[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

Totally worth it. It's a nice defensive alternative to the Infernal Mantle.


So, I'm in the Open Beta now. Got my hands on an incinerate gem. And while the gem has roughly 63% more damage now, it also has reduced damage effectiveness. From 30% to 10%. On top of that, the mana costs are higher now.

It's clear that incinerate needs to be build different now. I am messing around a bit with the gems, but I don't really know how to feel about these changes. Maybe coupled with an unique that adds an extra projectile, and fire pen for some high fire damage or something? The whole warping around seems pointless now, so it's more of a stand still and fire mechanic now.

Not sure if that's to my liking.

Well, who knows what will change after the beta!
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Appels_Zijn_Gezond написал:
Totally worth it. It's a nice defensive alternative to the Infernal Mantle.


So, I'm in the Open Beta now. Got my hands on an incinerate gem. And while the gem has roughly 63% more damage now, it also has reduced damage effectiveness. From 30% to 10%. On top of that, the mana costs are higher now.

It's clear that incinerate needs to be build different now. I am messing around a bit with the gems, but I don't really know how to feel about these changes. Maybe coupled with an unique that adds an extra projectile, and fire pen for some high fire damage or something? The whole warping around seems pointless now, so it's more of a stand still and fire mechanic now.

Not sure if that's to my liking.

Well, who knows what will change after the beta!

willing to know what changes will u bring to this amazing build hope it doesnt get a downside
Yes thank you so much for continuing to pursue a good incinerate build.

Here's another thought. You are, without a doubt, the creator of the most popular, usable, and fun incinerate build available. I am sure what you have to say as a beta tester about incinerate, as well as the other things that go into the making of the current build (ie. AA+MoM+EB) SHOULD carry a lot of weight with the GGG developers.

I say SHOULD in all caps because it really should, but...
I don't know if AA+MoM+EB should really be the same as it was. I am more concerned about Incinerate itself.

It's weak. Really weak. It easily lost over half it's damage potential with LMP, god knows how much with GMP, and on top of that, the damage effectiveness is also cut in three. There seems to be only one way to go with the new Incinerate - fire pen, proj speed etc. Everything that adds pure raw damage, but doesn't add any other elements. And even then, it will be just... well mediocre.

I wrote a little something about it on the beta forums. We'll see what comes from it.
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Would you help me?
Just over 3 act Cruel at level 58. Now on Merciless, im afraid to keep going to the next act because my elemental resistance.
I run The ledge 57~60 and now i'm run The fetid Pool hoping to drop something good.
What are the next steps?

Скрытый текст

Life: 2.529
Shield: 504
Mana: 646/1.174
Armor: 698
Resistance: 48%/70%/22%

Not even caught Eldritch Battery iet, I'll get when i have 2,8k~3k hp

*ps: i'm on hardcore
Последняя редакция: tomtit0#3125. Время: 3 мая 2015 г., 15:17:14
Hm. Some of your gear have some... strange mods on them. What's with the ES/AR on a ar item? :x

Your gear is quite bad for HC. Try to get HP on all your gear pieces, and a decent amount as well. If you have currency, try buying some nice things for one of two chaos a piece - they will be most likely much better than you have right now.

If you can not, just craft some resistance on your rings and amulet. If you can't do it yourself, see if someone with a decently leveled Elreon can help you with it.

Once you got your gear up to level, focus on getting a saffell's, it might not be a bit difference now, but it will be when mapping.

After that, see if you can get your cloak 5 linked. If you are unsure about it, just use the Vorici tool(70 jews, 150 fuses)

I am a nice guy.
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Is this build still viable when new patch hits that makes GMP/LMP pretty much completely useless (removing all shotgun ability from those skills)?
Appels_Zijn_Gezond написал:
This guide is not going to be updated for the 2.0 release

All projectiles now behave like arrows. Multiple projectiles emitted at exactly the same time can no longer hit the same target..

This is the end of everything this guide stands for.

I do not know how incinerate will be afterwards, I imagine it will still be very strong if it gets some buffs and stuff, but that is not what this guide is about. This guide is about the shotgun power of Incinerate. The lightning warp, the LMP/GMP, the damage mitigation. They are all build around incinerate being that close range caster. Without those things, incinerate needs to be played different, maybe as a longer range caster or...?

And then there are the changes to EB. This means we won't be able to run AA as it is right now. And who knows what else will get changed.

No matter how you will play it afterwards, after the next patch, this guide will be dead. I don't see the use of refitting the current guide into something new.

This guide has been loads of fun, both in building, playing, tweaking, and writing. I'm sad to say that this is the end - even though it might have been ended somewhere in 1.3 for me - but it might be for the better maybe.

Path of Exile is entering 2.0. So it's only natural that all from 1.0 is becoming obsolete. I am not angry or anything, just a bit sad that I have to say goodbye to a friend who brought me a lot of pleasure in this game.

And somewhere, I'm also excited. Because there will be a new game to be explored. And who knows what gem I might find in that game ;)

I'll probably edit the first post with this information.
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Great, the only beginner-friendly scion build that doesn't require like 5ex in gear investment in this forum is completely destroyed due to 2.0. GMP/LMP are obviously for beginner builds, why in the world would GGG kill beginner skills? To make it more difficult for newcomers and make it easier for veterans?? Seems so ridiculous.
Don't worry. I've been playing the beta for a while now, and there are already a few beginners friendly builds I can make a build around. This guide might not be around for 2.0, But I will be making a few others as the beta goes into live.
I am a nice guy.
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