BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

edit: got ring I asked.
exalted mana and cold :\
full gear
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3 auras + clarity, 66500 dps. lost 10k dps but no snapshots anymore.. should be some less with atziri gloves, but much fatter. 6450 ES now

@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 14 мая 2014 г., 23:24:11
JakeAlmighty написал:
Amarantine написал:
What a build this was! It was a lot of fun! I have to quit playing this league after this week, but I managed to get 76K DPS, 4.7k ES, and hit 92 in Ambush. Here's my gear:

What do you guys think? Besides a 6L Shav's, what parts of my gear are need of an upgrade? Also, with a 6L Shav's, would I have been able to do Uber Atziri?

I think Uber is extremely difficult without at least 7k es (as you'll just be one shot repeatedly otherwise) so my guess would be no. (unless you reworked tree for more es, without losing too much dps)

The real question I have is - Facebreakers???? the heck? lol (get Maligaro's! they're not even slightly expensive)

Edit: I realise FB has nice crit multi on it. The as/cc on Mali outweighs it imo. Another option is just use rare gloves with a really big aps roll on it + big es would be good too.

I was thinking about getting AS/ele damage gloves for more tank, but I like the dps.

I do have a Maligaro's, but I found that FB does slightly more damage since I have a really high crit chance (I have disemboweling, which gives lots of crit chance).

Aw, OK. I was wondering if I could do uber atziri this weekend as the final test for this char, but I need 7K es? I'm never going to be able to get that...oh well. Thanks for the input!
IGN: OneEyedShadow
Последняя редакция: Amarantine#5975. Время: 14 мая 2014 г., 16:33:21
Would something like this amulet be useful to this build?

I know it doesnt have spell damage on it but thinking the elemental damage, crit and accuracy make it decent.
Последняя редакция: ShirosLullaby#4041. Время: 14 мая 2014 г., 16:33:55
ShirosLullaby написал:
Would something like this amulet be useful to this build?

I know it doesnt have spell damage on it but thinking the elemental damage, crit and accuracy make it decent.

If you can roll crit multi on it then it's a pretty good amulet.
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
u cant roll multi there, but its still fine with t2 accuracy = like about 6-8% additional WED
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 14 мая 2014 г., 23:26:01
Assuming both daggers at 2aps and 9crit, would 29% spell damage or 33% wed be better?
IGN: AriakasRM
AriakasRM написал:
Assuming both daggers at 2aps and 9crit, would 29% spell damage or 33% wed be better?

I take spell damage
Ranger Phys ST Guide
AriakasRM написал:
Assuming both daggers at 2aps and 9crit, would 29% spell damage or 33% wed be better?

check it urself with amulets/ ring to be sure
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 16 мая 2014 г., 16:12:44
Almost got down uber atziri...

Made it to the 3 bosses without any deaths
Died once at the 3 bosses to titty bitch rain
On the way to atziri after 3 bosses I got a huge lagspike, made me die twice.
With 3 portals left I was at atziri, got her down to first phase, monsters running towards her.
Second phase where she spawns 4x atziri i accidently hit the reflect one and oneshotted myself.
Got back and killed second phase.
Third phase she got the 4x mirrors again and got em down smoothly, then I screwed up on the huge flameblast and she got me down.
Last portal, I get in and get her down a bit, then she spawns the monsters and I get em all down. Then the mirrors come up and i died due to puncture, my es was gone so fast :/

She had like 25% hp left when i died...

My gear :

I had 6.9k es and 40k dps, specced out of many dps nodes..
Should've used donyanis...
Ranger Phys ST Guide
can u share what tree u used for uber atziri?
were u using immortal call for 3x bosses?
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 17 мая 2014 г., 10:11:19

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