ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" add change update note in first page please. thank for funny build |
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" Not from scratch on this Ranger. Only on Witch when I was trying to make a phys lightning strike build for Witch. Lightning Strike is a good skill to level with - nice AOE and high single target all in one. " Ok Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 22 нояб. 2017 г., 15:07:19
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How much better is avatar of the chase vs veil? Does it bother you the loss of immunity to status while phsaing (which is on constantly anyway)? How much more damage are you getting from chase vs silver flask? Whats the upsides and downsides?
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Hi Cery. I'm stuck at level 80 due to work but come 3.1 I will be running your Lightning Strike build. It's a pity shock isn't worth investing in as would love to work Innervate into this build and a couple of the 3.1 unique items which are shock based. Basically I'm asking you if shock really isn't worth using. Could a shock focused version be viable, if only for clearing map mobs rather than farming bosses?
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" Hi bud, Chase gives me about 60k more DPS on the projectiles, on top of that it has very nice EV boosts. But if you want to be more defensive - Avatar of the Veil is the way to go. There is no right or wrong! I would say if you are struggling vs. spell damage or need status immunity (e.g. for VoV or if you are doing HOGM) then go Avatar of Veil, otherwise go Chase. |
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" Thanks bud. Innervate is a good gem but you will get even more DPS using other gems like light pen, slower projectiles, increased crit damage. I hope I am not confusing people about Shock - for just clearing map mobs yes shock is totally fine! I am referring to bosses in that for some T15 bosses and definitely for T16 bosses have too much HP and you will not be able to get significant shock effect and this is why I prefer to use Ele Focus. Unfortunately getting approx 7% sweet spot per hit on Guardians and Shaper wiht lightning damage will take a shit ton of DPS that is not achievable on this build. You would probably have to build phys lightning strike and use the melee hit of LS with a mirrored dagger, Abyssus, and other top tier gear. however, If you really want a Shock focused version to get max 50% shocks going even on Shaper what I suggest is you run VoV with the new chest Inpulsa's Broken Heart and then equip Esh's Visage shield. This should reflect the 50% shock VoV is putting on you to surrounding enemies and you will not be affected by the shock but get a free 50% more multiplier full shock going on all bosses including Shaper. AND you should still be able to use Ele Focus. You will need to go Avatar of Chase instead of Veil. Downside is you will have to play more in melee depending on the radius from esh's visage, but that would be perfect for LS because you then can put to use the high damage melee hit of LS. So you basically save your melee hit and VoV only for bossses you want to shock to 50% and just use the projectiles for clearing map mobs. |
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what's your tooltip DPS only with max frenzy charges (no flasks/vaal haste/totem)
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" Tooltip will only show melee hit bud and ignore my penetration, but anyway: 150k in town -> add wrath & herald = 222k -> add 7 frenzy charges = 490k. No golem, no flasks, no totem, no vaal haste. |
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Thanks. Any way you could make a pastebin link for your whole character for Path Of Building, or set your profile public so we can import your character into the builder directly and mess with it. PoB can calculate projectile dmg as well.
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" No prob bud: https://pastebin.com/3EVhzwZA |
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