BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Flubby написал:
rel4us написал:
what do u think the best weapon for this built?

link if you have some thing cool...

i think my is pretty good, don't know if the best...

rly nice dagger but my current would prolly cut it down at those very high end game lvls the aps become mad important. The multi might cancel it out but im pretty sure the 2aps win still. The one i alced looses to my current one which is like wtf ... ( not by a large margin though)

well, when we get to standart, i'll see what is the DPS of it...

from my math, the WED gem, is alot more effective then the physical nodes....

but it's just a math i did, i may be wrong....

in 2 days, i'll know
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Balguez написал:
Crown of Eyes isn't league specific. Headhunter belt, Raven mask and the Taming circle are.
Dunno if they'll change smth about the Crown. -80ES maybe? :)

the crown is league spacific, it does not drop in standart,

only the nemessis ppl that die, sold it there
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
rel4us написал:
Balguez написал:
Crown of Eyes isn't league specific. Headhunter belt, Raven mask and the Taming circle are.
Dunno if they'll change smth about the Crown. -80ES maybe? :)

the crown is league spacific, it does not drop in standart,

only the nemessis ppl that die, sold it there

Hmm, at this point I no longer know. On there's 22 crowns in standard and 22 in Domination.
IGN: korgan_bloodarrow
Actually there's a crown of eyes in the hardcore league ( Is it possible that someone linked it in the hardcore trading forum but that crown isn't actually in a hardcore league? It's verified.
IGN: korgan_bloodarrow
Последняя редакция: korgan_bloodaxe#0435. Время: 21 февр. 2014 г., 3:20:21
rel4us написал:
Balguez написал:
Crown of Eyes isn't league specific. Headhunter belt, Raven mask and the Taming circle are.
Dunno if they'll change smth about the Crown. -80ES maybe? :)

the crown is league spacific, it does not drop in standart,

only the nemessis ppl that die, sold it there

Nope. It was added in 1.0.1
"Added four new Unique items, all of which were designed by supporters."
And it drops in standard as well.
IGN: Iski
Ballistic Mastery for sure, unless you use faster projectiles.
It's only 3 point's and the difference to not having projectile speed is huge.
20% looks weak, but it's actually the sweet spot. You cover the whole screen. You don't fire off screen, blades returning in time.

Afterwards it's a choice of ES vs crit and spell damage.
Depends on your level and amount of ES of course.

Going for Path of the Savant is probably the best way, since it's both ES and spell damage.
Afterwards it's the power charge in the witch area and the node above. You can remove the 8% mana node behind Mana Geyser and get Deep Thoughts (mana noteable above power charge) at that point as well.

If you don't use the added accuracy gem, and don't get past 80% hit chance, Eagly Eye might be your best bet tho.

[e] Just saw you don't have Paint Attunement, and are only lvl 67?.
I guess that means either no Shavs (You should be CI then ofc.), and/or no Crown.
If that's the case, remove all spell damage, since it won't do jack shit. Get power charge and accu.
If you use Shavs and Crown, get PA asap.
IGN: Iski
Последняя редакция: Balguez#2498. Время: 21 февр. 2014 г., 4:40:42
Balguez написал:
rel4us написал:
Balguez написал:
Crown of Eyes isn't league specific. Headhunter belt, Raven mask and the Taming circle are.
Dunno if they'll change smth about the Crown. -80ES maybe? :)

the crown is league spacific, it does not drop in standart,

only the nemessis ppl that die, sold it there

Nope. It was added in 1.0.1
"Added four new Unique items, all of which were designed by supporters."
And it drops in standard as well.

i hope you'r right, but i know defrent....
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Flubby написал:
Haboryme написал:
Clarity won't get you far in half regen/no regen map, mana leech will.
Also unless you have some crazy shield losing discipline is huge.

@flubby: how much dps you had when we were running 78's? I'm currently at 48k (60k if i switch pcoc for added light, which I don't like, I lose my charges too often) but I still feel reallllllly far from your dps. I can cruise through 78's on my own but I'm not even getting close to your speed and you were carrying 5 people...

whenever i ran with you i was way beyond 80+ k. Thats the sugar if u cna put in inc crit and have constant charge supply u go godmode with this specc. Most times we played together iski was also in with his +2 45% auras and antoher 45+k on the table thats another boost for grp dps and rboos jumping between 800 and 110k then.
Besides that iski had the smae feeling though even when running with you as soon as i joined the party things went cosniderably faster. But thats mostly due to inc crit id sayy dps went up to 110k with that.

One thing though while i was watching you:

you do some very nice evasive defensive plays dodging dagnerous things etc. Though u do flicker way to little. At 50k your blades rip apart anything but high life rares, though if u stand still to much you need to put out to many blades to cover the whole area and kill all mobs. It becomes a throw down the pack move, throw down the pack move style. What you should be doing is : throw out some blades (3-4) then flicker the fucking hell till you cant flicker anymore or you have so little blades out that th lakc of leech becomes dagnerous. That usually kills 2-3 packs with 3-4 blades and your positioned up for the next pack allready.

the first style results in that stuttering lightnign arrow play style. Shits dieing around the grp but you dont go into locomotive pull mode with it. If u flicker more u automatically are at the front line pulling everything (mobs/grp) behind you and having the next grp iof mobs going directly for you which is perfect for dps. I was usually like jumping into packs get em almost down then move to the next and let the grp do the rest. i think thats the part you feeel is missing. If u dont have one pulling / a grp that can finish off it becomes rly rly stressfull since u are like responsible for killing almost everything and thats slow.

I really tried to use flicker more (when doing the rush for 100) but there are 2 main reasons why I don't do it as much as you do (even though I should)
1- I'm not as confident as you in my abitlity to survive jumping right in the middle of a pack, it's particularly true when there is some added ele dmg or vul or anything that might substantially increase the damage I take. I'm even less confident in the ability of my computer to not freeze when facing a big pack (shrine=big freeze 100%guaranted), actually with you it was kind of ok because I knew everything would be blown to pieces in a few seconds. In pub parties it's definetly not the same and I tend to be much more cautious.

2- I seem to use flicker less than I do, very often (at a point where it becomes exceedling upsetting) I flicker, start to throw my blades like a boss ...and I'm still 1 screen back mugging a poor wall. You can't imagine the number of times I never made it up the ramp on the sides of Palace (sometimes I would flicker on top, end up at the foot, re-flicker and end up yet again at the foot of the ramp and everything was already dead). So I don't know if it has to do with my shitty computer (internet connection is very good most of the time) but flicker is really desync-prone (in your videos you don't seem to suffer much from it).

I now have simple explanation for your way higher dps, you're not wearing so crummy pieces of gear. If I don't take into account uniques (shav, crown of eyes, maligaro's, auxium) I spent a grand total of 5ex and 24chaos on my gear... I couldn't buy much of your gear with that...

I also sincerely hope you're right and that this build will stay op after the patch. Regarding elemental life leech, it would have to be possible to stack a fairly good amount of it before it becomes interesting otherwise facing ele reflect will be really hard.
you only need 4% ele leech to counter ele ref see calculation everything above that is fre eleech

im currently messing around with clone with almost smae spec 135k tooltip rather funny what it does to rare mobs and bosses a bit annoying the desync and clear coverage
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

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