[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

I'm having problems with mana regen after the patch. My mana regen was 220-250 before the patch and along with mana leech on my 6L infernal mantle there hasn't been any mana issues at all (even with lvl 75+ map bosses).. After the patch my mana regen has been decreaed by half its usual amount.. Around 120? Now it can barely hold having AA on, and once I fire my Incinerate my mana drops like crazy.. What happened O_O
So how did the LL change pan out in the end for Incinerate?
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Последняя редакция: Bleaq#5977. Время: 6 мар. 2014 г., 03:17:22
Appels_Zijn_Gezond написал:

Planned to update this earlier, but couldn't get on due to the forum maintenance.

Few notes about the patch:
- Witch is superior to the scion now. Scion can still work though, and excel in other area's.
- Leech is still working, will do more testing, but as it looks now, we can still use life leech without problems.
- The saffell's nerfs are no problem at all, we get even more max resists due to the tree
- Tree is awesome.

Final conclusion: This was a good patch for us.

It would be awesome if you could update the tier'd skilltrees you have in your guide!
I just started this build earlier as scion. I noticed you just updated the build. Could you please include another level-by-level tree like you have for old tree? So I know what to go for while leveling. Thanks.

Edit: Yea what the guy right above me said, lol.
Последняя редакция: Ryguy105#2390. Время: 6 мар. 2014 г., 03:50:01
I'm wondering whether this build is viable for Invasion league. What do you think?
I won't update the first post before I have everything tested. The farther I come, the more problems I am starting to see. This might be due to a lack of CwDT, but might also have something to do with the new leech values. I'm going to see if this is going to have any problems late game, and of course, change the build accordingly so that it's still viable.

If you guys find anything weird with incinerate, please let me know, I'm trying to look into these things asap :)
I am a nice guy.
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AzwTyr написал:
I'm having problems with mana regen after the patch. My mana regen was 220-250 before the patch and along with mana leech on my 6L infernal mantle there hasn't been any mana issues at all (even with lvl 75+ map bosses).. After the patch my mana regen has been decreaed by half its usual amount.. Around 120? Now it can barely hold having AA on, and once I fire my Incinerate my mana drops like crazy.. What happened O_O

This is the issue for me too. AA is unusable atm with my current mana regen and i dont know why.
The life leech change also applies to mana leech; that might be the reason.

Guess I'll play my duelist for now...
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
now im using this build for scion lvl 76


i have more hp/dps on incenerate, the same mana regen. but -12% elemental resist.
as for me, vaal pact is useless for build. i tested it, i cant regen hp as fast as i need.
u need to avoid bleeding on dominus...hp is fleeting faster, as for me.
Последняя редакция: mtr640#1211. Время: 6 мар. 2014 г., 05:58:35

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