ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" In my case i'm farming alts to get fusigs, then buy chaos. If you have farming char with good iir/iiq you will burn through wisdom scroll pretty fast. And if you farm alts, you can farm even mervail on norm, depends on just how fast you can rush to boss and kill it. If you can farm piety on merc with good iir it would be perfect. I had 14 iir on my char on domination, and she still dropped at least few rares, which also can be used in chaos recipe if their item level is 60+ + you can get luck and find something like Alpha's Howl, which allowed to buy bringer of rain ;] look for piety farming tips topic on forums, there are few realy nice tips on how to farm her fast. And now i have started to have real mana issues... at 6.5 attacks per second mana is burning faster then can be leeched back from pack of mobs... Not that i don't have 4% leech... but it just leeches too slow. Even on mana potions can barely keep up ^^ I have only 2.7k average damage according to tooltip (without hatred) and this build is just great :) Последняя редакция: eTo_PL#2674. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 1:05:34
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Hi how about my build.
www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAABH4EsQW1BfkG6QkhFSAV8Bm0GtsbrR6BHt8knSdhKk0s6TBxOJY6QjpYOrM94j8nR35I7kp9SshLeEuNTGBPVlPfVUtW-ljbYeJiWmVNZ6Bqk217bml0QXfXeK59dX8rguSE2YcZh3aH24qvjDaQCpARlWabJpuDo4qmf6yvsbOzP7TFtUi3F7fTvqe-vMAPwuzDhsaiytPN6tJN037UI9Xt1orXy9o93Q3dqN7253TnkejW6xTtQe4O-WP8xf66_xw= This is my gear lvl 80 char.
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I start from Scion because I don't want to use BoR then I need to grab more block node (my char have 72% Block without Tempest Shield ). Take Acrobatic since our char don't have high es/df .Using Lighting Coil for another defensive technic . How about Crown of Eyes is it work and good to improve my dps? since we have Rathpith and Stone of Lazhwar that increased Cast Speed and increased spell damage. Now I just have 3000 average dps with double strike and hatred aura . Good enough for solo farm but really suck in party. And how about cast when stunned?. I heard someone said that when block it also considered as stun (my Molten shell and Endure..Cry work well with it). --sorry for bad english-- Последняя редакция: tur_aw#1065. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 8:19:44
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" You need to run a magic find build to get good drops. You can either make a separate character that stacks IIR and IIQ on gear and uses the IIR/IIQ gems, and use that character to farm Piety or Dominus to get good drops. You can make this build use magic find as well. Get some IIR/IIQ rings, get the IIR/IIQ gems and link these to your cull Leap Slam/Flicker strike, or substitute Melee Splash for the red IIQ gem when you are farming the boss like Piety/Dominus in their separate room. You can also use this flask: Drink this when you are about to kill the boss, it gives you mana quickly so make sure you are low on mana so that the flask is still in effect when you killing the boss. Run merciless Piety or Dominus. I prefer Dominus because Lady Dialla gives you a TP back so you can put 1 TP at the entrance of Upper Sceptre -> rush to Dominus, kill him -> take Dialla's TP back to Sarn -> take your TP from Sarn back to Upper Sceptre -> go back downstairs to Lower Sceptre and reset a new instance for Upper Sceptre -> place a new TP here in the new Upper Sceptre. I did maybe 8 runs of Dominus yesterday in over about an hour and half just using a low level IIQ gem and the flask. Didn't get much except the below item (not great), but it only takes a good drop like Bringer of Rain or Aegis which you can then sell. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 9:12:10
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" Hi, I'll take a look at your gear and tree when I get back later today. |
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Loving this build, both for the incredible survivability, as well it let me use a killer Dagger I have had laying around awaiting a build... :)
Pushed me to 1330 DPS at L50, Act 3 Cruel. edit: Patch updated the DPS to 2590 Последняя редакция: CyclopsSlayer#2010. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 22:27:38
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Now i got Crown of Eyes
my double strike dps jump from 3018 to 3491( and 3491 to 4448 when remove LGOH and use Added fire damage instead ,using 4% life leech from Crown) pretty insane. But really hard to upgrade gear for ele resist :D Последняя редакция: tur_aw#1065. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 18:47:59
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Greetings Ceryneian.
First off, much appreciation for developing and maintaining this guide. Also, my apologies for having this become a much longer post than I initially expected. Having tried this build with my own variations and remaking twice, I've become intrigued in what you've posted on page 23. I'd like to test out a low-life variant of this build however I'm not sure how I should go about the passive tree. I know you've stated your own difficulties in balancing ES and damage nodes however could there be another workaround to compensate for the lack of ES? I've tried using Lightning Coil with the regular variant of this build and it somewhat works I just haven't optimized it enough to provide sufficient conclusions/data. How about also trying Eldritch Battery with Mind Over Matter to soak some damage as well? Some combination may work and I would love to be the guinea pig but again, the passive tree eludes me. I've also looked through other possibilities for items and came across Daresso's Courage which would help alleviate gear slots while also providing solid stats for a low-life variant. With the high spell block provided by Daresso's on low-life, one could replace their Stone of Lazhwar and Rainbowstrides granted, yes you would have excess spell block if you also went for maxed physical block but that shouldn't be something detrimental. Having said that, with the following:
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Innately high evasion due to build.
70%+ Physical block chance. Nearly all resists capped. Relatively safe trigger gem setups posted below. Ondar's Guile (Doubles chance to Evade Projectile Attacks). Lori's Lantern (While on Low Life, Enemies are Unlucky when Damaging you). Daresso's Courage (120% of Block Chance applied to Spells when on Low Life). Lightning Coil (40% of Physical Damage taken as Lightning Damage). We should be fairly set to tackle what the original build could minus what's mentioned next. Currently, the only problem would be chaos damage like all low-life builds fear. However maps with chaos ticking per second could be easily disregarded with enough health regen so that should be a non-issue or at least not as impactful. Taking actual chaos damage on the other hand could prove to be very trivial without Shavronne's however with a big enough health pool despite reductions dropping health below 35%, wouldn't it be possible to sustain with maybe around 1000 health (post-reduction)? The gem setup would also be relatively similar (if one was not utilizing the Bringer of Rain) with my own little twists. Below is a very rough idea as to what I planned on eventually running:
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24 sockets - 6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3
6 used on chest (Lightning Coil) - Blind(G), Double Strike(G), Multistrike(R), Melee Splash(R), Life Gained on Hit(R), Faster Attack(G) 3 used on weapon (?) - Flicker Strike(G), Culling Strike(G), Item Rarity(B) 3 used on shield (Daresso's Courage) - Cast When Stunned(B), Molten Shell(R), Ice Nova(B) 4 used on boots (?) - Blood Magic(R), Enfeeble(B), Faster Casting(B), Immortal Cry(R) 4 used on helm (?) - Reduced Mana?(R), Blood Magic(R), Grace(G), Hatred(G) 4 used on gloves (?) - Cast When Damage Taken(R), Temporal Chains(G), Enduring Cry(R), ? Socket Colours Req: - 8+ Greens - 9+ reds - 5+ blues This variant would require absolute focus and would not be recommended in any hardcore league however I feel like the danger that this variant could provide brings even more flavor to the build that I already love so much. What are your thoughts if you were to try and progress on the low-life variant? I eagerly await your response and once again, thanks for the guide. Последняя редакция: OnlyInferior#3354. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 19:10:23
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Hello, im kinda searching for the tankiest build ever that cab still do around 12k dps... I was wondeeing is this is the tankiest buikd you know of? Or us a aegis aurora build safer than this build? Any link if u have know the tankiest build plz
Последняя редакция: XenoChaos2#6917. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 19:34:38
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" You should really read the guide more. Under the "Attention Hardcore Players" spoiler: Please note that this guide is not a TANK build. It is focused on avoiding damage (priority), mitigating any damage as best as possible, and rapidly regenerating life. The evasion/max block combo is extremely strong and gives you very high survivability. As long as you play smart with this build you will be fine. |
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" well for the videoS he posted he seems to be able to facetank pretty much everything in the game to me... so what is not tanky about that? is life is not moving at all and when it moves he heals right away... can you even die? I would like to know if this build is not a tank as u said what can a tank do more than this build? for me tanky = not taking damage at all and when u take it you heal immediatly... so for me this build seems really tanky... also if this build is not tanky could you lead me to a recommended tanky build? (wish survive better then this one)(if possible?) i found this :
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SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 Последняя редакция: xenochaos1#4153. Время: 2 дек. 2013 г., 22:02:39
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