ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" Been testing a few different curses(finally got a dual curse stone of lazhwar in ambush ^_^), been using proj weakness for the most part(lvling mostly with vuln for the added leech), then starting maps switched to just proj weakness/enfeeble. Now with dual curse, doing projweakness/ele weakness in groups and just got a conductivity and its working even better for solo play. The added shock chance+duration is rly crazy nice, it lowers the res abit less than ele weakness but the shock more than covers the loss. Conductivity is definetly a + for this build EDIT:just got a flash from watching a quick stream lol, prob gonna try crit weakness to see how it goes, will update when i try it tomorrow(since we still focus abit on crit using daggers and Adder's touch, just got it and boom 2.5k tooltip boost, 11.8k LS @lvl 77 now. Insane build Tiurakh EDIT:Decided to not try crit weakness, i rly like the conductivity/proj weakness combo for offense, conduct for shocks and res and proj weakness for the added dmg and less chance to evade and knockback its a rly good combo. I use conduct and enfeeble for hard maps/mobs. Never rly liked the enfeeble/temp chains combo, I`d run it if I was playing hc atm, but in sc, meh. Good defense is a good offense :) Rampage: xGyoX Последняя редакция: Special0ps#6737. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 15:08:53
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" It's an evasion build, the fact that ondar's guile doubles your evasion against projectiles is a huge boost to survivability for both ranged mobs and reflect(from the LS projectiles). It's also 3 points away(since u rly want to get that 18% life cluster). Definetly worth it. Frenzy charges are kind of pushing it imho, the only 2 ways i see of using frenzy charges with this build, is; 1:Blood dance boots(reduces survivability by reducing res and spell block) 2:Blood rage(good luck getting that regen efficiently) Rampage: xGyoX Последняя редакция: Special0ps#6737. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 0:55:03
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" Yea didn't even notice I could save 2 points by going down lol, rather than spending 6 through the frenzy charge path. I'll just do that, since the evasion charges really only boost you during boss fights if you get them up to start with. I knew ondar's guile is awesome for the build, just didn't want to spend 6 points getting there especially when evasion charges are used situationally (I'm to lazy to constantly keep them up) EDIT: Ah actually looking at the rest of the skill tree it actually saves you 1 point by grabbing the frenzy node in the end to get to ondar's guile >.> Also in the passive tree I was looking at here
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Wouldn't it be better to grab leather and steel in the evasion armor nodes rather then going across the bottom (the 2 dex and 1 str nodes). I mean you spend an extra point, but get 40% more evasion? >>> IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< Последняя редакция: twapper#0511. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 3:03:16
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" Agreed with SpecialOps here. Twapper you are right - feel free to drop the frenzy charge in the axe build if you do not use them. Ondar's Guile: - This is an amazing keystone and borderline OP. If you are playing melee - this keystone helps A LOT. If you get near max block, - you will become essentially immune to projectile ATTACKS (not projectile spells because that takes spell dodge and spell block). Then throw in dodge as well and you will see that you will not have to worry about projectile attacks AT ALL with this build. - This is why I recommend getting tooltip evasion to ~50% because you will then easily hit the cap of 95% max evasion vs. projectile attacks from regular mobs - Unique bosses have higher accuracy, so your actual evasion against them would be lower, but you will still essentially not have to worry about their projectiles: Piety ice form Atziri's spear throws A'alai's ranged attack. Special note on A'alai: she has ranged attack, as well as a ranged spell which is her storm of needles similar to firestorm where your spell dodge/block is checked against each needle falling. This is one of the cases where having simultaneous max spell block and max regular block really shines because you cannot switch to Saffell's for spell block in that boss room because then her regular attacks, and the attacks of the other 2 melee bosses will really start penetrating. Another important benefit for Ondar's is REFLECT: - This only applies to the LS build, the axe build is non-crit and has 0 issues with reflect - Because my Lightning Strike AOE damage is in the form of projectiles - I have a doubled chance to evade my own projectile reflect damage through Ondar's Guile. And this is before dodge and block are checked to avoid the reflect. This is why I don't have to use Vaal Pact and have no problems in reflect/double reflect maps with phys/elemental because the chance of taking reflect damage is miniscule - and when it does happen - I do not take a lot of damage because of the Lightning Strike mechanics, and also because my crit multiplier is not insane either. If I'm running a reflect map, there may be only 2 or 3 instances when I am noticing ANY reflect damage throughout the entire map. - As far as I know, you cannot do this with other attack skills, except Spectral Throw, because you either a) will not benefit from Ondar's Guile, or b) you will not have any block - so reflect will be a much bigger, persistent problem Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 8:27:19
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" Thanks man, glad the tests are going well. Dual curse with this build is really insane. I agree that Conductivity works great with this build, as you mention - crit weakness will also be strong with this build. I recommend using full offensive curses is when you need to clear fast or if you would like more damage for some reason. For regular bosses and mobs on maps with hard modifiers, I recommend either Enfeeble/TC + Crit Weakness/Projectile Weakness/Conductivity. For hard unique bosses I recommend going full defensive with dual curse Enfeeble and Temporal Chains - which is truly amazing with this build: Enfeeble: lowers enemy accuracy, lowers crit chance, lowers crit multiplier, lowers overall damage - all of these synergize extremely well with evasion Temporal Chains: lower casting, lower movement speed, lower attack speed - great for defense against heavy spell bosses, and also syergizes extremely well with evasion by reducing your rate of entropy increase. Lower movement speed gives you more time for positioning/escape. The one thing to consider with TC is that it has a very low duration, so sometimes I link this up with a spell totem so it can constantly spam Enhance: highly recommend using a leveled Enhance gem for the extra quality bonus to the above curses Dual curse is also very helpful against unique bosses because they have reduced curse effectiveness. Colors can easily be set up to take advantage of curse swapping and or spell totem: Green: Projectile Weakness / Temporal Chains / Enhance Blue 1: Enfeeble / Crit Weakness / Elemental Weakness / Conductivity / Faster Casting Blue 2: Summon Skeletons / any of the above blue curses Red: Reduced Mana / Blood Magic (I prefer blood magic so I can curse anytime in the fight) / Spell Totem / Increased Duration / CWDT So as long as you can set up an GBBR 4L you have so much flexibility around using all the important curses for this build, as well as using a spell totem for the cursing OR for summon skeletons, in just ONE 4L. If you use more green curses than blue - then make it GGBR - so that you can add Enhance to the 2nd green socket to modify the curses in the 1st green socket. ***If you do a lot of very hard maps - then I recommend using 2 or even 3 separate links for the curses, CWDT/ and summon skeletons***. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 8:57:03
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" Yes that would be more ideal - if you DO NOT use axes or swords. If you use axe/ sword with the 1st build - you will need access to some of the bottom axe / sword nodes like Hatchet Master and Blade Master. You have to keep in mind that for damage you will need some weapon-specific nodes so that you can greatly increase your DPS while getting nice benefits like accuracy / attack speed. However feel free to modify the tree to what suites your taste. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 29 марта 2014 г., 8:54:59
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ondar's guile is literally the only reason why i ever considered an evasion/dodge build. it is an absolutely must.
keep in mind majority of chaos damage is ranged also which takes a lot of that pressure off by essentially being able to never get hit by it. not only that but the big trouble mobs are all ranged - chaos spitting snakes, the titty gunners, the stunlock crab shooters. with ondar's guile you no longer need to worry about any of them - literally you can afk in front of firing squads of them and not worry about it. if you were to drop it you'd notice spike dmgs from firing squad archers/titty gunners and a lot more stunlock with the crabs and such. in fact with this build and my build one great threat is projectile weakness curse cast by archers sometimes. this will cause you to basically not have ondar's guile and it is DEVASTATING. it almost kills me a couple times in a map i recently ran, which i actually recorded too, maybe i'll post it shortly. |
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What gems do you use for lightning strike build?
The video shows lmp, but the guide doesn't include it? >>>
IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< |
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" You don't need LMP with Lightning Strike - it gives you the projectiles itself. I use the following links in Bringer of Rain: LS -> Additional Accuracy (quality gives crit chance) -> Life Leech -> Multistrike. Bringer of Rain adds Melee Physical Damage, Faster Attacks and Blind. Other gems to use with Lightning Strike: - Weapon Elemental Damage - PCOC - Increased Crit Chance - Increased Crit Damage - Lightning Penetration - Added Fire Damage - Elemental Proliferation Feel free to pick and choose what you like. I like Additional Accuracy because it gives me high hit chance, good crit chance with quality, and no mana multiplier. |
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" Jesus my bad lol, thanks for the help. Haven't used lightning strike in months so was sooo confused how it had 3 projectiles lol. Thanks again! Loved the double strike build but died at 67 to the blade invasion bird boss, thought I'd try out the ls version Fire nova OP >>>
IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< |
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