Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

xenochaos1 написал:
yeah but at what level can you achieve that? alpha howl let u use all your aura before lvl 90 at least xD

And gzzz rilling rrrgg on a 5l eva armor is hard Xd

There you go. You have to spend 64 points basically to get all the reduced aura nodes, acrobatics AND resolute technique.

So basically you can start running all 5 auras without Alpha's howl by level 52 (but really you have to have level 20 reduced mana gem, so you have to wait until level 68 for that to happen).

You don't need to run more than wrath, anger and maybe clarity (for the mana regen, so you can run ST off mana) until about level 65 anyway.

EDIT: Also the RRRGG on an evasion armor should not be that hard until you get one of the higher dex requirement armors. The likelihood of rolling different colors is based on the amount of attribute requirements. For example, high STR requirement will roll mostly red slots, high DEX requirement will roll mostly green slots, high INT requirement will roll mostly blue slots.

That is why when you see the reduce attribute requirement mod those pieces are easier to roll typically off color rolls.
Последняя редакция: runnin17#3309. Время: 4 янв. 2014 г., 14:51:12
112 chromatic so far... didnt get it yet

(but i dont have the less requirement mod)
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Awesome build. I really appreciate the guide. Over the past few days I was trying out Flubby's build, but as you noted on another person's post I don't quite have the money to flesh it out yet.

However, I think one of the big advantages of his build is the crit, power charge, shock stacks. I do not want to take away anything from either obviously very successful builds on both sides. Just curious if you ever considered doing something like this (just a skeleton still 32 points left) Essentially combining your life based multi aura with a crit twist and using a dagger.

Might be harder to get triple ele damage on your dagger if you also want crit chance, but not impossible really.

6L: LL, BM, ST, LMP, PoC, Additional Accuracy

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Again, just wanted your opinion on the idea given you experience with your current build. Any of your thoughts are greatly appreciated!

IGN: Blender_Sports
Последняя редакция: Stopdotnrole#4290. Время: 4 янв. 2014 г., 16:16:19
Regarding Flubby's build, it is incredibly expensive. All I had to do was read ST, PoC, crit dagger build and I knew immediately that it would be a hugely expensive build.

You are comparing a build that max costs 10 exalts to outfit for end game maps and comparing it to a build that costs over 100 exalts to reach similar DPS as Flubby.

I would personally love to have the currency to try out Flubby's build, but for 98% of PoE players they won't ever have the time to grind for those items or currency.

Both builds IMO are hugely viable, but your really cannot compare them as they are built differently.
hereis an other variant and heap:

SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Update on the chest craft. Took 2 eternal/exalts on the 5th mod (Lightning):

Going for Exile on the 6th mod, would take Ice if it rolls but keep the print.

Going to 6L before I try the 6th mod though so I can keep an imprint if I need it.
how do you know when you need to cast elemental weakness and when to cast projectile weakness? why 2 curse?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
xenochaos1 написал:
how do you know when you need to cast elemental weakness and when to cast projectile weakness? why 2 curse?

If you read through the entire thread (it's long I know) the OP says he never really uses PW anymore.

I personally still use RGB socket colors in my weapon but in the G I use Enhance (extra resist pen on EW) or TC (against leapers and other annoying mobs or turbo/onslaught map mods)
Personally I don't use projectile weakness. My go to curses are enfeeble and elemental weakness. If there are map mods that need it then I will use temporal chains.

If I was not playing in nemesis then I would probably never use enfeeble, but it is pretty much THE required curse in any hardcore league :)
So uh, I take it this whole build seals the deal on ST being the new Cleave. Long live ST.

That said, how vital is the 6L to this? I'm tempted to make a second ST Scion to go with my 2hander girl, but if it requires that 6L chest I feel a little squeamish. Plus I assume Alpha's Howl is going to be nutty expensive now that the cat's out of the bag.

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