ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
New vid for Lightning Strike build!
Death and Taxes - Unique Level 75 Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_wRAGlW5p4&feature=youtu.be This was not what I expected because I had a lot of trouble with the animated weapons, and less problems with the boss. I recommend using Enfeeble on the weapons and Temp Chains on the bosses. The weapons were also hard to see so the curse helped to mark them for me. Having evasion flasks help against the weapons. Good strategy is to draw the weapons away from boss -> temp chains them -> then rush and attack boss -> then retreat when the weapons get close. I tried straight tanking the boss, which is doable but if there are too many weapons I start going into a lot of block/stun recovery. EDIT: guide updated. Last thing to add is my DPS screenshots and some map strategies. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 8 июня 2014 г., 20:06:07
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I have always been a phys crit build lover since the beginning of OB (the orig Invalesco guide was my Bible). When I came back to the 2wk charity race I once again rolled a range phys crit build. I was inspired in my build by both the Goratha spec and your spec. I thought I would post my results here to perhaps help in furthering your build design and give other people ideas. Here is my passive tree at lvl 90: (Bandits: Oak, Point(perhaps should have done oak), Alira) http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAF4EfgSxBX0FtQX5CC4OSBGWFfAWvxi9GYoZjhnVGo8a2yLqI_YkPCT9JpUnqStvLYMwcTB8MgEzDDpCOlhJUUp9S3hMYFFHVUtWLVbqVvpaSFptYeJirGegbXtwUnBWcLt9dX8rf8aHGYd2h9uIQow2jX2Nv5AblWaXBpoTmyabjZu1nZadqqZ_pzSnXKp_qrisf7GzshmyRLVIu-PAUcHFwzrEosaiz3rTftQj1QDWitad29TdqN7244TnVOd06NbrFO1B7YPuDu_w8-r22vsJ_MX-uv_e And current gear:
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I have found the Lightning Coil to be extremely powerful when coupled with Evasion/Dodge. I took the reduced mana reserve nodes so that I could run Grace in addition to Hatred and Purity of Lightning. Build is at 4.8k life (limited due to jewelry, could prob have easy 5.5k+ life with life on every piece) and resists are currently 75/75/78/-7 with 9000evasion (49%), 40Dodge, and 46Spell Dodge and 28block. Have been trying to figure out how to work in block with the build but it is really hard. Offensively my Spectral Throw is around 5.5k tooltip and Molten Strike around 23k (this skill even freezes *most* invasion bosses, so much fun!). I have also tried Lightning Strike (16k tooltip with 4L (replaced molten strike in helm with LS) and now power charges) but the mana leech nerfs make it hard even with 660 mana pool (60 unreserved) One way to increase this builds survivability against spells would be to Vaal Orb the Atrizi Steps to get GRBW sockets, which would allow switching of grace for Purity of Fire for bosses like Crematorium (Or hatred if you really need the evasion) I will try to find some time this week to post some character screenshots. Последняя редакция: phaenx#5025. Время: 9 июня 2014 г., 22:47:22
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" Hi, thanks for posting your gear and build! Yeah it is tough to get high block without Bringer of Rain and/or a lot of nodes. It is interesting to hear how Light Coil and Molten Strike are working out for you. I have yet to try them both. I guess you are not using Blind? Would be interested to hear more about your build and anything that gives a challenge for you. BTW - are you level 90 on Invasion?! Pretty impressive - grats!!. Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 июня 2014 г., 1:51:58
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Posting 2 new videos:
1. Level 77 Shrine - Double Bosses with Shocked Ground, 33% Increased Monster Damage, 30% Increased Boss Damage, and 25% Increased Boss Attack Speed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDMkILZy8KQ If my calculations are correct, the combination of shocked ground, +33% monster damage, and +30% boss damage creates a damage scenario similar to -max for Piety's elemental attacks, but I think it could be harder than -Max because the damage increases are affecting all her damage not just elemental (which -max would only affect). 2. Level 78 Courtyard - Double Bosses with -20 Maximum Resitances, Physical Reflect 18% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwcwiyLuFA0&feature=youtu.be This vid helps to really show how flexible the LS build is. This map would have been nearly impossible to complete as melee as the -max makes the bosses hit hard and I would certainly kill myself with reflect. However with LS I can switch to purely range mode to minimize reflect and to play safe (somewhat xD). Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 10 июня 2014 г., 1:53:38
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" Ya, BoR seems really fun; thinking about trying it in next 4month leagues. Blind would be nice, but hard to add it in without a 6L. Any physical boss I just enfeeble and attack at range, sometimes I will Ele Weak+ Molten Strike if I know I can freeze the boss. As you mentioned in a previous post, Spell Damage is often what kills many builds and so I recently included the Atrizi boots to give better mitigation against spells. Might mess around with Lazhar/Rathpith and some passives to bump up the spell block while trying to maintain high evasion. I did not start using Lightning Coil until around level 87, and there was a point before using the Coil that I got hit by Ossecati invader for 4.6k (out of a 5.2k health pool at the time in a 75 map). Now with the Coil I notice physical hits much less, although making up for the -60 has been challenging. Think I just need a better dagger in order to sustain LS under current leech mechanics. edit: Yes, I leveled the build up to 87 in the 2week charity event, and finished 87->90 in invasion. Build could use another 2points so i might try to grind out 92. edit2: Molten Strike makes for a great single target ability for this build, someday when LS gets buffed (or Glacial Strike added to the game) this build will be even more fun. Последняя редакция: phaenx#5025. Время: 10 июня 2014 г., 2:02:39
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What's your dps w/o mirrored dagger?
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" Check my video on level 77 Shrine Piety with 200 pDPS dagger in the video section of LS - I had about 12K LS damage, I used Light Pen support gem with LS + LL + Multistrike. If you use something like LS + Inc. Crit Damage + Multistrike + WED or Added Fire Damage - your DPS will be much higher. I can test and post those numbers. Light Pen has no affect on the tooltip DPS but helps a lot against elemental resistance mobs if you do the math - you will see it gives the highest damage increase against those mobs. |
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" Gonna revisit this post from JunkX. My reply to this post back in the thread was that you really need Spell Dodge if you are doing high level dangerous spell maps like Academy, Crematorium, etc. So if you are not doing this build to such a high level, then I recommend you skip taking Dodge. You can save up to 6-7 points that you can put into damage (crit / phys damage, accuracy), mana, life, etc. I ran the original axe build that has the same defenses as LS with Dodge at first, and then took off Dodge for about 2 months - I hardly noticed any difference against attacks. However, on the high level spell heavy maps - you will definitely notice the missing spell dodge. So if you are running level 76+ maps then I recommend you get the dodge nodes, otherwise feel free to skip Dodge and use the points elsewhere. I really wish Phase Acro was separate from Acrobatics so I could take the spell dodge for 1 point and skip the 5 points of regular dodge!! xD Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 15 июня 2014 г., 9:10:15
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Want to test a few new things. Anyone using Lightning Coil successfully with this build? Would be great to hear how it is working for you - PM or post here xD. Someone also suggest I try Puncture so I'll be testing that out and would require different type of playing style.
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ya since you're a crit build, might as well have puncture even without any supports just to get added DPS on single targets - crit punctures are insane.
i've always wanted to do a melee puncture build but eh, didn't get round to it |
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