you want to scale melee hit instead just remove projectile nodes from tree, and swap PPAD for MPD.

All the subclasses would work well except Deadeye ofc.
Hey question, i got my CoH and poachers mark linked in my helmet. Why doenst apply the curse on hit?

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