ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
Had a little break (trip to London over the last week) but thanks to Kan I made some changes, I am quite happy with the results.
Switching AC/MS depending on what I do, I am honestly still not sure what one I prefer - with my dps this "60% chance to oneshot packs" mentioned really feels more like 100% to me, which makes switching to AC a bit pointless. Also with the 12.x attacks/second I can get up to, that MS "delay" is hardly there. Either way, I can see the point of running both. I feel squishy still though. at 4.3k hp and I am not entirely sure how I can reliably get it up more. I am slowly converting all my jewels to life jewels and getting 2-3 more levels would help a little but.. how can I keep the same unique setup and get to 5.5k? Respeccing a little is obviously no problem, would just like to eliminate the random oneshots that can still happen :) edit: do have choir too - it's very minor dps gain vs this rare neck but has no hp. So i've been running the rare lately. Последняя редакция: falagar112#0878. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 4:57:39
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" Hi bud, you need to fix your res, you have 31% fire res, 40% cold res? -_- Also try adding a defensive flask - I recommend Quartz. If you are dying too much to spells you should spec Avatar of Veil instead of Avatar of Chase. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 5:22:26
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" Yeah the T16 Guardians have quite high HP. If I was leveling to 100 I would just skip these bosses - not worth the risk for a few yellows and basically zero xp =/. |
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" Hi bud, the change to the EV rating buff is nice but doesn't boost your EV % chance that much. The only other good mod is spell dodge - but you can use Voidwalker which gives more utility, or Atziri's Step which gives more spell dodge. |
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" Hi buddy to get up to 5.5k hp you are probably going to have to get Beast Belly, and upgrade your jewels and Rift Whorl ring to get more life. You may even need to get a rare boot with life instead of using Darkrays. To determine the best setup you'll hvae to fiddle around in PoB to see what options you prefer |
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i like this build alot, however i did some my own adjustments, mostly gear changes and some minor talent ones, ressists were only problem since heavy dps ring/neck without any ress, so i catched up on jewels( or similar ones) tooltip dps on LS is somewhere between 800-900K buffed with flasks on, i tend to use ruthless over dmg on full life, even poe builder shows me 4% more dps and iam not always on full life especialy in T14-16 maps when u face red beasts etc. I already beat most of the content(shaper phases are switched within seconds) iam currently trying to spawn uber elder. (frost bomb on CWDT cause i were hall of GMs and i needed to reduce life regen on one sucker :) normaly i have there shock nova or arc for shock obviously since iam running with ele focus )
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" thank you dude , yes i have low resists(31 40 79) , also im dying when activate stash and been frozen , too low hp 4.5, 18 k evasion(its good) also even if i have rings on mana regen , sometimes its not enaugh mana to run over maps and insta kill everyone. on higher maps you will die with my char easily, also i have couple of exalts( about 7-10) to buy some items but i dont know what exactly to buy, if you have smth for sale pm me.) Ok ill change to Avatar of Veil , ty) Последняя редакция: YJEN#0803. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 6:18:47
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amazing guide, hmm what about the bandits ? kill all or?
mabye i missed it somewhere. |
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" You did ;) Its in the tree section " |
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" I can see using ruthless on certain bosses but not in general. It only effects the melee hit not the projectiles and since most people play more ranged it isn't doing anything. I can easily see it on Shaper because he's actually pretty easy and has large openings for you to run up and hit him close range. I wouldn't have ruthless on something like Chimera, Minotaur or Chayula. But you can easily switch no problem and is definitely a good suggestion. " Personally I went with Alira |
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