BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

Farkas_NobleBorn написал:
hi,ı am 47 lvl scion ı cant farm with this items anyone can help dps 306 and ıcant even farm on cruel docks :/
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Upgrade your weapon, you're using a level 28 axe at level 47.

Use the recipe: rare rustic sash + blacksmith whetstone + weapon. It will give you a weapon that has 70-89 Increased Physical Damage.

Also! Thanks for the build Flubby/Iski as I am loving it. Have been trying to keep up with your gear levels! But you guys are a fair bit richer than I.

Here's my current gear:

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The jewelry could REALLY use some work but I haven't found any that I have really loved. DPS is sitting at 7k solo with level 18 auras, so not quite sure why you guys have such a massive DPS lead on me.

Anyways just wanted to post my progress on the build so I can come back here months later and see what I came from! Thanks.
IGN - Customs
#1 Duelist Season 4
Последняя редакция: Customss#0917. Время: 17 марта 2014 г., 9:56:18

#1 issue by far is your dagger. Aps is great but you have no extra crit, just crit + aps would be enormous

Also try to get more %increased weapon ele dmg on your jewelry, that helps a lot, the spec doesn't take much in the tree because we can get it so easy on gear
That's true. Base crit and attack speed on the weapon is indeed huge, hard to get as well.
Our Auras hit level 20 a few days ago, so that's another huge portion of what you're missing.

Plus, we made the (Ambush) builds to work together. You'd get close to my values when you are next to Flubby.
I like your gloves, Maligaro's probably give more paper dps tho.
Looking to get good ES gloves myself, I fear I have to craft them tho.

Next update after Crowns :)
IGN: Iski

Can someone please look at my current Passive tree and suggest further guidance and where it may be lacking? Current gear will be below. Thanks for the tips folks!

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PM responses if possible, i will check thread as well. <3
Has anyone tried the build with flicker strike as the main skill?
Would appreciate some insight/opinions/feedback on that.

may i know Which Bandits need help? and how about the dagger is need high attack speech + accuracy only?
Последняя редакция: thomashiing1#0678. Время: 18 марта 2014 г., 4:19:13
thomashiing1 написал:
may i know Which Bandits need help? and how about the dagger is need high attack speech + accuracy only?

Mana or Passive
Attack speed
Power charge

Regarding the dagger, "attack speech sounds rather OP :P"
But seriously, read the first page
i facing the mana reg problem ,how u guy solve the mana problem and how much mana after open the aura and your mana per sec Reg ?
Does anyone have the current skill tree for me? The ones on pages 1 and 37 aren't updated to 1.1.0 and thus have 80 points left.

Thanks guys
Hannesnewb написал:
Does anyone have the current skill tree for me? The ones on pages 1 and 37 aren't updated to 1.1.0 and thus have 80 points left.

Thanks guys

You may want to check page 58 for Iski's and Flubby's current spec/gear set.

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