BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

FloatingEmpire написал:
Hello Sir,

I'm progressing towards this build for HC, and I can't seem to find an up-to-date passive tree, I was wondering if you could help a fella out and check out my current progress, and suggest a good passive tree for me to survive till 100 :)?

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Thank you so much in advance sir!

Best Regards


I went for Ondar's because it's closer than Vaal Pact and you don't have Acuities for reflect.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon написал:

I went for Ondar's because it's closer than Vaal Pact and you don't have Acuities for reflect.

Thank you very much sir, do you believe i'll be able to survive with this build? Note that i'm playing on the HC League, also do you have some suggestions for gear replacements for the build :D?
FloatingEmpire написал:
Chundadragon написал:

I went for Ondar's because it's closer than Vaal Pact and you don't have Acuities for reflect.

Thank you very much sir, do you believe i'll be able to survive with this build? Note that i'm playing on the HC League, also do you have some suggestions for gear replacements for the build :D?

Grab Lioneye's Paws for stun immunity, divine and 6L Shavs - in general, stay above 7K ES and you're 100% safe provided you play smart :)
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
in hc:

use a high es shield over some spell dmg, you probably wont have acuities so go for as high es gloves u can find, if u have to take out dps nodes for es start with multi nodes. they do give the highest dps usually but a constant dmg from spell/ele and a high flask recharge from crit are more valuable. thinkk abou using faste rporjectiles (drop inc crit /wed or if in a grp pcoc for it. i personally would try to get triple mana regen jewlery + high clarity level and run arctic armor as well but that needs some pretty strong gear and someone knowledgable to figure it out right. its definelty sustainable especially since whirling blades doesnt give u the movement mana drain.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby написал:
in hc:

use a high es shield over some spell dmg, you probably wont have acuities so go for as high es gloves u can find, if u have to take out dps nodes for es start with multi nodes. they do give the highest dps usually but a constant dmg from spell/ele and a high flask recharge from crit are more valuable. thinkk abou using faste rporjectiles (drop inc crit /wed or if in a grp pcoc for it. i personally would try to get triple mana regen jewlery + high clarity level and run arctic armor as well but that needs some pretty strong gear and someone knowledgable to figure it out right. its definelty sustainable especially since whirling blades doesnt give u the movement mana drain.

Thank you for your reply mate, can you update the build soon? Seems to be getting a lot of attention :D
can any1 link some pasive tree of this build? tnx
" You... managed to catch the fish i wanted? Congratulations! Let´s keep this a secret between the two of us, shall we? In the meantime, take this. It should be useful in the future." - Krillson, the 8th Master.
Grinding Gear & Gems
Click the first spoiler on page 1. The thread has tons of other skill trees as well.
IGN: Iski
Tree from first page
Swap 15% Power Charge duration for 10 int near Ghost Reaver and start as Ranger to save 4 points if possible.
Yesterday I did Uber Atziri without using Atziri's Acuity, Vaal Pact or any kind of snapshotting just to show that this build can do it (at least until the Nerfbat hit it).



Dream Fragments for the first boss (getting hit by a critical blizzard means instant death)
Additional Accuracy versus all the bosses

I went for very high ES (could go up to 9.5k+ with a real shield and a good pair of gloves) so that my life leech rate be as good as possible.
I took the flask nodes to get 97 fire and light res while using a flask.

Obviously it's way harder than when using Atziri's Acuity. It leaves little room for mistakes as getting hit once means you can't get hit a second time before you leech back your ES (and that's painfully slow!).

A dirty kill with little editing.
Just showcasing the strength of this build

Haboryme написал:
Yesterday I did Uber Atziri without using Atziri's Acuity, Vaal Pact or any kind of snapshotting just to show that this build can do it (at least until the Nerfbat hit it).



Dream Fragments for the first boss (getting hit by a critical blizzard means instant death)
Additional Accuracy versus all the bosses

I went for very high ES (could go up to 9.5k+ with a real shield and a good pair of gloves) so that my life leech rate be as good as possible.
I took the flask nodes to get 97 fire and light res while using a flask.

Obviously it's way harder than when using Atziri's Acuity. It leaves little room for mistakes as getting hit once means you can't get hit a second time before you leech back your ES (and that's painfully slow!).

A dirty kill with little editing.
Just showcasing the strength of this build

Good job sir. I just dropped a hope yesterday and still thinking about doing uber myself or let someone else run. I have an ele dagger so my leech is not that good(using LL on my shavs even) without acuity's. I can borrow the gloves from a guildy tho so might do that.

I just don't want to rip an uber set and waste 30ex...

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