Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Mathil написал:
Daarknight написал:

I am pretty sure that over 11,000 of Mathil's dps is from Wrath and Anger. I'd be curious if Mathil can check his tooltip dps with just haste on. I am guessing about 3K.

3k with no auras. 3.3k with just haste.

I was close :)

So 3.3K from physical damage, on weapon elemental damage and elemental damage on other gear and 10,900 from the aura's. Confirmed, the stats on the weapon beyond speed make up a very small % of overall damage so players should save their currency for other gear and focus on weapon last.
Последняя редакция: Daarknight#7656. Время: 2 янв. 2014 г., 16:00:03
So much information in this thread, thank you to everyone who has been making small changes and keeping this thread going. I'm still pretty new to this game and, after having two 2h phys ST characters bite the dust, have decided to start rolling with this build. I'm following the theory of the build and have started to collect a little bit of gear, but the crafting is where I'm really lost.

Does anyone have a link to a guide that explains item crafting? I saw a post a page or two ago that explained the specific mods I would want to look for, I'm just not sure how I would go about getting the mods on a rare item.

Thanks everyone and keep the info coming, I'm really excited to get this build rolling!
ecooper758 написал:
So much information in this thread, thank you to everyone who has been making small changes and keeping this thread going. I'm still pretty new to this game and, after having two 2h phys ST characters bite the dust, have decided to start rolling with this build. I'm following the theory of the build and have started to collect a little bit of gear, but the crafting is where I'm really lost.

Does anyone have a link to a guide that explains item crafting? I saw a post a page or two ago that explained the specific mods I would want to look for, I'm just not sure how I would go about getting the mods on a rare item.

Thanks everyone and keep the info coming, I'm really excited to get this build rolling!

Nice to know about the aura damage. That is some crazy damage from just two auras. Now you guys have me thinking about how incredible a 5 charge level 20 frenzy build would be given that you would get 75% increased attack speed fully buffed.

Mathil, currently how many attacks per second are you throwing???

I got the whole concept of why this build works with ST since the good movement speed and the ability to kite keeps you alive, but I am still curious as to what the tooltip DPS would be with frenzy in a 6L with faster attacks, WED, life leech, BM and melee splash :)
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Mathil написал:

Hm, well with 5 frenzy charges then the attacks per second would be 7.6. Not as large an improvement as I thought it would be. Given that frenzy only buffs attack speed and physical damage, it doesn't appear that it would give as much of a damage boost as I thought. Ah well, continue raping stuff with spectral throw I guess :)

I don't what it is that keeps drawing me back to make a melee version of this spec, guess it is the part of me that wants to go all LEEEEEERRRRROYYYYYYY JENKINS!!!! and just kill fast, lol.
I've really enjoyed this build, and I don't even have an Alpha's Howl yet.

I went into a map that had "Blood Magic" just now and was completely taken aback. I can't figure out how to possibly get auras up to get my DPS where it needs to be for this map.

I've looked through every post in this thread and haven't seen it discussed; how do you guys handle the Blood Magic map mod with this build?
Daarknight написал:
xenochaos1 написал:
so looking at resist on weapon instead of elemental damage would be good also? since elemental damage on weapon doesnt give that much?


Weapon Elemental Damage (max 36).
Added Lightning
Added Fire
Added Cold

(you would love 3 of these. Preferably the first one as it is worth far more than the other 3).

Attack speed (23-25) or (26-27)

Best mod by far. Nothing is close.

The resistances are also suffixes.

You can have 3 prefixes ad 3 suffixes on an item so resistances will not interfere with you rolling any of the prefixes. If you are using Mathil's exact build, you will never crit so there is really nothing else to try to roll for a Suffix other than resistances.

Would a sword with 2.13 aps and 24 wed and 33resists and 90edps be enought for engame? Or the edps need to be higher? Or it is rly not relevent? And if we compare wed to edps is it worth getting 24 wed instead of 100edps?

Since i am poor i could juste alts and augment. Until i get 2.13aps and 24 wed, or epds should be considered?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
xenochaos1 написал:
Daarknight написал:
xenochaos1 написал:
so looking at resist on weapon instead of elemental damage would be good also? since elemental damage on weapon doesnt give that much?


Weapon Elemental Damage (max 36).
Added Lightning
Added Fire
Added Cold

(you would love 3 of these. Preferably the first one as it is worth far more than the other 3).

Attack speed (23-25) or (26-27)

Best mod by far. Nothing is close.

The resistances are also suffixes.

You can have 3 prefixes ad 3 suffixes on an item so resistances will not interfere with you rolling any of the prefixes. If you are using Mathil's exact build, you will never crit so there is really nothing else to try to roll for a Suffix other than resistances.

Would a sword with 2.13 aps and 24 wed and 33resists and 90edps be enought for engame? Or the edps need to be higher? Or it is rly not relevent? And if we compare wed to edps is it worth getting 24 wed instead of 100edps?

Since i am poor i could juste alts and augment. Until i get 2.13aps and 24 wed, or epds should be considered?

@catfish, can't you put your auras up before you enter the map?

@zeno, that weapon would be better than a 2.13 aps sword with maxed lightening damage. In other words, it is fine until all of your other gear is upgraded. Map viable ;)
catfish01 написал:
I've really enjoyed this build, and I don't even have an Alpha's Howl yet.

I went into a map that had "Blood Magic" just now and was completely taken aback. I can't figure out how to possibly get auras up to get my DPS where it needs to be for this map.

I've looked through every post in this thread and haven't seen it discussed; how do you guys handle the Blood Magic map mod with this build?

I typically roll over blood magic maps but I have done a few and it is still possible. Your best bet is to take all auras off and run wrath + anger, or just 1. You'll cut off about 40% of your life and have no defensive auras so naturally you'll have to take it slower, hence I roll over them usually.

They're do-able by all means but not worth the time/effort.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily

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