BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Jaqen написал:
Hi flubby, i have smiliar build for my wander. I was love my dps but after see this thread i just sit and cried a while :'(

My build not full elemental, its ele-physical. Since i cant leech and i cant sustain my mana without physical damage. Is there any tip to sustain mana without physical damage?

I have 11k aoe damage with my power siphon. (Power siphon - LMP - Chain - WED - Increased Critical damage) Which is too low compared to your build.

There is my gears;

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I couldnt find good spell damage shield in standard. There is a few good shields, but they are all mirror service and i'm not rich that much. And i'm using Wrath, Anger, Discipline and Tempest shield. Wrath-Anger and Tempest Shield on life, and discipline on mana.

And my build so far;
level 79 scion

My dps isnt great, but real problem is defence. I'm so fragile, and since my shavronnes not 6 linked, i dont have life leech gem. So, i cant run 72+ maps.

So, do you have any advice for me? How can i increase my dps and survivability with my 20 exalts?

Sorry for my language btw.

get a faster wand. wanding with anything but imbueds is crap. get that life leech gem rly its prirotiy one on elemental wanding.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby написал:

get a faster wand. wanding with anything but imbueds is crap. get that life leech gem rly its prirotiy one on elemental wanding.

How can i sustain mana with faster wand? Its really hard with elemental damage :'(

I need to buy 200pdps+ wand to sustain mana, which is quite expensive :)
Jaqen написал:
Flubby написал:

get a faster wand. wanding with anything but imbueds is crap. get that life leech gem rly its prirotiy one on elemental wanding.

How can i sustain mana with faster wand? Its really hard with elemental damage :'(

I need to buy 200pdps+ wand to sustain mana, which is quite expensive :)

id guess ull need charisma for more mana open i havent played much with wanding on this build but remember that what u would have left open is prolly to little. your dps looks shit though i had like 18k with a moonsorrow and dagger nodes instead of wand ones no treal idea why though
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby написал:
id guess ull need charisma for more mana open i havent played much with wanding on this build but remember that what u would have left open is prolly to little. your dps looks shit though i had like 18k with a moonsorrow and dagger nodes instead of wand ones no treal idea why though

I have 11k dps with moonsorrow too. But i have 10 wand passives. I think thats damage difference all about jewelery. And maybe because of critical multiplier nodes?

I tried to buy 200pdps wand with 1.5 aps, but its cost me 30+ exalteds. And they have 8 crit chance. Which i want more than 10.

Do i need to change my jeweleries or my wand firstly? What do you think sir?
well, i tried this built (abit weeker since i had a wich lvl 90 to try it, and the scion tree is so much better),

i use these items

not all to tied, but this dagger i have, for the POC,

is not bad at all....

i have all the mana i need, over 100 mana regen per sec,

and the 8% mana leech (i didn't even took the node) is more then enoght, i do 100 PDPS per hit,

74.5 crit chance, 833 crit multi, so my average physical damage per hit is 620, and 8% leech of it is 49....

skill cost 45....

and the clarity is over kill....

flubby, what do u think? i think the dagger holds it well....
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
if you're having trouble keeping power charges up, just use this link:

work in a few of these and your power charge troubles are gone
IGN: Masterxmind
rel4us написал:
well, i tried this built (abit weeker since i had a wich lvl 90 to try it, and the scion tree is so much better),

i use these items

not all to tied, but this dagger i have, for the POC,

is not bad at all....

i have all the mana i need, over 100 mana regen per sec,

and the 8% mana leech (i didn't even took the node) is more then enoght, i do 100 PDPS per hit,

74.5 crit chance, 833 crit multi, so my average physical damage per hit is 620, and 8% leech of it is 49....

skill cost 45....

and the clarity is over kill....

flubby, what do u think? i think the dagger holds it well....

can u link your witch specc? ppl ask for other chars if possible and at least value wise specc seems to be good. you btw have 130 multi and more crit with it then mine.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby написал:
rel4us написал:
well, i tried this built (abit weeker since i had a wich lvl 90 to try it, and the scion tree is so much better),

i use these items

not all to tied, but this dagger i have, for the POC,

is not bad at all....

i have all the mana i need, over 100 mana regen per sec,

and the 8% mana leech (i didn't even took the node) is more then enoght, i do 100 PDPS per hit,

74.5 crit chance, 833 crit multi, so my average physical damage per hit is 620, and 8% leech of it is 49....

skill cost 45....

and the clarity is over kill....

flubby, what do u think? i think the dagger holds it well....

can u link your witch specc? ppl ask for other chars if possible and at least value wise specc seems to be good. you btw have 130 multi and more crit with it then mine.

this is my tree:

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The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
in case smb in standard is looking for a pretty decent set for this specc:

gl hf
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)

did some fun with that mirror thingy and aura support and my gear:

183k spectral so im pretty convinced atm that one could go short over 250k with the perfect jewlery.

Regarding dualstrike guy: yes viable i used fa multi inc crit wed leftt 6 th slot open

mirror dagger +hatred and my auras non aura supported was 380k but i forgot to take screenshot somehow

my dagger+hatred and my auras non aura supported 250ish k just saw i was missing a powercharge so like 270ish k

youd have to discount a bit for adding melee splash but those numbers rip anything aparty easily -> gl hf
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Последняя редакция: Flubby#5422. Время: 24 февр. 2014 г., 15:01:17

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