Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Mathil написал:
theamazingjojo написал:
Labyrinth boss is a spell. Saffell, SOL, rainbowstride + the phase acrobatics cluster. If it gets through you will still need 4k hp or more though

I did the boss on my armor based char today a few times and while I have the exact same spell defence as my main evasion char, I take far FAR less damage using armor and a granite flask. Something to the order of 1.5k-2k per barrage of whateveritis. On my evasion char I take about 5k from it wtihout fail.

yepp its physical, with a granite and around 60k and some endurance charges i saw a streamer take <800. Seems to be all physical, chaos res has no impact on it. But its a spell, so at least spell dodge and block can help to a degree.

So, I did some comparison on a few weapons for this build, comparing:

Looking to see how to choose a weapon, based on APS / eDPS / pDPS. (Clearly we know pDPS is all but irrelevant here).

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 ele 76 eDPS 145.92 phys 37.0 pDPS 71.04 DPS 216.9 specDPS 4892.0
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 32.5 pDPS 69.22 DPS 150.2 specDPS 4847.6
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 32.5 pDPS 55.25 DPS 191.3 specDPS 4410.6
Death Scratch: APS 1.89 ele 40 eDPS 75.60 phys 33.0 pDPS 62.37 DPS 137.9 specDPS 4285.4

ele is (total ele damage / 2). phys is (total phys damage / 2)
eDPS is (total ele damage / 2) * APS
pDPS is (total phys damage / 2) * APS
DPS is the sum of eDPS and pDPS
specDPS is the damage done on the ST tool tip at this time on my build (level 71, Alpha's Howl, ST @ 17, WED @ 16, LMP @ 16, Haste/wrath/anger all at 16 (+2 from AH) BM & LL (no damage impact)).

Given that the auras and skill gems were consistent across all weapons when equipped, the specDPS differences are solely due to the weapons themselves.

pDPS comparison
To eliminate the impact of pDPS, I took the Eagle Bite (which was at 0% quality) and dropped 10 and then 10 more Blacksmith's whetstones:

Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 37.0 pDPS 71.04 DPS 216.9 specDPS 4892.0 @ 0% quality
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 40.5 pDPS 77.76 DPS 223.7 specDPS 4904.5 @ 10% quality
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 44.0 pDPS 84.48 DPS 230.4 specDPS 4917.1 @ 20% quality

3.5 phys = 6.72 pDPS = 6.72 DPS = 12.5 specDPS gain (0-10% quality)
3.5 phys = 6.72 pDPS = 6.72 DPS = 12.5 specDPS gain (10-20% quality)
7 phys = 13.44 pDPS = 13.44 DPS = 25.1 specDPS gain (0-20% quality)

Thus 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS (approx)

ele damage comparison
To compare the impact of eDPS, consider:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 32.5 pDPS 69.22 DPS 150.2 specDPS 4847.6

As we know 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS, we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 44.5 pDPS 94.79 DPS 175.7 specDPS 4890.6

Thus we can see that 0.03 APS, 10 ele and 22.74eDPS equates to 144.7 spec DPS

Given the comparatively small APS difference, let's assume that's all down to ele/eDPS for the purposes of estimating and comparison, which gives us 10 ele for 144.7 spec DPS, or:

1 ele = 14.47 specDPS (approx)

We haven't used eDPS here so as to avoid double-counting the effect of APS (as eDPS uses APS).

APS comparison
To compare the impact of APS, consider:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 32.5 pDPS 55.25 DPS 191.3 specDPS 4410.6

As we know 1phys = 3.59 specDPS we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 44.5 pDPS 75.65 DPS 211.6 specDPS 4453.6

As we know 1ele = 14.47 specDPS, we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 48 eDPS 81.60 phys 44.5 pDPS 75.65 DPS 157.2 specDPS 3900.6

Thus we can see that 0.46 APS equates to 1044.8 specDPS

Or 0.1 APS equates to 22.7 spec DPS


In conclusion, my maths isn't good enough to figure this out completely accurately, and I can't be assed to dig through all the aura stuff to do a complete comparison! However...cock-ups aside, it should be good enough to show that (approximately and build-sepcifically - YMwillVary *a bit*)

- 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS
- 1 ele = 14.47 specDPS
- 0.1 APS = 22.7 specDPS

So, you can see that you need 2 points of ele damage for each 0.1 point of APS difference.

Hope that helps everyone decide what constitutes an upgrade on their weapon :)

That took AGES. So now I'm off to kill things. See ya!


Well i looked a lot of paged and i couldnt find passive tree for this build.. im quite new also so, could any1 give the passive tree for this built? :)
Awesome build. I love it. This has inspired me to respec my 82 ranger to something similar.

I stopped playing my ranger because I absolutely hated ST :p With that still being the case, I'm now thinking of using this build's core idea with split arrow and a quill rain (3.11 aps!).

This is what I came up with (based on ShadowWalker07 IR variant):

Losing the shield would really hurt my defenses though, so I think I'm gonna change the haste aura for grace. This should give an insane amount of armor with all the increased effects of aura's and buffs. When combined with the lightning coil chest (convert 40% of phys dmg taken to lightning) and the 84% light res, phys dmg shouldnt really be a problem, right?

I would use the following 6L: split arrow - WED, BM, LL, Chain, faster attacks

I did some quick calculations. It should be possible to reach these stats with quality gems and + 30% weapon elemental damage on all slots that can roll it (including quiver):
5.5 - 6k life
10k armor, a lot more with jade flask
I'm pretty sure I messed up my dmg calculations somehow, but this is roughly what I got for damage:
DPS per projectile without chaining: 13.5k
DPS after chaining: 41k
All 5 projectiles together with chaining: 200k O.O

Not sure whats best for the single target attack. Barrage or Elemental hit.

What do you think? Will it work?

ps. If I failed hard with the calculations just say so :p
Moyahz написал:
Well i looked a lot of paged and i couldnt find passive tree for this build.. im quite new also so, could any1 give the passive tree for this built? :)

First page. The spoiler called "The Spec".
dangerbob написал:
Awesome build. I love it. This has inspired me to respec my 82 ranger to something similar.

I stopped playing my ranger because I absolutely hated ST :p With that still being the case, I'm now thinking of using this build's core idea with split arrow and a quill rain (3.11 aps!).

This is what I came up with (based on ShadowWalker07 IR variant):

Losing the shield would really hurt my defenses though, so I think I'm gonna change the haste aura for grace. This should give an insane amount of armor with all the increased effects of aura's and buffs. When combined with the lightning coil chest (convert 40% of phys dmg taken to lightning) and the 84% light res, phys dmg shouldnt really be a problem, right?

I would use the following 6L: split arrow - WED, BM, LL, Chain, faster attacks

I did some quick calculations. It should be possible to reach these stats with quality gems and + 30% weapon elemental damage on all slots that can roll it (including quiver):
5.5 - 6k life
10k armor, a lot more with jade flask
I'm pretty sure I messed up my dmg calculations somehow, but this is roughly what I got for damage:
DPS per projectile without chaining: 13.5k
DPS after chaining: 41k
All 5 projectiles together with chaining: 200k O.O

Not sure whats best for the single target attack. Barrage or Elemental hit.

What do you think? Will it work?

ps. If I failed hard with the calculations just say so :p

Why not LA?
Altissimus написал:

- 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS
- 1 ele = 14.47 specDPS
- 0.1 APS = 22.7 specDPS

So, you can see that you need 2 points of ele damage for each 0.1 point of APS difference.

Hope that helps everyone decide what constitutes an upgrade on their weapon :)

That took AGES. So now I'm off to kill things. See ya!


well done sir.
lots of work, really nice one.

maybe OP can add this in his first post
Altissimus написал:

Why not LA?

Well, with Quill rain I wouldnt have any physical damage, so the 50% physical conversion from LA wouldnt do anything. Split arrow has a built in 'multiple projectiles', 5 arrows total, so you dont need a LMP/GMP support gem.
With LA you wouldnt be able to make a 6L setup like this: SA - WED, BM, LL, Chain, faster attacks. You would need LMP/GMP and would have to sacrifice either chain or faster attacks (and in the case of GMP, you would still have 1 less projectile).

Ofcourse LA has a nice AOE element to it, which works wonders I know. I suspect though that it will be overkill for dps and will cause one-shot reflect scenario's.

I could be wrong. This might work as well: LA - GMP/LMP, WED, BM, LL, Chain. Not sure what all the 'less' modifiers would do to the dmg in the end (LA has 70% damage effectiveness, Chain = 50% less damage, LMP/GMP = 30/50% less damage).
dangerbob написал:
Awesome build. I love it. This has inspired me to respec my 82 ranger to something similar.

I stopped playing my ranger because I absolutely hated ST :p With that still being the case, I'm now thinking of using this build's core idea with split arrow and a quill rain (3.11 aps!).

This is what I came up with (based on ShadowWalker07 IR variant):

Losing the shield would really hurt my defenses though, so I think I'm gonna change the haste aura for grace. This should give an insane amount of armor with all the increased effects of aura's and buffs. When combined with the lightning coil chest (convert 40% of phys dmg taken to lightning) and the 84% light res, phys dmg shouldnt really be a problem, right?

I would use the following 6L: split arrow - WED, BM, LL, Chain, faster attacks

I did some quick calculations. It should be possible to reach these stats with quality gems and + 30% weapon elemental damage on all slots that can roll it (including quiver):
5.5 - 6k life
10k armor, a lot more with jade flask
I'm pretty sure I messed up my dmg calculations somehow, but this is roughly what I got for damage:
DPS per projectile without chaining: 13.5k
DPS after chaining: 41k
All 5 projectiles together with chaining: 200k O.O

Not sure whats best for the single target attack. Barrage or Elemental hit.

What do you think? Will it work?

ps. If I failed hard with the calculations just say so :p

Dunno about dps calculations, but i have messed around with random crap bow and lvl 3 split arrow la + random quiver, dps was - 7.5k split, 11k LA which i belive are decent numbers (imagine if i had fast thicket with ele dmg and lvl 20 bow gems!). Barrage is terrible imo, I'd go for elemental hit/frenzy as a single target.

For split i'd go split-wed-chain-bm-loh-fa and for la-wed-lmp-bm-loh-fa. I think life on hit works better with these skills than life leech.
IGN: Kebehsenuf
Последняя редакция: ShadowWalker07#0104. Время: 23 дек. 2013 г., 16:41:49
Altissimus написал:
So, I did some comparison on a few weapons for this build, comparing:

Looking to see how to choose a weapon, based on APS / eDPS / pDPS. (Clearly we know pDPS is all but irrelevant here).

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 ele 76 eDPS 145.92 phys 37.0 pDPS 71.04 DPS 216.9 specDPS 4892.0
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 32.5 pDPS 69.22 DPS 150.2 specDPS 4847.6
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 32.5 pDPS 55.25 DPS 191.3 specDPS 4410.6
Death Scratch: APS 1.89 ele 40 eDPS 75.60 phys 33.0 pDPS 62.37 DPS 137.9 specDPS 4285.4

ele is (total ele damage / 2). phys is (total phys damage / 2)
eDPS is (total ele damage / 2) * APS
pDPS is (total phys damage / 2) * APS
DPS is the sum of eDPS and pDPS
specDPS is the damage done on the ST tool tip at this time on my build (level 71, Alpha's Howl, ST @ 17, WED @ 16, LMP @ 16, Haste/wrath/anger all at 16 (+2 from AH) BM & LL (no damage impact)).

Given that the auras and skill gems were consistent across all weapons when equipped, the specDPS differences are solely due to the weapons themselves.

pDPS comparison
To eliminate the impact of pDPS, I took the Eagle Bite (which was at 0% quality) and dropped 10 and then 10 more Blacksmith's whetstones:

Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 37.0 pDPS 71.04 DPS 216.9 specDPS 4892.0 @ 0% quality
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 40.5 pDPS 77.76 DPS 223.7 specDPS 4904.5 @ 10% quality
Eagle Bite: APS 1.92 eDPS 145.92 phys 44.0 pDPS 84.48 DPS 230.4 specDPS 4917.1 @ 20% quality

3.5 phys = 6.72 pDPS = 6.72 DPS = 12.5 specDPS gain (0-10% quality)
3.5 phys = 6.72 pDPS = 6.72 DPS = 12.5 specDPS gain (10-20% quality)
7 phys = 13.44 pDPS = 13.44 DPS = 25.1 specDPS gain (0-20% quality)

Thus 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS (approx)

ele damage comparison
To compare the impact of eDPS, consider:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 32.5 pDPS 69.22 DPS 150.2 specDPS 4847.6

As we know 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS, we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Viper Fang: APS 2.13 ele 38 eDPS 80.94 phys 44.5 pDPS 94.79 DPS 175.7 specDPS 4890.6

Thus we can see that 0.03 APS, 10 ele and 22.74eDPS equates to 144.7 spec DPS

Given the comparatively small APS difference, let's assume that's all down to ele/eDPS for the purposes of estimating and comparison, which gives us 10 ele for 144.7 spec DPS, or:

1 ele = 14.47 specDPS (approx)

We haven't used eDPS here so as to avoid double-counting the effect of APS (as eDPS uses APS).

APS comparison
To compare the impact of APS, consider:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 32.5 pDPS 55.25 DPS 191.3 specDPS 4410.6

As we know 1phys = 3.59 specDPS we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 80 eDPS 136.00 phys 44.5 pDPS 75.65 DPS 211.6 specDPS 4453.6

As we know 1ele = 14.47 specDPS, we can approximate:

Agony Spiker: APS 2.16 ele 48 eDPS 103.68 phys 44.5 pDPS 96.12 DPS 199.8 specDPS 5035.4
Spirit Slicer: APS 1.70 ele 48 eDPS 81.60 phys 44.5 pDPS 75.65 DPS 157.2 specDPS 3900.6

Thus we can see that 0.46 APS equates to 1044.8 specDPS

Or 0.1 APS equates to 22.7 spec DPS


In conclusion, my maths isn't good enough to figure this out completely accurately, and I can't be assed to dig through all the aura stuff to do a complete comparison! However...cock-ups aside, it should be good enough to show that (approximately and build-sepcifically - YMwillVary *a bit*)

- 1 phys = 3.59 specDPS
- 1 ele = 14.47 specDPS
- 0.1 APS = 22.7 specDPS

So, you can see that you need 2 points of ele damage for each 0.1 point of APS difference.

Hope that helps everyone decide what constitutes an upgrade on their weapon :)

That took AGES. So now I'm off to kill things. See ya!


If we use the OP's gear and stats, we can put together a ratio of total elemental damage on weapon to .1 aps. First I had previously calculated that OP gets 2723.45 of his dps from the elemental damage on his weapon. His elemental damage on weapon is 310 (sum of his minimum and maximum elemental damage per attack). This gives us 8.785 dps per 1 elemental damage on weapon.

Next we have 14195 dps divided by 2.13 attacks per second on weapon times .1 equals 666.44 dps per .1 attack speed on weapon.

Lastly, if we divide 666.44 by 8.785 we come up with 75.86 on weapon elemental damage = .1 aps on weapon

You can not look at Edps on a weapon as that is affected by speed.
Remember that total element damage on weapon is the sum of all min and maxes.
This should give you a decent way to compare weapons but ratios would vary based on level, tree and gem stats.

Interestingly enough, op would lose almost the same amount of damage if he removed all the attack speed from his weapon (going to a 1.7 speed weapon but same elemental damage) as he would going to a weapon with zero elemental damage but keeping the same speed.
Последняя редакция: Daarknight#7656. Время: 24 дек. 2013 г., 0:06:56

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