Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" It's definitely possible to get 10k tooltip dps. You need a weapon with 2.16 aps and level 20 gems + alpha's howl. |
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" I'm level 83, just respeced my old max block character into this |
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" Mathil is running HoI and HoT, not Haste. Also lvl 20 gems helps a ton. Also attacks/sec on your sword is way more important than edps. 240 dps is great but get yourself a 2.1+ aps sword and your dps will go up. Those two things will probably push you up a lot. If you're impatient like me you can just buy lvl 20 auras, they're cheaper if you buy them corrupted too cause people like to try to get lvl 21 and sell their failed attempts for a lower price. Domination IGN: The_Bloody_Fist and Aurora_Temptus
http://poexplorer.com/ - Forum Item Search http://exilestats.com/ex/ - Approximate currency exchange rate. http://www.poebuilder.com/ - Advanced skill tree builder. |
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"You forgot to mention the 6L chest.... ~DemiDemon~
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011. |
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You don't need a 6L or a 2.16 APS foil for 10k tooltip dps. I still don't have a 6L on my level89 Scion because I've not been playing long and don't have luck (or money)! My foil is only 2.09 APS.
You just need level20 gems in an Alphas and reasonable gear. I've tried Haste in 1.3 and I really can't recommend running it. It's easy to pick up attack speed cheaply on the skill tree instead and use the aura reservation for damage instead (or PoL if you're using a Lightning Coil). Run Wrath, Anger, HoI and HoT. If you're starting out, remember that a lot of damage comes from Resolute Techniques and the Celestial Punishment/Judgement cluster so it's worth getting there as soon as you can. Последняя редакция: covaruk#0619. Время: 19 дек. 2014 г., 2:25:28
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Empower does help a lot if you get it with your heralds. In my experience, its way better to have +1 to gems item with the 2 heralds and empower in it, than to have haste.
You can get stupid ammounts of attack speed on the tree, easly, while counting on your 4 auras to do the work. Wrath + Anger in Alpha's and Empowered HoT and HoI in the +1 to gemms item. +1 items are not expensive, I got mine for less than en ex. With just 20% mana reserve reduction from the tree I even have some unreserved mana left over. If you get more mana reservation reduction from the tree, thinking of the templar aura wheel, you can run empowered Anger + wrath in the alphas. I tried it and with my gear I was able to hit 17k tooltip dps with lvl 24 auras and lvl 24 heralds(unless you have lvl4 empower, but 40explz). Though I prefer more Attack Speed / WED from the tree for now, i'll probably go back to the lvl 25 auras configuration with another few level ups. And my passive tree at the moment, nothing groundbreaking
the gear in question
Everything apart from Alpha's(and you dont even need 4 offcolour alphas, I just happen to have one) and the rings was baught AFTER 1.3: Chest: white with 6L - 6 ex 100~ alts for 100+ Life, 1 regal for the resist. 2.5 ex for the crafted mods on it. 290 eDPS, 2.13 atcks foil: 3 ex (I think i might have gotten an amazing bargain for it) +1 Ausersize - between 20c and 2 ex, depending on the colouring you want. Belt - 1 ex Amulet - 2 ex, though the crit is useless in this build, still a very nice amu that I might use with my Windripper build. Basic stats: Spectral Throw: 13,350 DPS Life: 4,910 Dodge: 40% ; Spell Dodge: 46%; Evade: 39% w/o flask, 70-something with flask - Projectile immunity with Ondar's. 15%/70% IIQ/IIR. If I remove the magic find from the gear and get lvl 25 auras, the damage will be around 18k+ according to my imaginary maths done in my head just now. I haven't had the chance to try atziri with this setup yet, but im more than sure it will be easly doable. Последняя редакция: turpster#6716. Время: 19 дек. 2014 г., 4:31:00
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Decided to try this out and am finishing up normal on Torment. While the leveling experience has been very smooth, it's also been one of the lowest dps characters I've taken through normal. Currently have HoT, HoI and Anger running dual wielding foils, but things aren't too fast. Any idea when they'll start picking up?
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So what is considered the best chest for this build? Lightning Coil, Belly or an Evasion chest? If it's LC should the build or aura setup be changed accordingly?
At the moment I have a 6l low lvl Armor chest, should I consider switching it for any of the above if all I can get for now is a 5L? |
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If you're using Static strike then no need for Projectile damage and speed nodes right?
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I'm debating on whether my endgame chest is going to be a 5L Belly of the Beast or a Tabula Rasa. Would the Tabula be too much of a survivability hit for this build?
Domination IGN: The_Bloody_Fist and Aurora_Temptus
http://poexplorer.com/ - Forum Item Search http://exilestats.com/ex/ - Approximate currency exchange rate. http://www.poebuilder.com/ - Advanced skill tree builder. |
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