ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

Kirielis написал:
Your thoughts on Aegis Aurora?

Kirielis thanks for the comment. Aegis Aurora is an amazing shield, unfortunately it would not work on this build because we have very low armor, it also doesnt give any life/int/spell block which we need in this build.

The key behind Aegis Aurora is the last mod - it replenishes Energy Shield by 4% of Armor when you Block. It works very well with high armor/high ES builds - but unfortunately not with this build because of the low armor and low ES.

What would be awesome is if a new unique shield was introduced that had some sort of benefit for life builds every time you evade/dodge/block - but that is just my wishful thinking.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 17 сент. 2013 г., 8:36:21
So, a quick update. Made it to level 57. Build is going great so far. Super fun and quite effective. Here's my current setup, pretty mediocre gear since I am largely self found (and I haven't prioritized links since much of it is transitional):

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Should have enough currency to get BoR once I am able to equip it. Can also start using my axe then as well. I went along the bottom of the tree from Duelist to Ranger to grab Diamond Flesh, I'll respec out of that path once I am ready to grab the axe passives.

I haven't had a need to use LGOH up to this point. I'll switch to it, Lazhwar and Rathpith at level 68. /deaths are at 4, all from Cruel Sewers when a rare alchemist + haste rare trashed me. All in all, this has been one of my favorite characters to date, thanks to Ceryneian for the build!
Последняя редакция: dessloc#7718. Время: 17 сент. 2013 г., 0:52:52
Ceryneian написал:
Necropotence написал:
Thanks for the extensive answer :)

What I meant by Acro vs. block/life is that with 6 points you could get let's say 3 block nodes and 3 life nodes (or 6 block/6 life nodes) and compare that vs. 30% dodge/20% spell dodge. Thing about block is that it doesn't care about attacker's accuracy while dodge does. Hmm I'm thinking about making a graph as I'm also really interested in this.

Necro thanks for the question. I've written a reply that has turned out to be quite long - TLDR is at the end.

I think I see how you are looking at Dodge. Are you seeing it as an effective increase to your health? Let me know if that is how you are thinking about it.

Here is an example (ignoring evasion, block, and damage mitigation) with only Dodge:
- 1000 HP
- With 30% Dodge this translates into ~1429 HP - which is a 43% effective increase to your health
- Rationale: 30% Dodge means you avoid 3/10 attacks, so on average you get hit for 7/10 attacks which you can match against your health pool of 1000HP. Thus your total effective health can take 1429 damage (i.e. effective HP is 1429) since 30% of that damage will miss and only 70% (= 1000 hit points) will get through.

However when you combine in Blind, Evasion, and max Block - damage avoidance will be very high (making our effective increase to our HP also very high) and thus the extra increase to avoidance that 30% Dodge can give will be very small. Here is how I am thinking of it:
- 1000 HP
- 50% chance to evade - implies enemy has Chance to Hit of 50%
- With Blind, Chance to Hit is reduced by 75% - so new Chance to Hit is 50% x 25% = 12.5%
- Now assume max Block of 75%
- Total Chance to Hit is now: Chance Not Evaded x Chance Not Blocked = 12.5% x (1-75%) = 3.1%
- If we incorporate Dodge as well the above formula will be:
Total Chance to Hit = Chance Not Evaded x Chance Not Dodged x Chance Not Blocked = 12.5% x (1-30%) x (1-75%) = 12.5% x 70% x 25% = 2.2%
- As you can see Dodge does not seem to be adding much to our damage avoidance as the difference between 3.1% and 2.2% is incredibly small and does not seem to justify 6 points.

Please keep in mind this is an approximate calculation - I have not factored in Ondar's Guile, Enfeeble and that the bosses typically have much much higher accuracy and chance to hit than regular mobs.

The same can be said for Phase Acrobatics (however to a lesser extent) - 20% spell dodge will not give that much increase to damage avoidance if you have 75% spell block. Here is my math reasoning:
- Max Spell Block only of 75% gives a 25% chance to avoid Spell Damage
- Max Spell Block with 20% Spell Dodge - gives a 25% x (1-20%) = 20% chance to avoid Spell Damage
The difference between 20% and 25% is a decent amount - but not that large. However it is still worthwhile for a 1 point investment - the downside is that you have to go through 5 points of Acrobatics to get to Phase Acrobatics.

The interesting thing is that Dodge would be worthwhile in early game for those who do not yet have max Block (or are playing ranged characters that do not need high block). However based on the above math, once you have max Block and high evasion - Dodge adds very little to our defense to justify 6 points - at least on paper.

Also - Dodge is just a random roll and does not take into account enemy accuracy like evasion. It probably works like this: random number generated between 1 and 100, if this is greater than 30 (your Dodge chance is 30%) - the hit is not Dodged.

Necropotence написал:
With regards to stun, at the moment I'm playing a 40%eva/30dodge/75%block with no ES ranger with 0 stun recovery/evasion and I rarely get stunned or go into block motion, have you tried without stun recovery/evasion? You also have ES which means your chance to get stunned/block animation would be half of mine.

Good question about the Block/Stun Recovery - with a high evasion/dodge/high block - you will hardly see stuns in regular gameplay. However - if you play on a Vulnerability map - you will see some stun/block recovery from physical damage. If you play against a high-end spell boss like Piety / Mageara - you will see a lot of stuns/block recovery from spells. This is when you will find stun avoidance really helpful from Heart of Oak/Energy Shield.

mvm pointed this out earlier - the problem with stacking stun/block recovery is that you do need a lot of it for it to become effective. In this case, on a high evasion build, because we avoid so many hits, it would be more important to avoid the stun when it gets through, rather than to have quick recovery (since consecutive stuns will happen rarely - and thus recovery is not that crucial).

[I actually need to rework the HC section of the guide to reflect my new findings].

Important note: Stuns from spells are more tricky to handle than stuns from physical damage because we do not have any evasion against spells - we rely only on Spell Block (and Spell Dodge). The problem with Block is that you will go through Block Recovery on a hit if it would have caused a stun - even if you blocked it, whereas Evasion and Dodge do not have to deal with this. Thus high spell damage bosses can cause you to undergo Block Recovery a lot - which can be annoying as you cannot attack/leech life when you are block/stun recovering.

As you point out - Energy Shield is great because it gives a 50% chance to avoid stun which combines with our 30% chance to avoid stun from Heart of Oak. (This is why I recommended Ghost Reaver to dessloc in his build a few posts back as a way for him to keep his ES up at all times)
Interestingly, Heart of Oak and ES are NOT additive - the total combined chance to avoid stun is 65% and not 80%. These are the mechanics:
- First regular stun avoidance is checked, and then if that fails - ES has a 50% chance to ignore stun if it was not avoided (Source: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/464831/page/47#p4108429)
- Chance to not avoid stun = Chance stun not avoided by 30% from Heart of Oak x Chance stun not ignored by Energy Shield after stun avoidance failed = (1-30%) x (1-50%) = 35%
- So our total chance to not get stunned is 1 - chance stun not avoided/ignored = 1-35% = 65%

Sorry for the long post, but I find all these mechanics very interesting.

- Dodge tapers off late game, but is very useful early to mid-game when you do not yet have high block as it gives a large boost to effective health
- Block/Stun recovery is usually a non-issue except for: Vulnerability maps and when facing high spell damage bosses such as Piety and Mageara
- Stun avoidance from Heart of Oak and Energy Shield are incredibly useful. However they do not stack additively, and combined give a total chance to ignore stuns of 65% for any hit that gets through all your defenses and has a stun attached to it

Nice post :) I don't have time to reply now (gonna watch footie! :) but I will tomorrow. WRT to evasion and dodge I wouldn't consider them into the effective health pool but as a different mechanic. Will reply soon more TLDR ;)
My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976
HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667
HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382
RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331
Very in-depth. I'm brainstorming something like this build. Mine's a bit experimental though :)
Последняя редакция: rayshi#0071. Время: 17 сент. 2013 г., 16:47:26
Just wanted to say thanks for the build.
Just got to 71 and my mana seems to have been sorted, had to take mana flows, but in the interest of survivability it's a good trade off. I've still got room for HP on my gloves and ev and gloves and shield. Blind is awesome, facetanking Kole and Piety was a good feeling after my last 2 ar based characters had to avoid them.

My gear
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I have to run purity instead of haste but that's ok.
The 1 thing that is really crapping about this build: That would only slow me down.
I haven;t worked out how to move and attack without picking up all the crap drops. Have lost a few rares because of it. This is tongue in cheek by the way, I'm just a klutz

Thx again, I found a good high level party to run with once I gain a few extra levels. Hopefully I'll chance Soul Taker by then...that's the one thing this build needs
Just upgraded to a higher ev shield

Последняя редакция: yiker#3179. Время: 19 сент. 2013 г., 7:54:05
Didn't get the chance to get more in depth about dodge and spell dodge but I'm gonna give it a try without acrobatics, still need some more regrets which are kind of a pain in the ass to get in onslaught...but it keeps the character interesting :) will post more soon
My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976
HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667
HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382
RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331
Thanks for all the feedback and updates. Good to hear your Rangers are doing well! Would be greaet to hear more from others trying the build and what they like/don't like.

So far build is going well without Dodge. I have tested against double-reflect and thorns, as well as high physical maps - no issues. I need to test more on a high spell damage map.

For those who do not yet have max block or are not using Blind - I recommend you keep the Dodge nodes to keep your damage avoidance as high as possible.

I'm also looking into adding Frenzy to the build to generate frenzy charges instead of using Blood Rage. Looking into the new smoke traps and whether these can be incorporated into the build for those who cannot use BofR.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 21 сент. 2013 г., 23:52:06
New video added! Level 76 Crematorium with 2x Magaera


One of the hardest bosses I've faced along with the Weaver in Jungle Valley - both of which are heavy spell bosses and thus our evasion doesn't help. Had some desync. I am still running without dodge or spell dodge.

Here are some tips I gathered to help against the boss on this map:
- Recommend you swap your Lazhwar Stone for an Eye of Chayula to prevent stun - you will undergo a lot of block recovering/stuns from her Firestorm spell
- Max spell block - I have max block for both regular attacks and spells with Rathpith's Globe - however I switched to Saffell's Frame because without Lazhwar (using Chayula) I do not have enough intelligence to carry Rathpith. Saffel's gives a nice +max res, however you cannot block regular attacks, so be careful depending on what mobs spawn in the boss room
- Enfeeble/Temp Chains: Temp chains would have probably been a better choice for me
- Purity for the +max to res
- Ruby flasks for the +max to Fire resistance
- Dispel burn mods on your flasks to help douse ignite
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 21 сент. 2013 г., 21:49:25
why not frenzy as main attack
Ignore my post, ive found my answer. sorry.
Последняя редакция: esgaladar#3571. Время: 24 сент. 2013 г., 18:20:54

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