BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Chundadragon написал:
Malum95 написал:
Hello to the frequenters of this thread! I've been away for a while, so looking for some guidance.

Played this build in domination, loved it. Few questions as I don't currently have the time to read through all the posts, if anyone could summarise how the build will work with the new changes, or give me a few page numbers to look through. (If that's even possible, I know they're changing the tree, but might not neccesarily effect this builds area of the tree? anyway...) I prefer the aura support build(hopefuly this one hasn't been broken or anything) and never bothered with snapshotting anywho, works very well with magic finding ;)

CoE doesn't work with PA.
Anger and Wrath got nerfed by 17-18%.
Reservation reduction nerfed, less auras.

DPS of this build got roughly cut by 40%, but it still works in the same way. The other thing to note is that usually PCoC is linked to spectral now instead of Flicker.

Wow thats a huge damage nerf, is the build still viable?
Yeh still perfectly viable - remember this build is a straight buff from elemental buzzsaws etc, as long as buzzsaws remain viable this build will be 10x as viable.

IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Hi guys,
I'm still new in the game i just have some question.
As i see the previous 3-4 page, the build has been nerfed, but still recommended.
Are you recommend this build to a newbie like me as well? (highest char, lvl79scion Infernal Blow in last league)
Could someone please link a "new" skill tree from poebuilder for example? Or we have to wait and see the rest of the changes?

Sorry if I asking stupid questions :$
szíriusz написал:
Hi guys,
I'm still new in the game i just have some question.
As i see the previous 3-4 page, the build has been nerfed, but still recommended.
Are you recommend this build to a newbie like me as well? (highest char, lvl79scion Infernal Blow in last league)
Could someone please link a "new" skill tree from poebuilder for example? Or we have to wait and see the rest of the changes?

Sorry if I asking stupid questions :$

No. Until you have a 90+ character, this build is too advanced (expensive)
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
What's the best way to build this in a new league? Rush to merciless and go full retard dominus farm? Or do you level with buzzsaw and do maps?

ImperfectBlade написал:
What's the best way to build this in a new league? Rush to merciless and go full retard dominus farm? Or do you level with buzzsaw and do maps?

buzzsaw: imho dead was borderline on dmg before is reep now (my perosnal opinion) if u want a cheap progression go whatever u please arc or flameblast cheapest easiest invest like 10-15 points into the corresponding dmg nodesu can freely respecc those later. then do some sor tof preferred farm (piety/dom) or simpy go ahead map map map and gear up along the way till u can swap.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Hey Flubby I went through the Taiwan trade forums and recorded the mana costs of gems which are needed for ST, thought it might be useful here too. So this is the actual gems in TW1.2 rather than datamined version.

wrath - 60% not changed
discipline - 60% not changed
anger - 60% not changed
grace - 60% not changed
haste - 60% not changed
all 4 purities - 40% not changed

wed - 150% not changed
lmp - 140% down from 150%
gmp - 165% down from 200%
faster projectile - 110% not changed
faster attack - 115% not changed
icd - 130% not changed
blood magic level 1 - 245% not changed
additional accuracy - 100% not changed
reduced mana level 1 90% - not changed
life leech - 130% not changed
pcoc -110% not changed (assassins mark gives u power charge tho...)
most importantly
spectral throw at level 1 7 - down from 8!!!!!

let me know if I have missed some gems

Green_honey_boo_boo is my favourite south park character!

My Goddess Scorned crit ele cleave build @ 1076445

anyone tried using this dagger with this build?
Mackon написал:

anyone tried using this dagger with this build?

Works beautifully, although that's more Fyndel's build.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon написал:
Mackon написал:

anyone tried using this dagger with this build?

Works beautifully, although that's more Fyndel's build.

yeah i've been looking at Fyndel's build as well, just wondered :)

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