BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

essau написал:
This isn't a price check thread...

As for my progress on the build, seems to be going really well. Had someone point out a few flaws in my build which I have since fixed.

Currently running ~20k self buffed dps. Once I get my gems qualitied it should go up another 1kish. ES is a bit low at 4.4k but that should be remedied when I get shavs. However, I have ~10k evasion just with grace on so that's nice (~50% evasion).

EDIT - and how about that vaal orb on the boots ;)

nice vaal:D.

quality on inc crit is 50% multi more thats a lot more then just 1k+. 4.4k is more then enough till lvl 75 maps imho and ye sshavs fixes that.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
two things:

try out either chayula, lioneyes paws or get unwavering. iski and i felt a lot of desync issues when using heart of the oak and consider stun immunity mandatory again. especially if you run palaces with those pesky bubble poeples.

when you run the mf setup make sure you pick some % accuracy nodes or get accuracy on the dagger (which is very hard to get with crit and aps). Another option is dropping the voideye and get an accuracy ring. though the lvl 25 wrath is a godly dps boost especially with crown.

the 250 accu from crown alone dont cut it since the hit chance is jsut to low. i can not give any general advice here since you simply have to fiddle around with the gear, how many poitn s you have available and what in the end feels right for you.

with regards to that rarity setup guy with 9k dps. without quali gems and just a 5link thats what you gonna get. allthough 9k spectral on a rarity buildout is imho allready mad strong and tons more usefull then all those 0 dmg plain cull guys that cant even cull the bosses since they dont have any standing power.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Lioneye's Paws are pretty good to get the extra strength you miss. You just need to forget about walking, unless you don't mind getting overtaken by a sloth riding a dead slug.
And if you get the +1 frenzy (i'm jelly), bam jackpot!
Eye of chayula means losing a lot of dps but that's obv a good (and cheap) way to go for mf (with wondertraps).

Acc can be obtained on at least one of the ring (up to 400), i've seen a quite few decent ones around.

@flubby: your amu is so good (and could do wih some blessed orb :x) and gz for the 6L
Hi there. Maybe someone can help me. Trying to do a similar build but the dps isn't there.
I'm going for a life based build but I'm only doing like 2k dps I don't get how you getting from 30-40k dps seems impossible. I'd be happy with 10k LOL. If anyone can get me to 15k dps will offer

Here's my current gear(Nothng is out of reach for me but I want life build no es.

My Tree (Ranger)

WTB Map drops since 2013
d2trust написал:
Hi there. Maybe someone can help me. Trying to do a similar build but the dps isn't there.
I'm going for a life based build but I'm only doing like 2k dps I don't get how you getting from 30-40k dps seems impossible. I'd be happy with 10k LOL. If anyone can get me to 15k dps will offer

Here's my current gear(Nothng is out of reach for me but I want life build no es.

My Tree (Ranger)

im thinking you are relatively new to the game?if you want to get high dps you NEED to go ES path because only through lowlife builds(which only use ES) can you attain such dps.

lowlife allows multiple aura stacking+synergy of CoE+pain attunement and spell damage nodes to give a massive boost in dps.but of course the drawback for lowlife is that unless you have very decent to great gear,survivability is going to be an issue because of lack of leech+vaal pact nerf.

if you are contented with only 10k+dps(and since you INSIST on life instead of ES)with a relatively low budget and being able to do endgame you're on the wrong thread.instead check out mathil's elemental ST build which is extremely popular atm


d2trust написал:

No wrath, no anger - not this build.

You're trying a physical version, which won't work without a really good (prolly mirrored) phys dagger. Even if it would, I doubt you could handle physical reflect. (See #1 Atziri atempt in standard. Oneshotting himself twice on the reflect mirror) There are guides for that somehwere in the shadow/scion section. I bet they're all low life tho..

IGN: Iski
Got crowned. Upgrade of Ambush progress
~40k self buffed / 6400ES
~58k dps / 7k ES with Flubby next to me.

dps screenshot

New dagger is amazing, ammy still pretty bad. Swiched Mali's for ES gloves which allowed me to use a higher ES shield because of res issues. Lioneye's Paw's for stun immunity.
Not sure bout the shield yet, might take Prism Guardian, might get a high ES/spelldmg one.
Still lot's of improvements to make, especially crit multi wise / aura levels past 20.
Got a lvl 3 enhance, 36%qual bloodrage is nice.

7k ES 58k dps feels very strong I gotta say.

current lvl 94 skilltree

Q: Why less dmg than Flubby on page#1 with almost same gear?
A: Way less crit multi from gear/skill tree thanks to recent nerfs.
I use pcoc in the 6L
Gear still much worse in general.
IGN: Iski
Последняя редакция: Balguez#2498. Время: 24 марта 2014 г., 8:27:42
Balguez написал:
d2trust написал:

No wrath, no anger - not this build.

You're trying a physical version, which won't work without a really good (prolly mirrored) phys dagger. Even if it would, I doubt you could handle physical reflect. (See #1 Atziri atempt in standard. Oneshotting himself twice on the reflect mirror) There are guides for that somehwere in the shadow/scion section. I bet they're all low life tho..

k will have to go ele version then. I just need to know what to do. Like I said will pay someone to help me find what gear to get and what changes i need to make
WTB Map drops since 2013
d2trust написал:

k will have to go ele version then. I just need to know what to do. Like I said will pay someone to help me find what gear to get and what changes i need to make

If you insist on staying full life, check my old life ST phys/ele hybrid with acrobatics.
If you want to go low life, all info is in this thread. Mainly page 1 and my post from page 58.
IGN: Iski
So made it to 72.75 over the weekend. I was having tons of issue with defense if I was running at resist cap, so I gave up maxed res for some added help with grace

Current Gear

My flasks are not perfect, and I did map this morning with no frozen/chill so dont have equipped. The dagger is not perfect, but it is 242 dps which is very very helpful.
Последняя редакция: ricklington#4429. Время: 24 марта 2014 г., 11:06:34

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