Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

150+ Intelligence for Wrath with only 50 on tree is gonna be rough :/

So what do we do?

Also does Ondars work with RT? I mean can you evade your own projectiles (reflect) with Ondars if your hits can't be evaded (RT)?

Последняя редакция: p4rasite#2964. Время: 13 дек. 2014 г., 9:36:15
p4rasite написал:
150+ Intelligence for Wrath with only 50 on tree is gonna be rough :/

So what do we do?

Also does Ondars work with RT? I mean can you evade your own projectiles (reflect) with Ondars if your hits can't be evaded (RT)?

You can't since reflect is based on your accuracy versus evasion.

You can't since reflect is based on your accuracy versus evasion.

Thanks for the quick response :)

Btw is Ondar's necessary then? Couldn't we go for more aura nodes (to run one more aura and get our auras buffed) and also get some 30int node(s) to get this build working easier?
Последняя редакция: p4rasite#2964. Время: 13 дек. 2014 г., 9:47:45
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This is my current tree, running Wrath, Anger, HoT, and HoI, both Heralds linked to Empower lv2 since I'm reluctant to try recoulouring Alpha's for RRRB. Ran few 74-76s today, not much of an issue, prolly Apex is still as easy as it was pre-patch tho I've gotten around 1,5k dps more due to Templar area changes.
Hey guys, I just got back after a few weeks of not logging on. Is the scion tree for this build still unchanged and fine to run with or did you guys made little adjustments to your trees?
p4rasite написал:

You can't since reflect is based on your accuracy versus evasion.

Thanks for the quick response :)

Btw is Ondar's necessary then? Couldn't we go for more aura nodes (to run one more aura and get our auras buffed) and also get some 30int node(s) to get this build working easier?

I'm assuming Ondars is there because it was close to some other Elemental nodes with some HP nodes on the way. Ondar's is pretty damn nice on an evasion based character though.
Hey everyone. I specced a char into Buzzsaw today and I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm confident in saying it's back up to it's old 1.0 glory.

Had to move a few passives around and here's my end tree.

Also as I highlight in this video if you want you can opt to go static strike with this exact build because it actually works pretty well.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Mathil написал:
Hey everyone. I specced a char into Buzzsaw today and I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm confident in saying it's back up to it's old 1.0 glory.

Had to move a few passives around and here's my end tree.

Also as I highlight in this video if you want you can opt to go static strike with this exact build because it actually works pretty well.

That static strike build doesn't look bad at all!
Would be cool to make that new skill work with a nice build, also looks like fun to play!
dropped a Tabula Rasa today on Torment, leveling with a 6link feels insane.

Noticing a severe lack of int, time to grab those 30 int nodes!!
Anyone have an update on the gem setup? I'm pumped to try this build out.

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